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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Kartoffelkuchen said that they need 1-2 months. I think sometime in August.
  2. You can do this yourself. Go to Gamedate/NehemiahInc/Kemini Copy one of the .cfg and rename it like MM_Corvus.cfg. Open this file. Change the Partname. Ready.
  3. hm, i don´t understand how i activate vertical velocity. In the ActionGroup Menue i can choice vertical velocity and the Button change to green. But whats the next step? I don´t see any action in the menues of the parts. Edit: OK, now it works.
  4. Do anyone know a IVA with RPM for the Apollo capsule?
  5. OK, now it works. Does dies contain a full controllable IVA like Aset?
  6. hm, i used this in 0.90. But I like the ASET-IVA and to control the ship from this...
  7. @MeCripp It didn´t work for me. The same as before. A second issue: The Windows of the Orion are at the south, the IVA-Sight looks north. A question: How can i use the Fustek Stationparts along with Chaka? When I copy the Fustek-Folder to GameData i cannot see any parts in the VAB. And: Is there a Chance to make a IVA for 6 Kerbals for the Orion? Many Questions, i know.
  8. hi I like the IVA of the ALCOR and the Orion. But I have a problem. I can`t see a Navball. Here´s a picture. http://www.bilder-upload.eu/thumb/a939e4-1435451139.png' alt='a939e4-1435451139.png'> Chaka and RPM are the only two Mods i have installed in the moment. When I use other Mods with RPM there is everything OK.
  9. Hey, nice Mod. Is there a chance to activate this Mod by an Actiongroup? The reason is to activate the vertical velocity by Klockheeds Smart Parts for a full autmoated descent.
  10. I had the same issue. After installing the Stock Bug Fix Modules i had it not any more.
  11. when I rollout the vessel with KCT i can`t see a vessel standing at the launchpad in the KSC-Overview. when i click at the launch pad it shows a message that i must go to the vab to construct a vessel. i can only sitch to the vessel by KCT.
  12. I have tested When i launch the Vessel by clicking the Launch-Button in the VAB everything is OK. The issue happens only when i launch by the KCT-Window in the KSC-Overview.
  13. Is there a Problem with New Horizons? When I launch a Vessel the KSC looks like this: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=76ecb5-1432839991.jpg Output.log: http://www.file-upload.net/download-10649983/output_log.zip.html
  14. Delete the PartConfigs.cfg in the KSP Rootfolder. I had the same problem.
  15. Does this mean that EVE isn`t supported, only KSPRC? But KSPRC isn´t ready for 1.0.2. Currently i use EVE for clouds. So i can´t use NH?
  16. I have an issue with TAC. Availabel Kerbals who stay in the Astronaut Complex die after some hours. Status: K.I.A. i had the same issue in 0.90. Do anyone know this issue? I have no other Lifesupport-Mod.
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