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Everything posted by Pkmniako

  1. Some updates Learning to implement the UI proves harder than first thought, it will take more time. OWR works on 1.4.5, but if you find any weird bug please post it here Next version should make Cercani almost-static. This will mean it wont move when going there! Latest versions of scatterer and EVE will work.
  2. Very nice! I love the new Kittopia UI. Must had take a lot of time. On an unlerated note... Very hyped to see Kopernicus 1.4.13 sometime soon. Normal Maps must be either .dds files compressed in the DXT5_NM format (NM for NormalMap) or using a exported normal map from Kittopia (This doesnt require any other program like GIMP or Photoshop) If a normal map isn't as the game wants, it does the 90 degrees thing.
  3. Memory Lane A week ago, the original Other Worlds had its third birthday. On July 3rd, the Development thread was opened. This has gone very far. Thank you people.
  4. I dont feel the mod is finished enough for people to get it while browsing spacedock. I still might change some things and could be bad for things like career mode saves. But I'll make sure this ends up in spacedock when it comes out of dev version I might add a force limit to each sail but they might be set high so to avoid kraken attacks and still allow crazy accelerations, people have fun with that. But the UI will limit the gforce to 1g by default so to have realistic acceleration in massive ships at the start First, you should have totally have asked this to @AndrewDrawsPrettyPictures and Valentine is meant to be more of a double companion, but hey, I cant judge. Second, you can go to the configuration file of Cercani in OtherWorldsReboot/CercaniSystem/Kopernicus/Cercani.cfg. Inside yhe orbit node you will see a variable called hideOrbit = true or something similar (I'm on vacation, cant remember now lol). Copy that to Valentine's orbit node
  5. (Left: All petals of the sail deployed) (Right: One petal stowed) Today I've decided to start modeling the big laser sail. It's going to be a mess to texturize and animate, but I think the end product will be amazing.
  6. > 0.4.3 Alpha - Return to Developent! \o/ - Added OnDemand loading. Less RAM usage - Fixed C2-1 and C3-1, now you can actually land on them! - Changed Vassa's Colormap, now with very nice gradients between grey and white - Changed Disole's Cliff color, now darker than the surroundings - Fixed Troni's biomes. More fixes for Troni will come soon
  7. This is very interesting as I dont have this problem Could you state what cloud mod are you using and submit ModuleManager.ConfigCache?
  8. First GIF: Slider that changes max G-Forces the sail experiences Second GIF: Changing between the two modes of the sail: Kerbin as source of force or another vessel Image: Concept Art for a 50m Laser sail that will enable crewed travel thorugh laser highways. You can check it ingame with the information icon in map view or the tracking station
  9. If you look at the parameters of Niko, you will see it's a perfect planet for mining.
  10. The force being applied into the sail will always be the direction is pointing. But keep in mind the force is proportional to the cos(angle) between the Source-Vessel vector and the Pointing vector.
  11. Quick update I've finished all the Art department regarding the UI. The two buttons at the bottom even change color to red when they are ON.
  12. Working on the custom UI for Laser Sails. I still have to learn to make it actually usable, so that will be fun.
  13. Left: Current Vassa, Right: Enhanced Vassa Notable changes: Smoother surface from orbit, darker ocean color, variety of surface shade. Maybe, but it will take a while to fit the old Kevari with the new style
  14. Changed slightly Vassa's Colormap to have colored mountain sides (white) and darker tones in high areas
  15. I've made the Inter-vision symbol the logo for the mod. I'm very busy these weeks, so dont expect any main milestone soon
  16. I'm on my finals, so I wont do much with OWR in the next weeks.

    In the midtime, I can tell you I've designed two star systems for it which I'll try to make them after the laser highways are done.

  17. Status Report: Status Reports exist. Taking notes.

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