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Everything posted by Pkmniako

  1. Yes, it is compatible with OPM. And regarding scatterer, it uses configuration files for the latests versions of the mod. You also might want to wait a bit for the new version. Though the differences in stuff like orbits and masses are barely there, there's some that could still affect the savefile.
  2. Two news Made a Discord Server where I will announce stuff like beta-testing and the release of the mod! And also, if you join that server, you will find a application to beta-test! The mod is very, very near completion, so I guess it's the time to be excited.
  3. Getting close to finishing it. So excited! I'm currently doing the probably most complex part, but it's not as big as the rest. For those who have been reading the forum and/or the discord chats where I talk, I come with a little present. Nothing very big, but hopefuly charming enough. (Use Z/X/Arrows to navigate)
  4. I've updated the main post so people don't get confuse and think the old version still works. Progress with the bonus content is going quite good, I'm already at 48% of the main content creation. After that, I will fix some (pretty big) bugs and small details and will release a close beta of the mod. In the meantime, have even more pics! I can't not post very interesting ones as I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it's something at least:
  5. No, wormholes are not planned. It could be cool to have it as a extra config you could download. On the other hand, no license in the world will stop you from making your own config file to put a wormhole in.
  6. Little update, I've already have someone to help with the texture problems I mentioned a few weeks ago! Now I'm searching for someone who could help with Science Experiment Definitions. I have preset configuration files, which means if anyone wants to help, they won't need to deal with any localisation hell. If you want to help, just send me a private message or message me in the Kopernicus Discord Server (Chat name #duck-below-good). Also, the clouds I posted of the Ice Giant sometimes decided not to work, which is extremely odd. I will have to investigate further to see if it's not an old configuration file I had lying around. And regarding the bonus content I'm doing for the mod, it's progressing quite nicely. A lot of the coding is done, which is nice. I'm very happy with how the mod's gameplay is turning out, fun and intriguing. Hopefuly you will be able to enjoy it. I didn't have this planned, but now that you mention it, it would be a nice idea, so thanks for brining it up!
  7. I've been doing some more coding and modeling. The first one, I'm very famirialized with that. The second, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, not so much. Nothing I can really show you without being spoilers for something I want to be in the mod, sorry. On the other hand, I've comed up with the idea of having a way of spawning pre-made vessels for players that really don't feel like going all the way through interstellar space. You got it all, a nice interplanetary vessel that can theoretically return to Kerbol (Though grab popcorn for the wait), some general purpose landers, a specialiced one for Pequar, and more! Also, I would be very thankful if someone that knows how to texture in the style of KSP would contant me. Between university and my skill issue with texturing models, I would love to have someone help me with texturing some models for the mod. Also, new planet????? Wait, let me try that again Bonus Images:
  8. For those who use the Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap dll. When bundling it, please add it to your download so the folder 000_NiakoUtils sits inside GameData. Some people thought this meant put the .dll wherever they want. Please don't do this, as duplicate .dlls can yield problems or have things like Zero Mini AVC complain.
  9. I have not said anything in this forum post for a long time. For those who don't know, I've been updating the mod for the past 2 months while I was also working on my end of degree project for university. I have been talking about what I've been doing in the Kopernicus Discord Server, but from now on, I will try to also keep you forum dwellers updated too. When can we expect to have a download for this new stuff? No idea! You will have to wait. I have a real life going on, and that has to take priority. What have you been doing? Well, I'm glad you ask! I've redesigned the planets that I considered that had it the worst, specially Troni and Kevari. Those two were very ugly before. Troni now looks like this! Quite a change. This picture is from a Blender Render. Read a bit more about the redesign here. Kevari now looks like a proper moon you wouldn't like to go to. It looks like rotten tomato soup, so I might call it like that in the future. Read how the redesign was made here. Can you find the island chains? Now they actually exist, instead of being underwater! Pequar now has some nice craters to break the monotony of one of its hemispheres. There's even a nice mountain for you to climb (Even though the slope is like barely 10 degrees) Bonus gigantic stream of sand spanning half of the circumference of Pequar Disole now lookng better than ever, with more contrast of colors and a few more surface features (Like that mountain at the north of the image!) Look at this Ice Giant, it has colour! No longer bounded to be a featureless world. The ice world pair now has 156.35% more style, sporting craters, cracks and more! (Also blender renders) I've also started testing having Parallax Support, and it's starting to look quite nice! (This is the same mountain that I pointed out at Disole, yes, it looks like a face) New orbital icons! Pixelart even! Bonus Images: What are your future plans? It would be really nice to finish the star system I teased back in the day. I still have the files, but I don't feel motivated to make new planet textures right now. On the other hand, I want to try to make the planets a bit more interesting, by having special things be on specific parts of the star system. The idea is in its infancy, but I hope I will be able to make it. Wait hold up, what do you mean by special things? If I finish it, you will like it, I assure you.
  10. This forum post is aimed to share some utilities and tricks that might help with developing custom planets that use Kopernicus. This page is meant for planet developers, not for regular users. Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap (0.3) Download (and source): Github / CKAN License: MIT Comparison Images PQS similar to the stock's VertexHeightMap, but using cubic filtering instead of bilineal filtering. This yields a generally less pixelated terrain, and far better and smoother cliffs. Read the wiki for installation and usage. It's recommended that if you use this PQS in your own mod, you bundle it with your mod, as to avoid annoyance to the users. Bundle it so the folder 000_NiakoUtils is in GameData. The mod is also avaliable on CKAN.
  11. Are those, backlit rings? That's so cool! Will the rings change depending if you look at them from the front or from the back, like the many pictures of Saturn Eclipses?
  12. FINALLY, THE BUG HAS BEEN VANQUISHED Time to actually circumnagivate Eve this time
  13. I don't think the best idea is to talk about how you are waiting for a new thing on the previous weeks thing, but that's just my opinion. Don't worry if it comes a little late, it has arriven these last times. On the other hand, this time the announcement hasn't been on the forums, it has been on Twitter and KSP2's Blog KSP2's Blog: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-11-engine-exhaust-visual-effects/
  14. I think the best part of this UI is how the Atmosphere indicator is not shaded in a linear way, but with higher parts of the atmosphere encompasing more length of the indicator. Makes me smile each time I see it.
  15. I had logged into the forums just to ask if that unknown water-y planet was this one! Nice to know it's not Laythe. And while I'm here, I love this planet concept. It's something I haven't seen much in sci-fi at all and teaches a bit about the history of Earth. Extremly excited to visit it when the game comes out! I really hope it doesn't have Oxygen, so people get confused planes don't work on a blue sky.
  16. Amazing showcase! Really really loving the tutorial animations, the planets, the KSC, the awesome kerbal animations and the asteroid-full rings! I also made a small collage of (Oceanic world with lots of craters). The only problem I have is with this very planet, which in my opinion, it has too many craters and very little erosion due to the amount of water around. If it's a moon, maybe it could have one hemisphere full of craters and the other have more eroded coasts (Or maybe it already does ) But anyhow, amazing work you fellas are pulling out!
  17. Only those dealing with horrible cesspools would dare to come up with that phrase. Jokes aside, both places are amazing in their own rights, just usually used for different things. One can totally use both and have a more fully kerbal community experience! - Hugs, a subreddit mod
  18. Tried launching Beale's Soyuz and had no flips. Would have tried with your craft @Fredde104, but there are parts I don't know from which mods they are from.
  19. KSP2 has been cancelled. Now KSP4 is on the works, with 42 new types of SRBs.
  20. Biomes are included in most of the planets, with just a few having unfinished ones but working ones. Though the filesize is large, you can use it with just a very small dip in performance. Kopernicus has OnDemand loading. I haven't made a Kerbalism config as it doesn't support different sources of Solar Wind, which makes the radiation belts kinda wonky There are plans that I would love to do. But with university and the new KSP 2 announced, these might have to wait even longer.
  21. He was referencing a mod of his own based on Interstellar too, not any Kargantua continuation
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