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Everything posted by Pkmniako

  1. Laser generator, Laser source or just Laser. This part will be used to generate lasers which can be used to accelerate/decelerate sails. Will consume lots of electricity. Also, it better be firmly on the ground.
  2. Alpha 0.4.2: - Finished Crons Color and Height maps (Finalized design) - Added recompiled Distant Object Enhancments for exoplanet flares (License CC Attribution 4.0 International) This is an optional feature and isn't required by OWR - Transformed most planet textures into .dds -> Faster Loading! - Added Compatibility with Kopernicus Expansion: Troni's lava glows on the dark - Biomes Maps for Crons and Troni (Functionality in later not yet implemented) - New Orbits for the planets, very similar but balanced, mainly inclinations - Removed weird polar asteroid belt around Cercani - Added proper asteroid belts around Cercani (Inner, Middle and Outer/Scattered)
  3. There are really only 3 things needed to make planets for Kopernicus: A image editing software: For the creation on maps. You can always use procedural generators, but it's very important to have a image editing software for editing them for important planet features (For example, specular mapping or Polar Distortion). The best bet is always GIMP, as it's free to download and has pretty much all the same functionalities as Photoshop. A text writter: This is how you actually make planets with Kopernicus, by the use of Configuration Files (.cfg). Inside them is every piece of information Kopernicus needs to create a planet in-game. And every variable is in the international system (except geeASL which is in gees). Distances are in meters, orbits are in meters and degrees, atmosphere in pascals (?) etc... And sheets of paper and a calculator: No joke, this is the most important part you have to have while making planets. Do you want to have a planet orbiting this far from Kerbin? Just draw it, measure it with a ruler and you have your new semi-mayor axis! This also helps to visualize the mass and sizes of your planets, in the design phase of planets (a.k.a. maps) and more! And just a final say: Making a program to have everything I've mentioned would not just be hard, but incredibly wasteful. One can't make something even remotely better than GIMP or Photoshop, Kopernicus's configuration structure has been simplified enough that is now more accesible than ever and the amount of features it would need to substitute sheets of paper would be astronomical.
  4. Crons is getting along nicely. Color map is done, the ice cracks are done. Only things left are a good normal map, surface and scatterer config.
  5. An another update, Troni now has glowing lava oceans thanks to KopernicusExpansion compatibility, thanks @GregroxMun for reminding me of this feature.
  6. Cercani will have 3 asteroid belts Inner (Troni's orbit) Middle (Between Pequar and Nienna) Outer (Prima's orbit, farther, lot of scattered asteroids)
  7. It better have bay doors Checks image It does! Time for some fun reliving the movie!
  8. Can't wait to press a button and suddenly make the shuttle stop working! An amazing IVA for the Shuttle! Time to feel like a real Shuttle astronaut.
  9. Alpha 0.4.1 - 1.4.3 Compatible - Fixed ground textures and shininess - Added cirrus clouds to Nienna (To be expanded upon) - Redid Inter-Vision's Flag. Now it doesn't say "Ointer". And OWR's flag too...
  10. This mod is compatible with RSS, though it might be a bit offseting, as the sizes of these planets are in kerbal scale, not RSS scale I'm planning on adding Principia compatibility. That will require some orbital arrangment changes.
  11. Next small patch is focused on that. But I think publishing it with lots of lag isn't the best thing. You will have to cope with it for now. (Unless you love lag, in that case tell me)
  12. Terrain is implemented, though it lags the game heavely, so I'm going to have to take a look into that. I think the effect of the terrain textures should be more sharp, what do you think. So this is the To-Do list for the next week or so: - Fix terrain textures lag. - Add primitive Nienna clouds - Disole's Scatterer config (?) - Start coding Laser Highways (?) And an extra screenshot I guess
  13. News: I fixed the ground textures for the planets, hooray! Expect a small patch soon when I get the textures tiling nciely In other news, laser highways! Coming to you... sometime in the future.
  14. Quick oberth interstellar injection tutorial. Cercani's orbital period is about 30000 years, which is not infinity, so point and shoot with low-velocity crafts is something you don't want to do (In real life, even a 2000 year trip would be enough to move the stars from where they were when one started the journey) Because KSP currently doesn't like outside-kerbol trajectories (Wouldn't be bad to fix that with some fancy coding), one has to be going directly to the star when it starts it voyage, but at the same time go fast. This leaves two options: Laser Drives (a.k.a. Laser Sails and Laser Highways) or high velocity crafts. For that last one, the most efficient way to get it to go to high speeds is using an oberth effect with Kerbol / Sun. We will call this a "Oberth Interstellar Injection" or a OII. The speeds one wants to achive are about 100km/s on infinity (Meaning pretty much far from Kerbol), which is feasible with Near and Far Future Tech Mods This is a chart of what one should do for this type of manouver: Trajectory 1 Is one from Kerbin to a very high point above Kerbol. This can be easier with the help of Jool Trajectory 2 shows the plummiting into Kerbol, gaining a lot of energy and getting closer and closer. Trajectory 3 shows the final trajectory to the star (Imagine it not that straight). The engines burn have to be realized at the closest point to Kerbol. If you get above 100km/s at infinity (Say farther than Eeloo) then you have a very good chance of getting to the star (Cercani) in about 30~40 years, as this is balanced for gameplay Also, if you want to discuss interstellar trajectories, it's better to post orbital maps, as this helps.
  15. Cercani actually orbits around Kerbol (For compatibility with other planet mods) so it actually moves a bit over time. But at a speed of 220km/s you should get there in about 20 Kerbin years (5? RL Days), so in that case you pretty much have to go faster! (Try using an oberth interstellar injection, which means going very far from kerbol and plummiting into it to gain speed) Regarding the flag, it's already in the download.
  16. This is just an addition to the stock system, adding the star system far from it. It's a fully stock craft with 140 Dawn ion engines. So yeah... It supposed to be able to get to Cercani in about 500 years, though I havent test it at its full potential because of the part count. That's the plan with the laser highway concept. Very big sails to ride the lasers. But no, the current sail cant be scaled.
  17. Alpha 0.4, expect lots of oddities, specially if you are using 1.4.X and scatterer > Balanced the part costs of the laser sail, so now it makes more sense in career mode! > Put the parts of the laser sail in the correct spots in the RnD Tech Tree > Added Kevari, Crons, Niko, Prima and Secunda, though not in their best states. > Added aurorae to Pequar (Currntly green, may change color to red) > Added a RCS pack for the sail, so to manouver better and pinpoint flybies (Needs some work) > Now OWR uses CTTP v1.0.3 onwards > SigmaLoadingScreens compatible, enjoy loading screens like this (1.3.1) And a bit of updates. I've been thinking of expanding the gameplay for interstellar travel farther than just getting project starshot done, do I've been thinking between 3 gameplay opportunities: Laser Highways (Like current laser sails but with the ability to slow down thanks to a base in the target system), Stock-feel colony-like parts (To recreate something like this) and Deployable Wormholes (Like portals pretty much) So feel free to leave your opinions on this topic here too. By the way, development is slow due to university studies, so expect this version to be a bit unpolished. (Loading screen logo) Thanks! It means a lot.
  18. Planned position of the laser sail's components on the Tech Tree And the manufacturer will use this flag: I think it's pretty well balanced, as the experiments can only be run once and the sail itself is pretty expensive to run early in a career, but opinions are always welcomed
  19. Password Reset is also down. Email isn't getting recived.
  20. A small .mp4 showing the smoke trail of Crons' Cryovolcanoe And if you can't open .mp4s at the moment:
  21. Given up the animated coronas plugin for now (That was fast), I'll have to learn more Unity for that. Started testing Auroras for Pequar.
  22. Cercani looks very nice now. EDIT: Planning on doing a custom animated corona plugin. Not sure if it's going to work though.
  23. Some updates. OWR works perfectly in KSP 1.4.2 aside from a bug regarding Cercani's rim in the map view. Got crons to work after some problems. I'm going to give it a thin atmosphere and cryovolcanos that spew black smoke, like Triton. And adding to the news, I'm getting used to camera views for the owr trailer. Also compared again the evolution of the planets, and I'm very happy with how it has ended up. Except a new alpha this week or the next.
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