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Everything posted by Iamsodarncool

  1. Today I landed an orbital rocket stage for the first time Hit me up if you need tips, SpaceX.
  2. @pizzaoverhead It turns out it was another mod that I hadn't updated causing issues- sorry!
  3. This crashes the game upon launching a vessel w/ a control surface in 1.3. Are there plans for an update?
  4. Finalized the designs for the ships for my next mission. I'm planning to make a video of it.
  5. Any possibility you could throw it on spacedock so I can get emails about updates?
  6. @TheRagingIrishman thank you so much! I'll give it a go when you make the full release. As far as a name goes, how about "Necessary Control"? Since it removes unnecessary control.
  7. okay, so it seems that stock bug fix and stock plus work fine in 1.2 but neither actually contain the functionality that I want. Unless I'm missing something the files and code are straight up not on github.
  8. @Crimeo that's the whole point. It looks silly. I know it's possible in real life, but it still looks silly.
  9. @swjr-swis ah thank you! As soon as I have time I will test and see if it works in 1.2, and if it doesn't I'll try my hand at updating it.
  10. It looks stupid for my spaceplanes to flap their flaps when they're in space, and it's annoying having to manually disable each control surface to prevent this. A mod that made them stay put when there's no atmosphere would be amazing.
  11. I adore the fact that asteroids are procedural, it makes every new encounter with one that much more unique and special.
  12. I don't know what you guys are talking about, kerbin has multiple rivers and they work just fine.
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