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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Installed rp-0 and ven's stock revamp, upped it to 19800.
  2. Not a bad idea, but I think keeping the right stuff in the right area would be a problem. For example, what about a working apollo replica? It might be a perfectly useful Mun lander, but it is a replica. I probably would put it in the "Pretty" area, but someone else could put it somewhere else. It does seem like there's a lot of craft though, maybe split by something that's less subjective, like modded/unmodded?
  3. I always run at least 3 versions of MM, so it just becomes a snarl of text at the end. Probably aver 3000 in my RO/RSS install though.
  4. Bill: For science! Monolith: hello, Bill. i've been expecting you. Bill: Whoa. This doesn't look like Kansnaks either... Monolith: no, it's not. to use a different literary metaphor, you are inside the looking glass. Monolith: ...i've been following your progress in the existence known as Plan Kappa. Monolith: i knew you'd find a way to reboot my counterpart and pass through one of the portals, bringing you here... Monolith: ...what I don't know is whether i can allow you to leave. New page: Jeb: 'Delete'? Oh, I don't like the sound of that! Please, Mister Blocko, you have to give us Bill back. He's the only one who can- Bill: -fix this! Come on, we both know how this has to end. You swap me for the Plan Kappa Jeb, and everything goes back to normal in both 'verses. "Status quo is God", am I right? Monolith: wee look who's 'dangerously genre savvy'. no, Bill quoting tropes won't get you out of this. in fact, your total disregard for the fourth wall in making everything worse! Monolith: ...do you have any idea how many quicksaves and hyperedits it's taken to do this stupid srossover so far? it's getting ridiculous! Bill: You want to talk ridiculous? You've got two Jebs in one 'verse. That's worse than anything I've ever done. New page: Monolith: ...oh, that won't be a problem, Bill. Without you around to scum saves, i'd be suprised if either Jeb is still alive by the time i delete Kerbin. PK-Jeb: Hey, I heard that! Now listen here, you son-of-a-Lego (LEGO brick -MRS), send me back right now or I'll-- Monolith: (Hovering) YOU HAVE RECIEVED A WARNING, JEBEDIAH! PK-Jeb: --AAAHHH! Monolith: ...insults and threats, of any other behavior construed to be of a potentially rude of harassing nature-- New page: PK-Jeb: You call that a threat? I've had enough of this. Ramming speed! You're going down, Blocko! Jeb: Bill? Is that you in there? Hang on, buddy! I'm coming to get you! Monolith: wait. stop. Jeb. Jeb. let's discuss that calmly now, before it gets any-- *PK-Jeb and Jeb run into the Monolith at the same time* FWWSSSSHHH!!! New page: Kenlie: OK, I got the mining program set up on the cone drawer-er, drone core, and- Kenlie: -hey, where'd he go? Kenlie: ...and how'd the Munolith get all the way up there? Kenlie: Oh my goodness! It's-It's- Kenlie: It's full of Jebs! New page: Kerbfleet-Jeb: Hey there! I'm Jeb! Plan Kappa-Jeb: Hi! I'm Jeb! The Asteriod Sentinels-Jeb: Ayyyy! I'm Jeb! GRAND THEFT ROBOT-Jeb: "No, I am Jeb," said Jeb. Duna Space Program-Jeb: "No, I'm Jeb!" - Jeb My Career Mode Graphic Novel-Jeb: Hello! I am Jeb! After Time Adrift Among Open Stars-Jeb: Monolith: --I was about to say, before this gets any more confusing... You mean more confusing than listing characters, anti-clockwise, from the bottom left, by author? It is too bad that Wernher Von Kerman's mission log doesn't have Jeb in it though, it's a very fun read. Thanks to every author on forums.
  5. I'm pretty sure that (at least in the real world) booster controls the rocket's engines and boosters.
  6. Professional Bull Riders? Awesome! KSP: Home on the downrange. Seriously, though, here's some PBR eye-candy:
  7. I'm going to test submitting a payload, it will be called "PLEASE DELETE" since it's not a real payload. I can confirm it works perfectly!
  8. Okay, so I recognized the Ekimo station shout-out, but what's the last image of alternate realities?
  9. Your form is broken, the Payload Description complains if the character count is greater than 0. ETA: the part count thing has a problem with part counts greater than 0 too. Actually, it doesn't with any value.
  10. Looks amazing! It's so hard to build small planes, great work.
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