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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. About the latest video: That dropship is nice, but that mothership is art. The moment I saw it I started copying it in KSP. Don't worry, I'm not going to release it, but it looks so good. So sci-fi, and so few parts! And the video is great too, amazing work with burn together.
  2. Nice! You even have a little majorjim thermometer hinge pun in there.
  3. I think the SSMEs could actually throttle to something like 65-70%
  4. Hmm, I have it installed, and I don't notice a huge problem with it when you move the camera. Maybe show @blackrack some screens on the scatterer thread?
  5. I'm going to make a Apollo command module/soyuz style crew transport and service module, what kind of docking port should I put on it to attach to the station?
  6. Banned for wifi. Posts don't count in forum games.
  7. Because real life is different from KSP. Here's a couple of things that influence single burn or immediate start up of second stage to orbit: Most engines only have 1 start, especially on the first stage, this means that you're wasting fuel to shutdown it early. Second stages have very low TWR, often less than 1. This means that you must burn as early as possible so you don't pass ap.
  8. Very clever design! How long can the glider glide for?
  9. Let's see, BobCat Ind. has a lot of stuff, including the ISS community project: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73884-release-bobcat-ind-spaceampplanet-products/ Component space shuttle has more shuttle parts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/64751-component-space-shuttle-dev-thread-img-heavy/ LiquidHype's real scale launch vehicles: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/116911-liquidhypes-real-scale-launch-vehicles-development-continued/ Tantares, more stock-alike soviet spacecraft (Tantares LV has launch vehicles): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/73686-105-tantares-stockalike-soyuz-and-mir-3222122015new-salyut/ Real scale boosters, may not be compatible with RO, but works with RSS: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130776-105wip-real-scale-boosters-021-2016-01-26/ Then there's the RN lineup, which I shamelessly copied from the RO release thread: RN Antares-Cygnus~ link RN Proton & Soyuz R7~ link RN Salyut/Soyuz/Vostok/Voskhod~ link RN Skylab link RN Solar Panels link RN Soviet Probes~ link RN US Probes Pack~ link
  10. Well, basically the problem with the signature is that that image is too high to fit. The signature can't expand, and if you squish the image, it will look weird. I suggest you make a new image, maybe with "A divide in the sky" in the same fonts, but smaller and on the same line. The signature is about 125 pixels high, and 770 wide. Probably wider really, but it's hard to find a signature that is perfectly filled. You also may want to consider linking the image to your comic.
  11. That seems good too, I have no idea how much each role has to do, though. And, my 100 ton vehicle is done! What should I call it?
  12. Here's a list of people who have signed up on this thread: Flight Director: ZooNamedGames Booster: Dman979 Guidance (Guido): Tracking (Track): Range: Recovery (if applicable): Public Affairs officer (PAO): CliftonM Payload Operations Officer: Gaarst Launch Operations Director: LV Development team: Mad Rocket Scientist; kmMango; Joco223; legoclone09 Graphics: asdii1970 I also have a couple of suggestions about roles, these are just like a big pile of my ideas, so don't feel any pressure to use them, I don't really understand all the roles: Could Launch Operations Director be merged with something else? Could Recovery be merged with something else? Maybe there should back-up positions for roles, so that if one person doesn't show up, someone else can do his/her job? Should the Payload Operations Officer's duties be split among the rest of the crew?
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