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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Want to back up the RBs? We need your help! [URL]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/140214-Help-me-put-the-rocket-builders-in-the-wayback-machine!-I-NEED-YOUR-HELP!?p=2308519#post2308519[/URL]
  2. You posted directly above me. Clearly a plot! Cheater.
  3. [quote name='Bubbadevlin']I could probably do it later, but i am busy right now, and i dont really want to take two weeks in a row..[/QUOTE] Don't worry, I'm sure someone else can do it.
  4. Alright, I'm looking for anyone to do it. I haven't gotten a response from the list of maintainers, and I'm too busy.
  5. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']Edit Profile is on the left, not the right. :P[/QUOTE] Oh, yeah. Thanks. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Alright: Will it be against the rules after the 27th to take craft requests with a group of collaborative builders in a thread in the spacecraft exchange? Thank you!
  6. [quote name='Vanamonde']What service is it you are proposing to offer people, CliftonM?[/QUOTE] I think it's an offer to put pages on the internet archive. I don't know, though.
  7. [quote name='Generalstarwars333']Hey, how do we change our titles? I've seen people with titles that have changed (Like starfleet admiral, for instance), but I have no idea how to do it myself.[/QUOTE] Settings button at the top of the forums > Edit profile on the left.
  8. [QUOTE][C]ollaborative threads in the new Spacecraft Exchange forum.[/QUOTE] Yes! So can I keep my "employees" if call them collaborators?
  9. [quote name='Starhawk']So I think it's time to stop being coy. Kuzzter has showed us (for those who want to know) exactly where the Kerbulans are and if you love Kerbfleet, you should be very scared. See, like I said before, there are no transporters and Kuzzter doesn't dabble in magic other than when there's a game glitch and Bill has to do something 'meta' to fix it. The bloaking device may be considered an exception, but we generally know and understand the tech the Kerbals have. Without tech like a transporter, how can beings in two different universes interact? Well, what if Kuzzter put a twist on the whole 'alternate universe' thing and decided to do it a bit differently? He did. And all the clues you need to figure out what I'm talking about are in the comic. Happy landings![/QUOTE] I think it's in a retrograde orbit around kerbol.
  10. Okay, so I've read through this entire thread, and I see that there's a lot of opinions, so I'll add mine: First of all, I hardly used the RB forum. I really can't empathize with KMC, zokesia, R-SUV, and all of the "Glory days" companies. I understand that some companies have turned into role-playing and from there into arguments. However, I feel that having "employees" and "companies" does NOT mean role-playing, or, at the least, not enough role-playing that it creates arguments. My company (AMRSD) had employees, partnerships, and requests, and (you'll have to trust me on this) I've never received an infraction for it, or a warning. I'm not well-informed enough to say whether rule-breaking is rampant on some threads or not, but I do know that some companies, representing hundreds of hours of work, in their replies alone, don't appear to break the rules to me. My company never had much going on, so it can transfer over to the SCE fairly easily without much loss. However, I do feel that with some companies, especially ones without active founders, will really lose a lot. Also, my company will stay almost the same, minus employees, etc, in the SCE, and I imagine that many other companies will do the same thing. If my company is that kind that is the problem, then pushing them into the SCE won't help. And finally, I want to say that I don't know much about the moderator's decision, and there may be factors I left out. RBs may just be a source of net unhappiness, but from what I've heard, it isn't, and it definitely isn't for me.
  11. [quote name='zekes'][SIZE=2][...][[/SIZE]/QUOTE] ;.; At least you can put your craft showcase in the spacecraft exchange.
  12. [quote name='Alshain']That's not going to get abused AT ALL, not even in the slightest. #KasperVld #Harvester #DrTurkey #EverybodyInExistenceThatWorksForSquad[/QUOTE] #ActuallyYouUseAn@ @Alshain
  13. [quote name='Azimech']OOOPS. ^&%! Mea culpa guys. Totally forgot. I've been in my own universe the last couple of days. I'll make it up to you. I've arrived at my girlfriend's place, and won't come back until Sunday. The machines over here are not really able to review craft files in a meaningful manner.[/QUOTE] Alright, I'll PM someone else or do it myself. Sorry, I missed your edit. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Also, google calendar embeds won't work in IPS 4, so no more embedded calendars on SCF.
  14. [quote name='Zucal']Working on a heavy lifter for my save. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/6rDa5SY.png[/URL][/QUOTE] Awesome Falcon heavy!
  15. How do you guys feel about partnerships in rocket building companies in the spacecraft exchange?
  16. The old AMRSD shall be available here: https://web.archive.org/web/20151124125717/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113309-AMRSD-Applied-mad-rocket-science-division-TAKING-REQUESTS-NEW-HOME-IN-SPACECRAFT-EXCHANGE Welcome to AMRSD, we have many crafts available for download. Mission statement: Our responsibility is to competently fashion revolutionary deliverables to allow us to interactively engineer cutting-edge, innovative spacecraft for 100% customer satisfaction. To submit a request: Just post in this thread with a request, the more details, the better! If I have any questions, I'll ask them in this thread. If you want me to build something more complex, or you have more requirements, feel free to PM me instead of posting. Craft showroom: Pre-1.0 craft: Mad Rocket Scientist: 1.0 - 1.0.4 Craft: Mad Rocket Scientist: 1.0.5 Craft: Mad Rocket Scientist: Enjoy! Collaborators: SHiftER2O jman508 Arkayus Zapjohnny Mad Rocket Scientist asdii1970 Completed requests: Laythe probe Ion infiglider Unclaimed requests: Sanic's He-126 replica
  17. [quote name='KasperVld']1. My suggesting is to remove the 'company' aspect of the rocket builder thread, and post a new thread in the Spacecraft exchange with all your craft - it'll get transferred automatically. 2. A lot of bb-code will be converted, because the migration test forum is still working on this I don't know what will and will not break exactly but expect breakage to some degree (nothing that can't be fixed though) 3. HTML and markup are two different things, but the IPS forums have a very nice WYSIWYG editor 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. Yes 7. Yes 8. No, but if it's a much requested feature we can work on that. The new editor is very customizable 9. No 10. Some things might change slightly, but overall not much difference can be seen 11. It's almost like Twitter, you type an @ and start typing the name. The forum generates a dropdown that updates as you type. 12. Oh yeah 13. yes 14. See above somewhere 15. Linear posting, as it is now 16. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/qVxtnnt.png[/URL] - note that attachments will not be enabled on the final converted forum, we don't have petabytes of storage available :P[/QUOTE] Thanks loads! Oh, and we still have super- and sub- script. Sorry for the "HTML markup" mistake.
  18. [quote name='DuoDex']1. No. If you change to a Spacecraft Thread and don't have posts and such, yes. 2. No. There's an actual text editor now. 3. Nope, still can be abused very easily. 4. Yes. 5. Yes. (Not sure about exactly which settings). 6. Yes. 7. Yes. 8. No. 9. No, the forum will be going down for a day or so. All content from before then will be kept. 10. Not entirely sure what you mean by this, but I have seen a little weirdness with old posts already. 11. If your name is mentioned, you might get a notification - this is configurable. 12. Yes. 13. Yup. 14. Will still work. 15. A hash of both, really. 16. No, because I have to go to bed. Ask another moderator if you have any more questions/if I rushed too much on this.[/QUOTE] Perfect! Thanks for answering my dump-'o-questions. I will be making a new thread in the spacecraft exchange for AMRSD, minus employees.
  19. Okay, I have a lot of questions, I'm sorry if they've been asked before: [LIST=1] [*]Can I move my rocket builder company into with no modifications before the transfer? [*]Will BBCode still work? [*]Will HTML markup be added? [*]Will my subscribed threads be transferred with the same settings (No emails, just shows up in the "settings" page)? [*]Will PMs and associated settings be transferred? [*]Will my avatar and profile pic be transferred? [*]Signatures? [*]Can I still embed google calendars? [*]If I post right before the transfer, will the post be wiped? [*]Will old posts's embeds and formatting be changed? [*]How will tagging people work? [*]Will the "Jump to page" buttons work properly now? [*]Will the forums still reside at forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com? [*]Imgur albums? [*]Does it use linear posting by time with quotes, or reddit-style reply visualizations? [*]May I please see a picture of the new text editor? [/LIST] Thanks a ton for answering all of my questions. This must be a lot of work, thanks for doing it for us.
  20. [quote name='YargJay9991']-1 Yay! We're more than half way to -100. (If you count zero as 50%)[/QUOTE] Revert. -2 [-] [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Mad Rocket Scientist']Revert. -2 [-][/QUOTE] Sorry, I mean -1 [-]
  21. [quote name='Azimech']OOOPS. ^&%! Mea culpa guys. Totally forgot. I've been in my own universe the last couple of days. I'll make it up to you.[/QUOTE] Don't worry, there's still plenty of Friday left here.
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