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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Thanks, I think that was for my first craft, DMSP posted on that thread.
  2. MODS DON'T COUNT! What do you mean, mods don't count! Mods make this game great! Plus, I'm developing one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128071-Mad-Rocket-Speed%21-OP-nukes-for-testing-purposes
  3. Ah, yes, pumice 'n akak. I am the master of speedy response.
  4. Okay, so I'm thinking of making custom models for it with wings 3d, but I still have the cfg problem. Who should I contact about that? Also, what should I put as the author of the part? Right now I have novasilsko (I know I'm misspelling his name), with minor modifications by Mad Rocket Scientist, but if I make my own model, how should I change that?
  5. Well, I'm looking into wings 3d as a solution to redistributing stock models, but I'm still stuck with the problem of redistributing cfgs.
  6. xindeasturcableeve? Your name is weird.
  7. roboenginer? My name is resistant to misspelling. E: Ninja'd by Nikon.
  8. Hi! Since you're back up and running, why don't you do one of my crafts? There're all here, pick which ever you like!
  9. I tweaked the nuke's thrust up to 1,000, and... WOW! So much less boring! I'm thinking of releasing it as a mod, here's the WIP page: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/128071-OP-nukes-for-testing-purposes
  10. Those both sound useful if I use a stock model. Using a stock model would be easier, but I may just use wings 3d, because all of my blender experiments are... interesting. The problem is, I kind of have to use the stock cfgs, because of what my mod is trying to do. Great! Thanks for the offer!
  11. I'm considering nicknaming this engine "Speedy Gonzales," would I offend anyone with that? (For those of you who don't know, he's a cartoon character: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speedy_Gonzales)
  12. Interesting, I guess I will redistribute models, textures, and cfgs, then.
  13. Thanks a lot! I will try in a second! - - - Updated - - - I don't see the "R5G6B5" option: - - - Updated - - - Wait, never mind I see it! - - - Updated - - - Looks like it's going to work... - - - Updated - - - IT WORKED! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I would never have found that. - - - Updated - - - Look at those speedy stripes...
  14. Hello, I'm VERY new to modding, I only started because I had an idea to release a cfg tweak for nuclear engines, which just increases the thrust to 1,000, for testing craft which normally would need very long burns. So I have a couple of questions: Okay, here's the problem: I this model, but it isn't the right height: What do you think of the model? Texture? The nodes are the height of the stock nuke's nodes. And, should I: a. Fix the nodes, so they match the model. b. Leave them as they are. c. Scrap the model.
  15. Cabbies go boom? Seems kind of cabbieist.
  16. So, can some explain why textures "model001" and "model002" are in the nuke folder? The engine on the right is missing those textures: - - - Updated - - - Okay, here's what I'm doing: Edit texture "model000.dds" in paint.net. Add red stripes. Save as DXT5, cluster fit, error metric perceptual, and with generated mipmaps, fant method. I am not weighing color by alpha. Since my stripes don't need to be precise, I keep the texture upside-down. In KSP, it looks like this: I have tried editing it as a png, then saving it as a dds, with the same result. Could I have some help? Thanks a lot!
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