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Mad Rocket Scientist

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Everything posted by Mad Rocket Scientist

  1. Yes, but does the standard reverse pintle-WOM system really apply here? I think a ch-no3 exchanger would be better suited to this reactor, due to the properties of Thiotimoline.
  2. My profession is school. However, I do enjoy reading aerospace textbooks extra-curricularly.
  3. If no one's mentioned it- The Long Earth, by Stephen Baxter and Terry Pratchett.
  4. And finally, the proposed JP8: Jool Planet 8. Exactly like Jool.
  5. *Shwoop* Wait, what? Beam me back down, @CliftonM
  6. Looks nice! Could I see a closer view of that HB-1? I can't quite tell what it looks like.
  7. Don't rush it! It's more important that you enjoy making it than any deadlines.
  8. I am around! But not @diomedea. @CobaltWolf?
  9. Very useful setting, thanks! I've completed the burn, it only was about 20 m/s. I'll do another course correction inside Jool SOI too.
  10. No one can directly upload pictures to the forums, an external host in required. Imgur is popular. To insert an uploaded image in a post, copy imgur's bbcode pre-made embed code, or copy a direct link (ends in a .png, .jpg extension) and click "Insert other media," then "Insert image from URL.
  11. Is a retrograde burn of 526 m/s at Tylo pe to get into a highly elliptical Jool orbit acceptable?
  12. Oh, I see! I actually remembered the character, but not the name. That is, I knew this was the French girl engineer with red speech balloons, and remembered some of what had happened to her before, but not the name. That's just because I'm bad with names, everywhere. Oh, and I recognized that that was the French version of the word.
  13. Hello! I'm trying to get a gravity assist to get into Jool orbit. I've never done this before, and I'd be happy to hear any tips! Here's what it looks like: These are my primary questions: How can I see whether I will be in orbit after I've exited Tylo's SOI, before I've entered it? How can I figure out where I need to enter Tylo's SOI, and at what angle, to be captured into orbit? I can easily provide more info if it's needed. Thanks a lot!
  14. Transcript! VAL: Engineering, report! BILL: This-is-awesome! CLAUSELLE: Formidable! BILL: Yeah, that too! ...all ten drills and both ISRUs are working. Concentration here is close to ten percent! So it'll fill up pretty fast, all things considered, but we'll still be here a while. Probably a couple of weeks. New page: VAL: Set first watch, I have the deck. Chief Engineer, you may 'splice the main strut'. BILL: Whoo hoo! DILSBY: For all hands not on watch, tots will be served in Hab Four! Or if you prefer, you're free to take some- JEB: -shore leave! [JEB RUNS OUT OF THE INTREPID, SHOUTING-] SHOOOOOOORE LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAVE!!! New page: JEB: [In the far distance, in the air] Wheeeee!! DILSBY: [From the top of the Intrepid] Just remember where we parked! LISA: [Also on the top of the Intrepid] Would you like a minmustini, mister Dilsby? DILSBY: I would, Lisa! *CLINK!* I most definitely would! *END TRANSCRIPT*
  15. You're all very welcome! Here's the link: I'll add it to the OP too.
  16. So, I have a question about how scheduling will work with teams: should we have different schedulers for each team? I'm leaning towards yes, since the less people to schedule, the easier.
  17. I'm playing some Nolimits roller coaster simulator. I'm considering the move to NL2.
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