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Everything posted by Findthepin1

  1. Venus only has a reflectivity of .72 because of the atmosphere. Without atmosphere it would be more like 32° Celsius and an albedo similar to Mars'. It's the clouds. The same thing happens on Earth, to a lesser extent. Actually, removing all the water, life, and air, Earth's albedo would also be similar to Mars'. Say 0.25 for Mars, Venus, and Earth (not exactly, but it's close enough). A graph using that is below. World Average Distance from Sun (AU) Vacuum Reflectivity Vacuum Average Surface Temperature Actual Reflectivity Air Pressure (kPa) Actual Average Surface Temperature Atmospheric Warming Mercury 0.387 11% 164°C 11% Negligible 425°C day, -175°C night - Venus 0.723 25% 32°C 72% 9300 462°C 430°C Earth 1 25% -17°C 36% 101.3 15°C 32°C Mars 1.52 25% -55°C 25% 0.6 -50°C 5°C Forgot a sixth column here XD, chose to take out Moon since its parameters don't change between this graph and AngelLestat's.
  2. The human CO2 tolerance might be much more than is stated in this thread. Seeing this (long read) it appears the human tolerance for CO2 is actually around 90mm (12kpa) partial pressure.
  3. SO3 plus H2O is H2SO4. For four oxygen atoms to be in it, and only one comes from the water, three must come from the other component. The sun's radiation splits carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and one oxygen atom. That atom binds to sulphur dioxide to make sulphur trioxide, which combines with water to make sulphuric acid. Also, yes, water is difficult to extract from the atmosphere. I was pointing more towards the situation in which any water exists in Earthlike conditions at Venus and so it may hold life.
  4. Venus is almost perfectly fine at the ~0.5 bar level (~55 km), at 30 degrees Celsius IIRC. 1 bar is a bit less comfortable at ~70 degrees Celsius. The only issue is the clouds, at around this height there's the middle of the acidic cloud altitudes. If you have protection from that, you can go out with an oxygen mask. Also, there's definitely water in that altitude, we know because it's part of the weather cycle. It combines with sulphur trioxide to make the acid rain.
  5. Poke someone with a stick a lightyear long. You're at one end, and they're at the other end. They get poked instantly when you push the stick, but they have to wait a year before seeing you push the stick. Does that break physics?
  6. There are tons of terraforming threads on this very forum. You can probably find one by going back just a few pages on the topics list. They have some good ideas.
  7. Survival I agree with. Survival as in the humans in Wall-E. Otherwise, I doubt it.
  8. Somewhere out there, there's a relevant XKCD. Gonna look for it now. EDIT: Next best thing. EDIT2: Can't post picture for some reason, the link to it is: https://daveknickerbocker.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/far-side-roy-dooms-humanity.jpg
  9. The whole island lifted up a metre or two during the 2004 quake. They actually gained lots of land. And they apparently knew about the tsunami and got to high ground before it hit.
  10. Well, KSPing I commonly listen to... etc.
  11. I was marooned on a highway today. After two large car crashes happened less than a kilometre ahead of me. I thought I'd be stuck there for days. A couple hours later the traffic began moving again. Then it rained, which was lucky because the traffic was moving again. I have been in another country for a couple weeks visiting family for the holidays. I left this morning. Oy vey, I am lucky to not still be there. They had to airlift something out. Also, it was something like forty kilometres from a shooting range, so we heard that every few minutes the whole time. This wasn't even the first thing I did in 2k16.
  12. Can there be a near-Earth asteroid that has a very high metal content? Like 16 Psyche? I propose a binary (like Pluto-Charon) asteroid system of metal type like 16 Psyche. The primary being named Hephaestus and the second being named after me. And there are bubbles inside both with survive pressure inside (?).
  13. I find it hard to believe that over sixty thousand years nobody bothered to look for new islands. It's quite likely peaceful contact has been made before.
  14. Cool video did you make it Six hundred years of debris on the wall, six hundred years of debris! Take one down, pass it around, five hundred ninety nine years of debris on the wall! Wait that's 600 again Happy New Years
  15. There is the Leap of Laythe. Coordinates -3 and 90 on Kerbal Maps for Laythe. A big cliff down to the sea. There are pictures on the web. People fly planes over it occasionally.
  16. "I wonder if I can dock two ships with a kerbal between them" *KSP crashes* *Computer dies* *Electricity cut in whole city* "Oops."
  17. Someone had an idea for a Mirror Drive. All credits to them, you can find it on this forum somewhere.
  18. How would you know where an object is in the coordinates? Stars move, planets move. If two people attempt to teleport to the Earth's coordinates at a specific time, but one person does it one second late, they'll be hundreds of kilometers from their destination point.
  19. Astrophysicists at MIT claiming that if their math proves accurate, Halley’s Comet is on a collision course with the Earth, a “global killer” to wipe out all life on our planet, yada yada yada A. *Formerly* at MIT, if there's any justice B. They pulled this on us. See that and the next 4 posts. Merry Holidays
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