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Goddess Bhavani

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Everything posted by Goddess Bhavani

  1. That so reminds me of playing X-Com. Where there is no choice but to save scum from beginning to end on higher difficulties.
  2. Thank you! I did go into space after all with this design, after manually adjusting the thrust vector for the rocket engines to point slightly upwards, I guess to counter Mach effects or dynamic CoM changes during pitched up flight. Lesser trim / control surface deflection may have a play in reducing induced drag on the craft, while not wasting time below 20km after accelerating past the point of peak ramjet thrust means I don't waste fuel cruising on the thirsty turboramjets. I was surprised to see I had 500 Oxidizer left and a bit of excess LF to limp home to an airport after re-entry.
  3. Indeed I must have come to the same conclusion as you last night! I laid out a whole assortment of adapters and got to work shoving them into the front of the plane and came out with only two possibilities - one was use the curved adapter to create a duckbill drone nose (which I then had trouble clipping Mk1 inline cockpits into), and the other was hammer the C7 adapter in and rotate randomly in small amounts until the clipping was reasonable. This looked pretty much identical to yours. --- Moar update: Full video:
  4. Been a long time since I used B9 Proc Wings. They're lovely in every way Craft File: http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/HX-1A-Artemis-Hypersonic-Transport Mods: B9 Proc Parts (this thread) only
  5. Finished flight testing for the Artemis Circular Wing Spaceplane by sending it into LKO with 500 oxidizer to spare. A version of the craft with Stock Mk3 cockpit can be downloaded here http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/HX-1A-Artemis-Hypersonic-Transport Note: B9 Procedural Parts required
  6. Good News Everyone! Now you can experience the new circular wing airframe in the comfort of your standard Mk3 Cockpit! B9 Procedural Parts still needed for the circular wings. Download Craft at KerbalX: http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/HX-1A-Artemis-Hypersonic-Transport While I do up a video for this craft and its new stock cockpit variant, here's how it looks with the stock nose section. I 'streamlined' it a bit by welding a C7 2.5-1.25 adapter to the front and hitting it with a hammer repeatedly. I also optimized the rocket engine thrust vector to allow for faster ascension to space with significantly less trim needed.
  7. I looked at a few Community contributed spaceplanes and am now assembling a streamlined looking nose for this craft. Expect positive results or spontaneous disassembly soon. In other news, the Mad Rocket Scientist has offered to help with making stock annular wings! I had an idea to pre-fabricate the swept back curved airfoil sections to minimize the headache of dealing with lots of little little parts, but we'll see if I have the time to make a 'quick' reverse engineering effort off the B9 proc wings pictured above. Also thanks for all the rep and the positive feedback - it's nice to try interesting designs and learn a thing or two about experimental aero concepts
  8. Damn, I love the Corvette and the Dreadnaught!
  9. Hey, I could use the help. I got a plan to re-assemble the circular wings with stock parts, by combining the small square panels with the triangular type D ones. I'll be releasing the craft file of the Mk. 3 circular wing aircraft shortly today, and will send you a PM when it's out. I may need to wait a while, as the modeller for the custom cockpit is putting the finishing touches to his first mod release sometime today.
  10. My ears are filled with the beat of Asari Progressive Trance thanks to Mass Effect 2 for quite a while now, so no narrations needed ever
  11. I survey mint ice cream for science.
  12. This thing I built currently only goes sub-orbital though attaining nearly Mach 7 along the way, I'm guessing I'm not flying a correct ascent profile or just plain lacking the intake area required to make the turboramjets accelerate beyond Mach 4 or so, and I just brute force the rest of the way with 4x LVT-45s. Should I go with 12x Rapiers, add precoolers, or try and develop the mixed engine concept further? Not looking for any sort of interplanetary level efficiency, but just wondering if I can mimic the Pan Am spaceplane in 2001 and send tourists to orbital stations.
  13. @Endersmens, I know that it's quite silly to ask if procedural parts could be imported (unlikely) but is it possible for anyone to fudge up the mesh of a procedural wing if dimensions were given? Hoping to ask for a render of a large circular wing aircraft that I do not want to try building using stock parts for now
  14. Background: I've always wanted to see if a 'biplane' could go supersonic. But, logic and common sense so far had dictated to me conventional aircraft wisdom was good to follow for most of my KSP career path. Until today. I'm involved with a couple of major Facebook KSP groups and I often poke at mods and models in progress and see if I can lend a hand to testing them, particularly if it's someone learning to model for the first time. It so happened the modeller I'm testing parts for right now shares a common interest in "planes that never flew" so I decided to screw common sense and construct a circular-winged spaceplane. Oh wait, I'm up to my usual sheninigans again after dreaming about intergalactic sheep, right? Well, there actually is some sense behind wanting to use a closed wing design (i.e., annular or circular wing). You see, A Mark 3 spaceplane is not small. A normal delta planform usually has large issues with CoM shifting on the ascent phase due to fuel burn, mach effects, whatever. It also tends to have a very long takeoff roll. It's probably solvable by just throwing more control authority, thrust and wing area at the problem but I thought, why not halve the wingspan and double the wing area using a circular wing? The result: HX-1 "Artemis" hypersonic airliner concept The HX-1 flew on its first try, and exceeded the sound barrier by several times. While CoM shifts are still present, they can be easily compensated for using manual flaps and/or trim. Insane as it sounds, it's possible to turn off SAS and let physics do its thing, as the circular wing proved to be extremely stable at both subsonic, and supersonic speeds. Initially intending to construct something like the Normandy SR-1, I was soon dissuaded from the task by issues related to its extreme dihedral and the obvious thrust issues from placing the engines so far under the fuselage. It would also require actual mass effect drives for safe landings. To solve the problem I just chopped off the back end of the ship and mated it with what looks like a Corellian Corvette style engine array of 8 turboramjets and 4 LVT-45s for maximum industrial light and sound effects. You know, I could also use 12x Rapiers but decided against it for the premise of gratitous afterburning effects. She certainly would look good in Pan Am livery! Future Plans: The circular wings were constructed out of B9 Procedural Parts, as I didn't want to mess with multitudes of relatively small stock wing sections and having to strut them all up together. By the time I'm done with tying it up to corset levels of tightness, a lot of mass would be wasted on struts. Wheras with B9 PP I could focus on designing the plane first, and keep part count and strutting at a minimum. Strutting about can be fun at certain social events, but not when there's mod parts to test! But if anyone's interested in seeing how circular wings work on a spaceplane, I'd gladly replace the custom cockpit with a standard Mk3 'space shuttle' unit and send a craft file your way. Where does the cockpit come from? It's from a parts mod in development, Mk3 Hypersonic by Nestor de Buen. Over the next few days he's working on texture issues, detail issues and developing an unmanned drone version of the Mk3 Hypersonic cockpit, as it will match the craft's aesthetics better. The B-36 style greenhouse cockpit is indeed inspired by the B-36. Also, take heed, Romulans, you'll be building Warbirds this way in a few centuries! Update 3 Aug: Download the craft file from KerbalX! (B9 Procedural Parts required) http://kerbalx.com/pandoraskitten/HX-1A-Artemis-Hypersonic-Transport Video posted and featured on KSP Official Facebook Page!
  15. One fateful Friday the 13th, I was re-enacting the flight of Apollo 13. Although I averted issues with the oxygen tank by simply refusing to stir my morning coffee (it was bitter, but at least it didn't explode), disaster struck anyway. Right after separating the LM from the CSM, a munar eclipse struck, cutting all solar power. Well, just wait until it passes and abort the landing in the meantime, right? Right... Except for the fact I had already de-celerated the LM, which is now coasting, out of battery into the East Farside Crater, impacting in 25 minutes. The scientist on board had no ability to revert to manual controls. I decided to do the thing even the likes of NASA would not do. I panicked.
  16. The circular section was constructed by B9 Procedural Wings. About half the sections have similar dimensions with the top tied together with struts I kind of don't dare to try and replicate the swept-back circular wing in stock. It can be done but I have my qualms about the strutting required for the free-flying, self-supporting top half of it because it's swept way back. By the time I added enough struts to stock airfoil bits to keep it together, it might just upset the balance of the plane or look terribly odd. Thankfully B9 proc wings have decently strong joints and aeroelastic flex is kept at a believable level.
  17. It's a mod currently in development, possibly named "Mk3 Hypersonic" on release. We're nailing down some texture issues over the next couple days mainly communicating on Facebook, making a few bonus parts that I came up with during testing. A drone core (cockpit section faired over) would look really nice on that plane.
  18. Flight testing of Mk.3 hypersonic sub-orbital airliner with experimental closed / circular wings for greatly improved handling and much reduced CoM issues during flight.
  19. I remember that time I challenged a fellow new KSP YouTuber to bring my "McDuna Restaurant" to into space. I never heard from him for a long time. I wonder if McDuna can into space?
  20. 8/10 - I have a thing for winged rocket designs, reminds me of Gerry Anderson's work. Primitive Orbital Station - Level 1 tech recycled parts only. Attached to the core module are 2 mini landers and a micro shuttle for cismunar survey and rescue.
  21. Idk how many mods I run but it definitely depends on my mood and the time of the month.... phase of the outer planets, whatever.
  22. A spacefaring school bus? My, I am so going to borrow this concept, the next time women ask me what's the point of KSP... we can send our children to the far side of the Mun... and 50 years later unleash the meteorblitzkrieg fleet on unsuspecting humanity!
  23. Probably when I had the chutzpah to post completed craft with the insanity of . Or that time when I probably dreamed I was playing KSP in 1944 and building a was a good idea due to widespread destruction of conventional airfields...
  24. How about playing since 2012 and never leaving Kerbin SOI? Every time I do manage to get that far in career, a new major KSP update appears
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