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Everything posted by SaturnianBlue

  1. I've made plenty a probe, but here are the best of them: my probe Replicas: Pioneer 10/11 MESSENGER: New Horizons: Dawn:
  2. I might make you an alternate timeline Centaur-G LFO Upper Stage That Never Was (Cancelled for safety reasons after 1986), I'm flying a modded Centaur with Pioneer 11 to Jool/Sarnus right now after all .
  3. Of course, KISS Might want to give a third of the sig space something though, 8/10.
  4. 7 more rep to 200, about to release my Pioneer 10/11 detailed mod replica, and I should totally build a moving working levitating Dalek in KSP.
  5. Delta II, specifically the Delta II 7925H-9.5 variant, famous for launching the MER-B probe to Mars, MESSENGER to solar orbit on its way to Mercury, and Dawn toward Mars to eventually get to Vesta/Ceres. The Delta II is reliable, small, and quick after all, and there isn't many more rockets more kerbal than the Delta II 7900, with NINE SRBs...
  6. Great quote and links, but no lovely pics to look at, 7/10.
  7. Quite true, I've heard, but I feel using stock scales makes things more accessible to more people.
  8. I feel as it that is a good idea, to convert to RO, but my rocket frequently is overweight (not necceasarily, but dry weight is what gets me, and my New horizons ended up weighing 150 kg more than IRL.)and I don't want to raise performance by decreasing detail.
  9. My modded New Horizons replica is likely one of my most detailed replicas ever, and maybe the best New Horizons replica out there, accompanied with the Atlas V. KVV shots: Full Replica with additional IRL pictures going into high detail about the mission ​
  10. I'd like a sunrise liftoff (tropical?) for my Delta II Heavy, , I'd like the standard format please. Download it here
  11. I've been working on other projects, which has distracted me from the Delta II Heavy replica with GRAIL (Munar Probes replica) stowed versions. However, I have come and worked around game bugs that have been associated with the craft. I have made the fairings as accurate as possible. This craft is 100% scale to real life (about). It has better detail than my first Delta II's (GPS carrying 6925, and 6925-8 comsat carrier) and it is an 7920H-10 (GEM boosters, 9 of them, with a 2nd stage, and no 3 third stage, Heavy Version Booster, 10 foot fairings diameter.) The Delta II Heavy no longer flies today, but has advanced planetary science and astrophysics (Such as MER Opportunity, MESSENGER, Dawn, Spitzer, GLAST, GRAIL, etc.) I have included a Cryogenic vent port for fashion, (The real rocket contains such) and Is activated with 1. I have been able to make a better interstage, and I have thrust taper on my GEM-46 rendition. With the Grail Probes, I have no hinges for the spacecraft, but you can likely build them with infernal Robotics. KerbalX Download Craft Stats: 196,325Kg total, 4899 M/s Delta V Launcher (Can Be adjusted, as it is not full) 1.88 TWR, 76K funds launcher, 23K for each probe, 122K total. 1369Kg Probes, 653 M/s Delta V. If you have a subassembly space probe, or have flown it, feel free to post what you would like, and have fun!
  12. For my Pioneer 10/11 replica, I was testing the bottom half of the Atlas Centaur launcher when suddenly.... It bent over.... Which has never happened to me.... Yeah, I'm trying to go for a working half stage, just like in my stock version.
  13. 75% scale pioneer 10/11 replica, finished with the main spacecraft, but infernal robotics is being uncooperative, so I haven't been able to do the booms.
  14. 8/10 That quote describes you well, and I'm in the go stock movement, but It's kinda cutoff on this tablet.
  15. I'm doing it in sandbox. I also found asteroids that were on a direct suborbital path on the sun.... I've found a comet with an apoapsis at least 5 times the distance of Jool.
  16. Apologies for the long break, had a short vacation, and then started on my New Horizons replica, then this mac ran out of storage, so I couldn't write the entry for a while. Here it is, Entry 5, the final Sentinel Focused one, we'll go to ADM (Asteroid Deflection Mission) next. Here it is, the Chapter 1 finale! I'm planning on doing a modded career Mission report, but that will take longer to produce than these shorts.
  17. You make lots of planes with intricate detail, and I've known you before I came to this forum! You've always been friendly and of course, it's nice to know people with sketchbook as well.
  18. No problem there I'm working on Pioneer 10 next, bound to take a chunck of my life for a bit
  19. Hi everyone, this is my first mod replica released on the KSP forums. After DasValdez started making his New Horizons, I couldn't resist making a recreation. New Horizons is the first spacecraft to fly by Pluto. I've put lots of detail into the replica, and while I originally had overheat problems, I was able to fix them. I believe this replica has about 1.98 TWR (Not as much as the 2.13 of the irl version!), so feel free to tweak thrust on them. The spacecraft has all the instruments. The replica is 100% scaled, which is why it is not fully fueled. While I have 99Kns of thrust on the Centaur, you should go full thrust, because it greatly reduces gravity losses. Mods Required! Procedural Fairings, Procedural Parts, and tweakscale. I also have JebediahKerman42's FreedomTex texture pack. I recommend Stock Clamshell fairings for the fairings. Album Some KVV shots: The first stage one has the SRB's messed up, but it doesn't happen on the pad. The New horizons Recreation full album, with the history of the spacecraft, and gifs. Download How I fly! SAS, Throttle, liftoff! Turn right after liftoff, you may need to do a small roll program. 40-60 degrees at 10km, throttle is recommended, and besides, the RD-180 core engine had down to 50% throttle! Ditch Boosters, they will fall off side by side. Carry on, ditch fairings, then First stage. By now, feel free to do what you want with the probe, or build something else for the rocket to fly! Thanks for reading, leave some rep if you enjoy!
  20. REX is online, pointing back at earth right now. ALICE is active, not sure it's doing much now.
  21. T-30 mins! Get hyped real good! edit: ninja'd by a second Stream Hype!!!!
  22. Alright, here's entry 4: Eve, and I may be gone for a short bit after this entry. After this entry, there is likely one last entry focused on Sentinel left, and then I'll move on to maybe a AIDA styled AIM/DART mission, and certainly onto ARM/ADM. Thanks for reading
  23. Do you enjoy your flying saucer, Plum Attack?
  24. Pretty new to the forums, so I still remember. From Ival70, Late May, on this thread I think?. My first build focused rep was from Americas rockets for a nice DCSS and 1st stage verniers on my delta III.
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