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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. It's just a lot smoother and looks better overall.
  2. If you could do this sometime that would be awesome! A C7 logo on the tailfin would look nice, not too big.
  3. The 3D printed stuff is actually very high quality (I have some of the Eucl3d prints, they are made out of the same material as the Shapeways I believe), it's made out of sandstone, not sand.
  4. Those achievement patches (I guess) look awesome! I would like achievements in the stock game, and those direct patch images so I can make some nice embroidered ones for me.
  5. Stock Visual Terrain is your friend! (and I'll have a request up soon™) EDIT: Oops! Thought this was for screenshots, then my brain started working when I realized it was Blender rendering, which screenshots don't work with.
  6. @CobaltWolf I'm trying to make a station with MOL but I need a docking area for Gemini, and I like what you have in the picture in the OP. How would I make that? I can't find the parts for adapters like that.
  7. First I launched the game, and admired my visual mods from the Space Center view. Then I enter the VAB with the intent of making a station and realize that there is no porkalike 1.25m to 2.5m flat adapter in any of the mods I have. About 15 seconds later, ALT-F4.
  8. I'd switch over to Bluedog Design Bureau, it's updated more than OMSK and has a lot more stuff, I really like it.
  9. Thanks! I was looking around in the files earlier and didn't think that would be useful, but it is! Thanks! EDIT: The profiles don't seem to be right for me, they don't go vertically down and have a few vertical rows but horizontal is really long, is that intentional?
  10. He means it is stock improvements I think, not a re-imagining.
  11. Alright, cool! @ShotgunNinja is it possible to remove certain parts of the mod? I don't want to deal with quality of life, radiation, or malfunctions? I think this was discussed earlier in the thread but I can't find it.
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