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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Haha, I like how you make it New Year's in KSP. I can't wait for the next!
  2. A few more than a few did. By that I mean alot if you look at comments.
  3. Very nice job! But for future missions you might want to have a little less RCS since it hurts your overall Delta-V since it is highh density, usually 100-150 units of Monoprop for manuvering on a large stage is good. But the skycrane is awesome! Could you upload the craft file to KerbalX (or anying else works, it's just preferred to use KerbalX) so we can download it since I want to fly it now! And land the rover on Vall or somewhere else.
  4. Well if you have time (LOTS) Counter-Strike would be a nice choice but unlikely to enter the pro scene. You can play in community tournaments on faceit.com (as well as two other games, don't remember) and earn FACEIT points that are redeemable for in-game items (they trade them to you through Steam or other) or real stuff, like. car! (~2,000,000 FACEIT points). And pro jerseys signed by pros, and mousepads.
  5. @Beale Can you work on Taerobee a bit more? I love the work on Tantares but Taerobee isn't fleshed out much, and hasn't seen an update in a few months. If you need some inspiration, maybe something not seen much, like Robert Goddard's liquid fuelled rocket. But I am loving the new LK-1 parts, they look very good.
  6. The better part was the comments. If you look you'll see that I replied quite a bit. EDIT: We at least have a shield against alien attacks!
  7. I've got a mod that adds a 5m one, it's in my description. I can (and will) make a 1.875m one as well.
  8. Happy New Year to all of @SQUAD!
  9. Ah yes, sorry about that! i haven't played ksp in a week, i am a traitor
  10. I can help. Assuming you have the screenshot (press F1 while playing, it's stored in the screenshots folder in KSP directory), you upload it to an image hosting service (Imgur works well), and get the direct link to the image, it would look like i.imgur.com/(image code). In the bottom right of the editor, in the Insert Other Media area there is a tab to open insert image from URL, paste the direct image link into there and it will appear on your post! Can't wait to see your station! Also you can press F2 to hide the HUD.
  11. Well there are plans for a graphic overhaul for the rocket parts for the 1.2 update, and by stability what do you mean? Framerate, RAM-related crashes, or what? Also what you said about mods not being as stable as stock is kind of wrong, most released mods are just as stable as stock.
  12. I love this, but is there a version without axial tilt and only inclination changes on the Mun, Minmus, and Dres?
  13. I just read that last night, how interesting! Anyways, as has been said before it's in a retrograde prbit making collisions near-impossible.
  14. Yes it does, the config is in the download and is automatically loaded if you have RT.
  15. I think maybe the node before ISRU or in the ISRU node, or maybe a new node with scanners.
  16. I saw this video, it is amazing! Hazard-ish is up there with Scott Manley as a pilot/engineer.
  17. Well currently inigma, a few other people, and I are working on a community career balance framework with the ETT and a lot of mods that can work with it but not needed to work.
  18. Yeah, they do look like a joke. I saw an article about Nestle charging for people breathing, not to mention the other ones on the other thread relating to National Report, there is one that says Nestle is helping fund a Mars rover to steal water from the surface?!?!? and return it to Earth to sell. I was looking through it and it is really sad. I'm conservative (please don't discuss), but this bias is INSANE, and half of the stuff is made up likely. I saw something about Ted Cruz wanting to make a huge fridge to cool the Earth, and how researchers are supposedley making something like that. I don't want to ever go there again. Ever.
  19. I've... I've found something even STUPIDER than this. It's on the same website, snd the article was saying the Hubble disproved that water is on the Martian surface. It really is that for maybe 2 sentences and them dialogue of two engineers arguing about it. http://nationalreport.net/hubble-telescope-reveals-mars-water-just-mirage/
  20. This was on Fanwork Friday, you are a great artist!
  21. I was over exaggerating about that, all for your opinion. I just like most Linux distress than I do Windows 8/10 but now's not the time (or thread!) to discuss this.
  22. If you hate stock contracts, as many and I do, try some contract packs! Tourism Plus is good since you aren't flooded with tourksm contracts, Anomaly Surveyor is fun, and the SETI contracts give more balance, no explore Duna after a Munar flyby!
  23. This is really suspenseful! Loving it and can't wait for more!
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