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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. @Espresso I finished it! I'll PM you another one if this one is compressed.
  2. Here's a whole 10 minutes of work @Espresso! EDIT: Here's some more!
  3. Known for Neko (That's what your profile pic is from, right? I don't anime)
  4. Yeah, just have the Kerbal outline right now. I started it 10 minutes before I went to bed and I have school, so I'll get it once I'm home.
  5. Sadly, the fork is required to make your EVA kerbal move, and taking it off the key makes him fall into a pit, taking you with him, and letting me checkmate your king.
  6. Also with modding - I'd start with simple things. I made a fuel tank a few years ago and got it in-game over a weekend, with a texture. Start a mod! The textures and models don't need to be amazing (mine sure aren't), but it's functional, and over time you'll get better!
  7. Yeah, must have confused t with that. If I remember correctly Homer made it as an engineer on the Shuttle in the 80's.
  8. Right! I forgot it was called that, all I remember is they were called the Rocket Boys in real life ( I think). I wrote that at 10 PM and was really tired.
  9. OK. I did spend around 10 minutes on it last night, the Kerbal is coming along nicely.
  10. I might be able to do that for you sometime! It's simple enough I can do it! ^just ^send ^me ^a ^reminder ^on ^Friday ^so ^I ^don't ^forget
  11. Rocket Boys is a great movie! I really liked it, it's about a group of high schoolers in late 50's making rockets after they see Sputnik orbiting Earth.
  12. Ooh! Time to play more!
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