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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Many spacebar presses. Explosions. ALT-F4
  2. 9/10 Vall is cool! I went there once. http://imgur.com/a/vSPe2
  3. 9/10 Funny quote, flags are cool, but nothing that necessarily stands out. Who likes my hype train ticket? And some cool pixel art I found on r/overwatch
  4. Still alive. Wow I'm awesome at living! And there are two legoclone09 2s. Which is weird.
  5. Granted. He eats you. I wish I didn't have to run cross country.
  6. Yep! @Spaceception? Ooh, nice new profile picture.
  7. Yes! @ZooNamedGames? REAL SPACE PROGRAM PARTY!!!
  8. Granted. You are CABOOSE THE VEHICLE DESTROYER!!!! Nothing else. I wish I didn't need to go to school.
  9. 8/10 Looks pretty deadly. My weapon is CABOOSE THE VEHICLE DESTROYER!!!
  10. Banned for not having a real raccat as your profile picture.
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