First reactions Troni: great textures, looks good. Vassa: It almost looks hairy... weird! pretty cool C2-1: that's some pretty good camouflage... Prequar: Love love LOVE the textures here. The bright blue rings seem a little out of place though. C3-1: this one's pretty funny. yellowish-green disole: Planet of discarded Pasta, I still love the textures Neinna: Looks a whole lot like Eve, without the land. Kevari: Whoa! this one is amazing to look at! colorful! Crons: not bad! looks good. Niko: I like it, Mun with a green tinge! cool. Prima: beutiful! wait, do they orbit eachother? that'll make it hard. secunda: This is the only one I not that fond of. the dark green lines just look so out of place. Over-all great pack! Only 1 thing. How the hell do I get there? it's a very far orbit!