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Everything posted by Snafu225

  1. The future features sound AWESOME! In my honest oppinion I really like the need to upgrade your buildings, but the steps are far too large. VAB goes from 30 parts to 255 and then unlimited?
  2. I love you! This mod... I don't... can't imagine KSP without it!
  3. Well at least for question number two there's a mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120731-1-0-2-Temperature-Gauge-Killer
  4. Ah nice! I thought parts in the KIS containers will dissappear when building the rocket. But that's really no big deal if you ask me as these are none the less only small parts (for now).
  5. So what do I have to expect when I use KCT together with KIS? I heard there were some issues? I don't really want to miss either of these mods.
  6. I don't think it's up to me to decide that^^ How much work is it to write such an mm patch or how complicated is it? I was modding other games and modified a lot of cfg and stuff, but never actually modded ksp other than drag and drop and adjusting some minor things. However I really would like to help, as this what you created is fantastic!
  7. Just a small suggestion: What about the idea to keep one moon around Kerbin? Especially for players that are not that pro (like me) it was a big turn off for me that you have to rely on interplanetary travel to get to another planet/moon. That's why I used Kerbol+ for long time before going a step further. Problem with the stock system was/is that you can farm the Mun and Minmus for science, as it was already mentioned earlier. That's why I think just a small moon back at Kerbin would be a good idea, as the learning curve wouldn't be that steep. But this moon should be heavily toned down in comparsion to the Mun and Minmus, when it comes down to science yield. Maybe it's possible to offer such a variation as optional config.
  8. Yeah that's why I couldn't get my head around it. I used MechJeb for the very first interplanetary mission too, but I don't want to rely on it and as I said it is really confused with New Horizon as it wants to launch my rocket straight back to hard ground of kerbin, rather than sending it far far away. What I think is quite handy is Protractor, as it is pretty easy and simple to set up. Just downloading the new update real quick! Woohoo
  9. It comes with it's own heatshields, but looking at the mm.cfg that comes with it, it looks like the stock ones should work aswell.
  10. Sorry about the false alarm. Seemed to be a one time bug, as I can't reproduce it anymore. Using Windows btw.
  11. Okay Starwaster, there seems to be another Issue. The stock toolbar icon seems to duplicate on scence change, just like IRs and PlanetShines did.
  12. "good" to know it's not another fault on my side... had a lot of them recently Already posted this one earlier but here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/rjaumwwm2lw4nzv/output_log.txt?dl=0
  13. Playability is great,yes I am fairly new when it comes to interplanetery travel, as I am feared having my beloved Kerbals stuck in a strange orbit in the next solar system. MechJeb seems rather confused and Transfer window planner left me utterly confused . But those are problems on my end. Keep up the great work!
  14. Is there anyway to guesstimate or even know the dVs you need for this adventure. I really love it, but I end up building huuuuuuge rockets and end up with huge amounts of dV left. Last mission I even managed to make a powered landing back on Kerbin
  15. Additional: Okay I forgot that DR comes with it's own heatshield but there's the next problem. I can attach the heatshield and the decouplers, but I can't attach anything to them :/ Edit: Module Manager says: 13 errors related to Gamedata/DeadlyReentry/DeadlyReentry.cfg
  16. Nice Nice Nice Nice!!!! But DR says there are 13 problems with module manager when launching the game and I'm running a heavily modified game, so I don't know which one's the culprit... I hope this is the reason, why I haven't needed a single unit of ablator disappear on a quick reentry test. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rjaumwwm2lw4nzv/output_log.txt?dl=0
  17. oh dear I always changed the cfg to achieve that, as I knew that this would fix it, but I never really bothered with the ingame-ui. Thanks!
  18. can you click it at all? I have the same problem, which comes down to the reflective parts and texture replacer. Try attaching the mobile lab/container, save it, close the hangar and load it again. Should work.
  19. KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s3ear0p74hoa478/KSP.log?dl=0 I have only realchute, and Stock part revamp installed. Same problem here, despite that it doesn't even show up in the staging. The other parachutes work fine though.
  20. So there is a really strange problem for me though... When re-entering everything heats up except the heatshield. I installed the thermal monitor mod and according to this mod, the heatshield is at about 285° whereas Mystery Goo and probe core, which are perfectly shielded heat up extremely fast until it explodes. Explosions everywhere but the heatshield itself hasn't lost a single digit of ablator. I even tried to tweak the settings myself, but the result stays the same. Could this have to do with far? Other than that I really love it, as reentry without it is kindergarten
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