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Everything posted by *MajorTom*

  1. in 1-st craft or in 2-nd? devs maybe say so, but 2-nd craft dont
  2. We all love this game... But its release is uncompleated. 19.04.16 >400 bugs and... Today is release...and 1230 is still contains bugs Just look - wheels and it's physics not fi}i{ed. just look same weght, same number of wheels, but...its physics bug comparision. 1.1. released and bugtraker is closed , niсe move... community find every day a lot of bugs is in it?
  3. if only rule for landed ship is "The capsule must return intact." - it simple. Just make plane like in my 2 video, then glide over the desert on minimal altitude, so you vertical speed is near 0, and you only must change horisontal speed to near 0 (you simple take front booster with 60-80 m/s and ignite it in low altidude retrograde direction, and ok - so here is profit). I'm very busy today so i try this in weekend (if nothing in real life stop me). ps^ sorry for my poor english
  4. Ок, I make rocket only "demo parts" ps: like I say it is very simple
  5. it's simple challenge... so i try to make it "harder" - I build the "rt-5, rt-10 only" spaceplane and land it in KSC (but i waste 2 hours to "tune it") . The craft can deorbit and land very good at all terrains (except mountains). Big wings maike it nice hover-craft. In video you can see precision landing. ps: sorry for my poor english ps^ ops i dont see only "demo" parts .so ok this craft not for this challenge =((( but i build something like rocket and winged lander later (build rockets simplest than spaceplanes)
  6. some issue in 1.1. 1. on screen (log ) 2. no deltaV count
  7. Look for update to 1.1. compatiblity for this great mod
  8. best mods is real-like mods: TAC-LS, kerbalkrashsystem, scatterer, EVE, smokescreen+realplume, rasterpropmonitor. and... KER, KIS+KAS
  9. maybe you mean monoprop manuver engines to circularization?
  10. my not so old Alien dropship+APC replica. not 1-1 like, but very close to it. Pure stock and "can" orbit around Kerbin (have docking port you can refuel it and launch from orbit to far space colony... to maintain peace and fight against aliens.
  11. no gliders - mean no lift surface. it has no lift surface - only air-resistanse (i don't remember right word in english), but all parts in game have it . Even a 2 part one of them with control, and second are heavyest than first- can glide in atmosphere. Just look at USA "waverider" or Russia "U-71 glider" (ops..we dont know how it really looks... only how it meant to be) - this ships has NO wings but they glide at hi-speed because of it form\air resistanse\and bolt-like shape. If you interested - i also build non-wing and no control surface SSTO. Lift in it = air resistance. sorry for offtop it not for this challenge
  12. "K-razy One" my non-symmetry SSTO (3 kerbals+ 2+tonn cargo like 2medium monoprop tanks), and 700+ m/s dV on low orbit to dock with kerbin space station ps^sorry for my poor english
  13. You mean this mod - Nav Hud? Yes, it is great mod for flight :
  14. I made a spring from parts that can withstand shock- 70 m/s. Three touchdowns -all runs
  15. Submarine with missile. Ocean launch. Only stock. Very bad there is no water engines in stock And no-cheat transport to water ps: sorry for my poor english
  16. Great news! Little please! It would be great if you could create save the ship sort (without mods) custom created and referred as folders (it is difficult to look for the right ship when their 200+) like this to load: SPH: --Muna (folder) --Minmus (folder) ... (etc planets) -SSTO -plane -seaplane ...(etc custom folders) ps^ sorry for my poor english
  17. Kerbin-Minmus-Eve-Kerbin spaceplane mission. stock+TAClife support+kerbalkrashsystem (hyperedit installed in KSP, but not used = you see fuel/ore use, temper of parts and all flight manuvers) does this count?
  18. I don't quite understand what mean the "mini" Shuttle . It needs to be similar to a real prototype and be mini? Or is it just that small in size Shuttle, taking off and landing? So...in 2015 I did stock mobile launch (in the russian style why? - i just love mobile launch system), solid-fueled mini-Shuttle for 2 kerbals flight around planet. (sorry for long video and my bad english)
  19. I'm so looking forward: 4.4 Ablator damage instead of leak pplllease!!!
  20. Great Job! test 0.2.5... and found only good news right now - all bugs eliminated! (no water bug, no dupliсate kerbals bug)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some ideas for engines: 1. engine damage up to 10% - it works with random breaks 2. if the damage to 70 % (1+) with overheating 3. if the damage is above 70% (1,2+) random vector thrust in the realm of possibility Some ideas for batteries 1. up to 20 % of the battery capacity is reduced by the percentage of damage 2. above 20% to 30% - (1+) no leaks, but can't be recharged 3. above a 30% (1,2+) leakage power and... battery discharge haha.. and for RITEG... from the heat... and to a small nuclear explosion ASTA La Vista baby :)))) (c) terminator
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