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Everything posted by *MajorTom*

  1. I do the same: 1. Download SVE (not very highest detail bcouse-> its drop FPS like KSPRC, just hi or medium) . Drop it in Gamedata. Kill all files in SVE except this : 2. Open SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\KSPRC\Atmospheres\clouds.cfg 3. Find in Proot's clouds lines about Kerbin clouds (its easy) in clouds.cfg 4. Change its lines to SVE config clouds like this: OBJECT { name = Kerbin-MainClouds body = Kerbin altitude = 3500 speed = 0,20,0 settings { _DetailScale = 6 _DetailDist = 2E-07 _Color = 244,244,244,225 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1 } _DetailTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/DetailLow } } layer2D { macroCloudMaterial { _FalloffScale = 10 } shadowMaterial { _ShadowFactor = 0.35 } } } OBJECT { name = Kerbin-CirrusClouds body = Kerbin altitude = 6500 speed = 0,100,0 detailSpeed = 0,6,0 offset = 10,0,25 rotationAxis1 = 0,2,0 settings { _Color = 222,222,222,215 _DetailScale = 5 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Kerbin2 } _DetailTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/detailCumulus } } layer2D { macroCloudMaterial { } } layerVolume { size = 3000,1 area = 36000,4 rotationSpeed = 0 particleMaterial { _Tex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/rgb } } } } OBJECT { name = Kerbin-MainCloudsVolume body = Kerbin altitude = 4000 speed = 0,20,0 settings { _Color = 165,165,165,185 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1 } } layerVolume { size = 4000,2 rotationSpeed = 0.0002 area = 26000,4 particleMaterial { _Tex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/rgb } } } } OBJECT { name = Aurora body = Kerbin speed = 0,250,0 detailSpeed = -500,-505,-500 altitude = 10000 settings { _DetailDist = 0 _DetailScale = 0 _Color = 205,1005,500,255 _MainTex = KSPRC/Atmospheres/Textures/Aurora _UVNoiseTex = KSPRC/Atmospheres/Details/aunoise _UVNoiseStrength = 0.005 _UVNoiseScale = 0.05 _UVNoiseAnimation = 0.6,0.6 } layer2D { shadow = False shadowOffset = 0,0,0 macroCloudMaterial { _DetailDist = 0 _MinLight = 1 _RimDistSub = 1 } } } 5. And here the profit! Highest fps like SVE, clouds from SVE, but its quality is double time best from KSPRC+SVE ps: sorry for my poor english
  2. I find what "fall from land texture to water texture if change craft/kerbal" - all mods problem. Maybe it is KSP bug or contr.configurator (maybe no problem in contr.pack mods). Modders can test it if they want.
  3. 1. "rescue climbers" mission bug climbers fall from terrain into textures then i change craft (rescue\climbers) 2. and issue - Mission about the tourist bus was already 4 times - it is really annoying...
  4. I can't understand all rules for this challenge: Is it must only land from Eve orbit and take-off Eve to stable orbit of Eve? Not go to Kerbin? only landing gear on lander? not wheels? not wings? not mining ore? So to easy land to Eve just forget about parashutes -its mass too big. Simply make spaceplane-like heat-shielded wings lander, and use rocket-take-off from Eve. ------- My craft not for this challenge of course (because you post "stock"rule, but my craft for "hard-life with life support" it also using TAC-LS containers and it is add some additional mass to lander...or spaceplane...or spaceplane-rocket-lander.. brrr just name my craft how you want..:) ) Because i can't understand all rules look at this mass parameters: -52,722 kg on large eccentricity orbit, drop mass of (ablator burn) to 50,7tonn to low orbit, drop 9tonn refueling probe, then 40,3 tonn landing craft, mining ore, take-off from Eve, fly to Kerbin and land to Kerbin (craft from 1.0.5, but it is also works in 1.1.2) . Look before I drop fuel-tanker on orbit. so i dont know what paramer of this craft i can use to "mass" I fought - I can make 20-30 tonn of this on stock just to land and to orbit Eve (with this cheating-like new 1.1.2 heat shield ) . So I build it and post it here if i found time to do it. ps sorry for my poor english Mass in KER (left KER window) . You may enterest in only Eve orbital manuvers from 20:17 . And it can start from sea level of Eve (trust me i checked it, flight in this video manual non-MJ )
  5. Today i create my 300 SPH craft... and... time to find craft what i need in stock file load system > 3-10 min. And this stock awfully system... Only "craft history" folder system could help!
  6. Maybe I find issue= if you open TWP menu and enter to Mission control--> then from TWP menu go to spacecraft , and then go to Space Center from this spacecraft (KAC mod) you can't enter in all buildings (VAB,SPH etc) ps: its TWP or KAC issue...
  7. not found file 404 in spacedock= Not Found The requested URL /Proot_4811/KSPRC_-_Renaissance_Compilation_artworks_remake/KSPRC_-_Renaissance_Compilation_artworks_remake-0.7_PreRelease_3.zip was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at cdn.spacedock.info Port 80
  8. It is lighting trouble. In my I7 8gb 4gbvram the same. How to terminate this problem: 1. in scatterer menu disable Ocean: light compatiblity (do it in main menu - press F10 and turn off) 2. change the distance to draw texture in distant object (button in game main screen...) 3. kill lines in KSPRC.cfg: sorry for my poor english ps^if enybody knows what else must be turn off (or deleted) to normal game speed please write .
  9. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/kerbal-inventory-system-kis/files KIS 1.2.10 released and KKS broken again... (cloning kerbals bug)
  10. KSPRC + 1.1.2 EVE = issue maybe rain bug or something else. pain for eyes ...this "blink" Edit: and this is "rain effect". I delete everything contains "rain" in KSPRC and now i can look at screen again ! Sorry Proot, I love KSPRC, but in name of truth...IMHO ...this "rain effect" is very ugly... maybe it can be changed? In Not blinking style..... -------------- Edit: Nice looking video for rain ( the transparent raindrops from top to bottom of screen... ) And its not blink Maybe creator of EVE can do this visual effect...
  11. My 1.0.5 sub "Red oKtober" + ICBM (hm...maybe it work in 1.1.2 not test it.. dont have time) craft here http://kerbalspace.ru/sandbox/sohraneniya-ksp/5175-red-oktober.html (russian language, green button to download craft)
  12. hmm, its very annoying.... like bug!!!! evil bug ! ps^ not seen in 1.0.5
  13. Great Mod!!! I suggest a little change A big picture will help you remember what kind of ship (when there are hundreds of them)
  14. Great mod!!!!! Just wow!!!!!! ps: Little question - the author does not think to add a couple of comets with very eccentric orbits? That would be great ... and would be a real challenge for players...
  15. I play in KSP 1.1.2 x64 version; Win7; Module Manager last version- ...24; Trajectories 1.6.1, I don't have no Vessel Viewer (or how name of this mod...) ; Trajectories 1.6.1 still spamming NRE. I did not find solutions on the previous page ... well but to remove Trajectories
  16. https://dropmefiles.com/cDmwH log file Exception every 3-5 sec. What could it be? Something with some contract or whether it is a problem of the configurator? screen:
  17. Cool!!!!!!!!!!! And It would be great if the storm could randomly appear and disappear...to change the direction of rotation, the density of the clouds... to change in size... like a real atmosphere. Dreams!
  18. I hope one of superior strong modders can help to community and update this great LS mod to 1.1. (maybe RoverDude or JPLRepo ... - who very well know Life support system and (earlier) have combined their modifications with TAC-LS) .
  19. in 1-st craft or in 2-nd? devs maybe say so, but 2-nd craft dont
  20. We all love this game... But its release is uncompleated. 19.04.16 >400 bugs and... Today is release...and 1230 is still contains bugs Just look - wheels and it's physics not fi}i{ed. just look same weght, same number of wheels, but...its physics bug comparision. 1.1. released and bugtraker is closed , niсe move... community find every day a lot of bugs is in it?
  21. if only rule for landed ship is "The capsule must return intact." - it simple. Just make plane like in my 2 video, then glide over the desert on minimal altitude, so you vertical speed is near 0, and you only must change horisontal speed to near 0 (you simple take front booster with 60-80 m/s and ignite it in low altidude retrograde direction, and ok - so here is profit). I'm very busy today so i try this in weekend (if nothing in real life stop me). ps^ sorry for my poor english
  22. Ок, I make rocket only "demo parts" ps: like I say it is very simple
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