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Everything posted by Theysen

  1. Yeah I ran into that issue too, the diameter is 9.4m even in stock but the length is too short. Did you already configure them (again? :P)
  2. Are you absolutely sure you copied it out of the download folder under Optional Mods into GameData?
  3. Great work! I wanted to configure your mod packs for RO all along but unfortunately this Ares V is missing an engine on the first stage. Is it intended to scale against stock gameplay to just use 4 engines? Real Ares had 5 or 6 on the core stage.
  4. That's easy. Does RO run with 1.2.2? Yes. Does RO run with 1.3? No. See above. Seriously though I think 1.3 has a very tidied up feel to it and modding it feels also very safe and performant. I don't mind switching between versions at all
  5. Setting an incomplete, patchworked "career" system as basis for balancing or feature request is a bad approach anyways. It's like always - singleplayer doesn't restrict you to do whatever floats your boat.
  6. They are now in Kerbal Foundries mod! I'm on mobile at the moment and can't post the thread unfortunately.
  7. Do you have Advanced Tweakables enabled in the options?? IIRC that got changed in 1.2 and need to be enabled to show.
  8. @Galileo @TheRagingIrishman So here are the two logs, error is at the end, I quit KSP after it. Maybe you can find the culprit and also PR those fixes into the RO parent organisation if you get around it? Just upon entering the AC it nullrefs and then by purchasing any astronaut again, clicking Exit building generates more error log in the console. Game is then locked. Hope it helps, cheers! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t3khlad6zfs84es/AACv1-3tWWe-4F46JpALfgdya?dl=1
  9. Will upload them when I have access again to that KSP install, for sure!
  10. I opened the AC when I had the veterans in flight. I also had the same bug on a complete fresh install. I know this bug, I try to submit the needed stuff to the Kerbal Renamer Github. Although I don't know if rsparkyc working actively on KSP atm.
  11. Just a quick heads- up: The Kerbal Renamer mod locks up the Astronaut Complex window and you can't exit the scene any longer. This bug is also there in RP-0 for example when playing sandbox. This was played in sandbox too, I couldn't grab the log unfortunately but will do so later today. I don't remember if this also happens in career.
  12. It is working, double check you copy it out of Optional Mods into GameData from the original download of v1.4. (The pictures are gorgeous )
  13. Ariane rules. HAWT. Congrats on the release!
  14. Thanks to linuxgurugamer CKAN now pulls again the right version of Toolbar and should work as intended and usual
  15. As stated a few posts back or so by @Phineas Freak the terrain textures implemented via Kopernicus make the FPS take a giant hit the higher you get and make the already demanding set of visuals and RO (if installed) very unpleasant to play; reported by many people. I somewhat believe that it might be the scale of RSS in combination with the ground texture PQS being fully applied and rendered all the way up to scaled space and thus bringing a heavy load onto the system, in stock scale those hits might be minor as the rendered size is way smaller. The glorious terrain features of RVE aren't forgotten as @Phineas Freak eagerly awaits the return of EVE's terrain functions to be brought back alive. He contacted @Waz already iirc if he might take a look at it. The "old" RVE terrain could then be brought back and even be extended upon. Until that point of time, there is no better solution unfortunately. Unless someone of you might know a trick to reduce the performance hit with implementing the (beware: very repetetive unfortunately) ground textures via Kopernicus.
  16. That is because Shadowmage explicitly configured some engines to use a real world configuration and expands on the stock fuels for that reason.
  17. I don't really care though my OCD kind of went off when it is the only body with "the" in front. I actually don't like that they switched the position of the science report - pre 1.3 it said the location in the top bar iirc and now it's in the first line of the main text window
  18. @Galileo's Planet Pack on 10x scale is for example a nice alternative once you get fed up on the RSS (which is funny but might happen )
  19. Except all the low thrust RL-10 replicas really have their TWR too low for stock solar system size. You tend to have way too long burn times due to the low thrust on a otherwise "normal" sized vessel. I use it in RSS&RO so it's not a problem anyways but last time I tested in stock it was quite limiting. Don't get me wrong, I am a sucker for realism but given the stock system it might need a little thrust buff on those scales. Other than that - yes SSTU has you covered with everything.
  20. Little Announcement: We now also have a #KSP-RO Community Discord Server. It is not as popular and specific as the #RO IRC Channel - where still most of the development and chat is happening, but @pap1723 and others thought about it and created this more modern solution; to give it time to grow and establish for casual talking and easy picture sharing and everything which comes along the features of Discord. If you want to get involved a little in sharing your experiences and talk about the related topics in a more direct way than forums - feel free to join and say hello! https://discord.gg/WnKNJ8n
  21. 1.3 is not supported so please refrain from trying in 1.3. Can you post a screenshot of your GameData? Same for @Munar pilot, don't install any other mods rather the base line for RO in CKAN and then try if that works first. After that you can start adding different mods and tell us which one crash the install! Source: I installed RO/RP-0 yesterday again with CKAN and don't have any crashes since I didn't install any further part mods from CKAN, so the culprit must be there somewhere. Some people reported they *think* it is caused by a raidernick mod but didn't provide any further info.
  22. Hi. You can download SigmaDimensions for any rescale you want to have. RSS currently is released for 1.2.2 only
  23. I was also trying to add some bottom nodes to the HM7 by RSB and will likely push them into the Repo. I am still trying to implement a toggle for the bottom node as it usually isn't used in the RSB set. (I ran into the same problem trying to build an Ariane 4 like you did and the KW Rocketry bottom is horrible, I agree).
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