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Everything posted by Theysen

  1. or this one so we don't even need to download anything https://pastebin.com/
  2. The title pretty much confirms that RO works in 1.2.2. [1.2.2] Realism Overhaul v11.5.1 - 06/12/2017 Now please tell the name of the mod and upload an output.log as stated in red in the OP if you run into issues. As long as you installed through CKAN there are no incompatibilities or non functioning mods installed and RO should play like usual Thanks in advance
  3. These were first day issues when some mod authors had their .ckan meta files marked with 1.2.9 and CKAN then pulled those for a 1.2.2 install. I installed RSS/RO/RP-0 several times during the past weeks via CKAN and it works out of the box. Please try that again with a fresh 1.2.2 install. If we wouldn't support CKAN anymore we would state that, until then it is the preferred and proposed way of installation.
  4. There is currently NO need to install any mod manually outside of CKAN for the basic RO/RP-0 to work. You linked some older FAR commits which don't need to be installed, the released version is just fine for RO. You do want to check the Deadly Reentry prerelease though from the GitHub page. It has some EVA and reentry fixes, you want to install this over the current one which comes with CKAN. Thanks
  5. The sides on an Interstage fairing in combination with a Fuselage side panel isn't meant to detach on any other point than the top node working as a normal decoupler. If you want an interstage with an "exploding" wall make sure to use a normal payload fairing. It then detaches the sides too.
  6. Your modlist, output.log or KSP.log from the Game Install would be helpful Maybe you can link those up to specify the issue or screenshot your GameData folder!
  7. Please install this version for proper EVAing. https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/tag/v7.6.0 We need to update the CKAN install somehow.
  8. RCS_Test craft has the thrusters too close to the CoM to make an impact on attitude control, it is draining nitrogen though but the lever arm around the CoM is too short to make KSP realize what you want to do. IIRC that is due to stock code and implementation of the RCS module. I unfortunately can't open your second craft yet - going to install the part mods. brb EDIT: The Kestrel's RCS on the AJ stage works fine here.
  9. Can you share the .craft? I'd like to test that myself too. RCS didn't change and doesn't require any new mods.
  10. We had the exact same question on the IRC today. The thruster isn't placed at the Center of Mass?
  11. You could probably help people getting to help you if you post a screenshot of your vessel and post some specific circumstances under which it flips, like altitude or engine model, speed etc. Such a generic question will most likely only end up in guessing and that is not efficient. Cheers
  12. KW Rocketry: Vulcain, HM-7(B) SSTU: Vinci Forgotten Real Engines: Ariane 4 engines to name a few out of my head
  13. Both just updated earlier and RP-0 is now officially on 1.2.2 RP-0 really helps you going to learn the basics as you're following real life loosely and how they overcome the challenges (That's the nice thing: you see something work in real life it most of the times works in RO :P)
  14. List of Mods, output_log.txt and modulemanager.cache please, as usual
  15. there plenty, I'll have some videos and links for you shortly.
  16. "Ride the apoapsis" Get a decent thrusted engine and climb up to apoapsis by adjusting your pitch, then once past it pitch up or down to maintain 0 m/s vertically.
  17. check your MechJeb settings for "Max acceleration value" and the checkbox for "keep limited throttle above > 5%". Otherwise MJ cuts the throttle when the max acceleration value is exceeded.
  18. Then the usual please, output log, module manager cache and a screenshot of your GameData folder please.
  19. 1) Fuel tank is pressurized? 2) They are staged or enabled via Right-Click-Menu in the flight scene? 3) What kind of fuel tank are you using? Some need to have crossfeed enabled in the VAB. Cheers
  20. First of all we highly appreciate the output_log.txt or ksp.log files for error reports and in specific cases of misconfigured parts the modulemanager.cache file out of the GameData folder. For your issues though: Your GameDate folder contains way too many "bad" stuff for a proper RO install. 1) You have both RealSolarSystem and StockSizeRealSolarSystem (SSRSS) installed. Choose one. 2) You can't have the zzRFStockalike and RealFuelsStockalike inside your GameData folder if you want to use the properly configured fuels by RO. Will most propably solve your RCS issue, too. 3) You can't have SSTU-Optional Patches installed in RO since it prunes some parts mandatory for other mods to work and changes different configs, too. Delete that please. 4) You can't have RealPlumes Stockalike inside your GameData folder, those all apply different ModuleManager patches in different passes, this is reason for trouble and misconfigured behaviour. Out of curiosity: CKAN or manual install? For the proper RO experience RO experience you can again install it via CKAN in 1.2.2 and this prevents having those issues fortunately I hope this helps and fixes the problems, Cheers. Dare to elaborate? The newest release of SSRW doesn't crash in a 1.2.2 install. Source: tested it myself
  21. If they have a .dll most likely. Please use 1.2.2 only compatible versions of the mods. We actually should monitor the CKAN compatibility at this point as long as CKAN installs incompatible mod versions in 1.2.2 under RO. If those can't be fixed we have to refrain from supporting CKAN again until either all mods are properly installed by CKAN or we are on a stable 1.3. This isn't a CKAN bug or error but has to do with the version files the actual mod contains and which CKAN reads (one of a reason, not the only one).
  22. Transfer window planner assumes non inclined departure orbits. Use it with some caution and don't get confused when you don't get an encounter on an instant. If if you're really passionate and a precision guy use the matlab KSPTOT tool, you can enter all the data yourself when "offline" or grab orbital parameters from the current vessel directly when ingame ("online"). It has a learning curve but is a very powerful tool when used correctly. Hint: lets you do cool multi flyby paths to get out there
  23. Right click on Kerbal Space Program in the library - Tab Betas - select 1.2.2. branch
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