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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. This is what the planet looks like so far, and for the most part its terrain is complete. This was generated entirely from PQSMods, and no heightmap was needed. What do you think? Also, should the planet be atmospheric or not? (Bearing in mind this will increase the file size, and there are already quite a lot of atmospheric planets in the pack already, so pick wisely!).
  2. That looks awesome! (Also, to avoid strange texture errors, you need to remove the middle that the planet will fit into)
  3. If you want you can use my accretion disk texture and just change the hue to orange (Then again, you're much better at this stuff than me. I'm intrigued!)
  4. KerbalItalia saw the mod and did a review (I don't speak Italian so I can't tell anything that was said!) Those volumetrics are looking awesome. Will that be coming to the Instantiator mod?
  5. Hey all! Sorry for the poor video quality. I would upload in 1080p60 except for the fact that I'm on mobile data at the moment. I hope it's adequate - it's an orbital view of Niebos! I want to do a load of these so that I can (possibly) create video lores (unlikely but perhaps)
  6. I like making planets.

    I like landing on them.

    In don't like it when I fall through the terrain.

    Luckily that doesn't happen anymore, but sometimes the universe says "Hey! You can't do that!" and does it anyway.

    1. Sgt Doomball

      Sgt Doomball

      Go for it, Mate.:D

  7. It also means I can apply a good ol' lava, firey accretion disk (they take HOURS to make, though) to the planet. This planet might be a little different - I need to balance the lava AND the terrain, and I'd like to mess with PQSMods again instead of a heightmap, because of the sheer accuracy and detail needed for this one.
  8. @PixelStory2 if you see the first picture up there (of the planet getting bombarded) I could attempt to recreate that as a planet of its own (I'll either add it as a new planet or replace Quarta) - lava lakes, cracks, all that lot. What do you think? Your suggestions sounded kinda crazy like that (In a good way!), so perhaps this would satisfy you? It's certainly different to the rest of the planets.
  9. Lore #3 - Sonus Sonus has undergone an extreme formation process. Billions of years ago, a slightly larger mass of rock encountered Olu'um's accretion disk at extreme speeds. Small rocks, dust and radiation blasted the surface of what Kerbals now call Sonus. This created extremely high temperatures on the surface of the planet - scientists believe this is how it got its atmosphere. Over its course of 4 months past the Olumnian system, this hunk of rock (now slightly smaller than before) began to cool. This cooling process cracked up the rock in different locations similar to how Kerbin has its own continents. Finally, the planet settled into a nice orbit around Kerbol. Gas locked deep inside the planet began to leak out of the continental rifts, and Sonus was bombarded by many comets, bringing water and an atmosphere to the rocky body. Unfortunately, an asteroid of a similar size to Kerbin's 'Mun' collided with Sonus, ejecting rocks away from the planet. But we all know your enemies can become friends, and this former asteroid cleaned up the small rocks around Sonus and became classed as a moon - Sojos, with its feature volcano. You can still see craters pot-marked on the surface of Sonus as scars, but after its endless endeavours, the poor planet was rewarded with basic plant life, manageable CO2 and O2 levels, and a moon to keep its rotational axis stable. (Look at those clouds! The White Guardian has done a great job!) Thanks for reading this lore!
  10. "The Niebos 3 challenge (no mining): Land on Niebos, then land on Niebietos, and finish with a Mun flyby "
  11. Awesome! To everyone following this thread: Pick your ugliest planets from version 1.3. Reply here with them. I think we've hit the limit for planets in the Kerbal system and I need to revisit a few and brush them up. Which planets do guys want to see rivisited, improved or redone? This will help increase the overall quality of the mod by maintaining a good standard. Thanks!
  12. Version 1.3a for Kerbal Space Program 1.2.2 Released on 2017-03-26 IMPORTANT: If you're landed at Niebos, or Teloslate, complete your mission before updating! Removed a bug with Olu'um's accretion disk Added 'Kibbos' moon around Butai Reworked Fume's terrain Added auroras to EVE configs Telos scatterer atmosphere improved Teloslate clouds fixed Teloslate has an impact crater Teloslate size increased by 8KM Teloslate terrain bugs fixed Updated EVE clouds (Credit to The White Guardian for creating 5 assets) Niebos terrain updated. More sharper mountains for variation Fixed scatterer unloading bug when close to Niebos, then loading in Updated clouds for Niebos, Telos, Scorch, Volux, Butai and Sonus Added auroras to Niebos, Olu'um, Sheathe and Sonus Added more mountains to Sonus Removed Dusk's strange atmosphere (shouldn't have been there in the first place) Updated Fume's atmosphere colour for scatterer users Fixed major white planets bugwhen using scatterer Increased the size of Scorch to match its gravity proportionally Added stock planet scatterer and eve configs back to prevent major bugs Planet Verex replaced with Verdina Changed cloud particle textures Updated Niebos's ScaledSpace Added a module manager config to correctly load Scatterer onto the planets without hitches Changed Resources.txt to Resources.cfg - you can't mine Olu'um for LFO/MonoP anymore Fixed dust clouds on Sheathe "Removed the Kraken"
  13. Uploading version 1.3a. A bit time pressed, so I haven't given it as much as a thorough check as I should have, but nothing is seriously out of place, soooo... Yeah! - It should finish uploading in 20 minutes from when this message is posted. - Teloslate has one side which is hit by an impact, and should have an ocean. There's a bug which I'll fix tomorrow
  14. I don't know what to say... Wow! You'll have one more moon (Butai is getting a new moon - Kibbos, named by @The White Guardian ) to land on. Thank you for using this mod, and I hope you've had as much fun as possible whilst playing it!
  15. It might be because the heightmap for this volcano can be found on googleimages. We probably use the same volcanoes because it's easier to find one than make one (just search 'Volcano Heightmap png'). I used the MapDecal PQSMod to add the volcano seamlessly into the terrain of the moon, I imagine that other mod's developer did it as well
  16. The grand Teloslate cloud fix! It's very dark at its surface: (However there is still some strange terrain pixellation I'm working on)
  17. That actually looks cool. It won't be as vivid a colour as that, though. I might spend an hour or two experimenting with it. I'm not saying i'll make it into next week's release, but there's a possibility
  18. It's entirely up to you. I would wait till the next update, though, just incase something messes up during updating (and orbits maaaaaay shift a tad, so don't somehow get to a planet in an hour and wonder how to get back after updating!)
  19. Update: Build going out in around an hour and a half. Any last suggestions/requests? Make em quick or wait till next week
  20. Added a veeeery slight aurora to mimic the small amount of dust on Sheathe. It doesn't look noticeable unrealistic (that's probably subjective), just a nice feature to notice and, of course, AURORAS!
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