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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Another thing I'd like to point out is one of the other planets. Forgive me as I forgot the name and am now on mobile writing this, but there's a heightmap with some cracks. And a few craters which show up if you google "Crater heightmap" (I use that myself ) If that sparks your memory: The heightmap doesn't quite look like a height map. It looks like a cross between a normal map and a height map, as the cracks have shadows, or dips where they shouldn't have. Is this intended? Might just be me. Also, you will have noticed the pinching at the poles of your planets. I used to get this, too. You need to polarly distort your height maps using photoshop's Polar Coordinates effect. I could walk you through this, but I'm on mobile as I said before.
  2. If you take a look at the bottom of Gaia.cfg in my planet mod, you can use the MapDecalTangential there if you don't already have it yourself, if that makes it easier Great work on the planet mod, I'll be watching this thread from time to time I assume you also saw my small rant. I just have to call him out on stuff like that, because he just disregards months of effort because "there isn't a new star system" Just had to get that off my chest
  3. Fair enough I can't change titles on spacedock because the guys over there don't seem to allow that. They haven't responded to my email from February so rest assured I'm not using spacedock again. I'm getting off track, though. To me, stockalike is being able to get to or explore planets in the stock game without any other mods installed. But thanks for telling me. Using terminology incorrectly doesn't look great on my end No worries. Just wanted to point it out
  4. Haha thanks the planets themselves are stockalike (as they are similar sized and have similar gravities as the stock planets), but the visuals are certainly not
  5. New progress on 1.3 teaser: So far, progress on the 1.3 update is going really well. Because i'm only waiting for scatterer, i've had the time to crush more bugs and fix some itches that i've wanted to scratch for a long time. Here's a quick rundown of what to expect in the next update coming to both 1.2.2 and 1.3: New cloud maps for Gaia: A less bumpy, more sandy Olei: Teloslate's orbit made more eccentric with close passes to Telos, and Olu'um's Accretion disk made larger: Other stuff coming in the update: Finishing optimising textures and RAM usages Reduced file size Prepared the update for 1.2.2 AND 1.3 users Fixed Sojos's PQS errors and black markings around the volcano and on the back of the moon Added cirrus clouds to Gaia KSC terrain colour matches terrain colour Toxic biome added Corrected Gaia's biome map Added poles back to Gaia Updated quality of the [...] at the north [...] Stay tuned! NOTE: 1.2.2 support will be dropped at the end of June
  6. What Like No. Olu'um is not based off any gas giant. It's a sub-star (or a failed star) which was captured by Kerbol. Saturn was not. Olu'um does not have rings. And Olu'um is purple. It's not 100% a gas giant, more of a hot Jool. And sorry to be a little rude, but in the title on Spacedock it clearly says stockalike planet pack
  7. @blackrack another very minor thing could be to add comparability with @Artyomka15's Instantiator plugin. I see a few more planet packs are using it, but scatterer doesn't draw over the top of it. Perhaps there's a way to force scatterer to load after Instantiator? (It's a special kind of ring which I imagine takes after the Kopernicus rings)
  8. I believe he means having the Layer2D and scatterer atmospheric integration work together on one planet. The thing is, turning on integration will remove the effect of the Layer2D glow and bring back the terminator dawn/dusk lines on the planet. Turning it off removes the terminators and gives back the glow. That might he hard to integrate, though, but I would also love this.
  9. Hey! I have a suggestion. Myself and @Avera9eJoe have been talking, and we feel as if disabling Scatterer's EVE integration is a massive blow to the quality of planets when both mods are used in conjunction. The problem (isn't a bug), is that we like to use EVE cloud layers as glows for non-atmospheric planets, such as this: However we can't do this if Scatterer's EVE integration is enabled, as it destroys the daylight side of the planet (the glow only appears at night where scatterer is "least active") I'm suggesting that in the planetsList config file, we can specify whether the integration is enabled for each individual planet. For example: scattererCelestialBodies { Item { celestialBodyName = Gaia transformName = Gaia [...] { [...] } EVEIntegration = FALSE // <------- } And then we can use modulemanager configs to do this (this is pseudocode): @Scatterer:NEEDS[EVE] { @Scatterer[Scatterer_planetsList] { @scattererCelestialBodies { @celestialBodyName [Gaia] { IntegrateWithEVEClouds = false } } } }
  10. Thank you! I was using cbNameLater and DisplayName. Not sure why, but I must have forgotten to remove it. It works a treat now just some cloud shadow flickering, can probably be resolved on my end by turning off the shadowmaterial.
  11. Hello! I'm pretty well finished making the visuals for my planet mod. I've downloaded the latest version of EVE which has this: and... I'm not getting that effect. The clouds only appear after heading to the 'settings' menu, but they're offset inside the planet. Logs and Configuration Files: Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nd4lpwhr72b47fy/output_log.txt?dl=0 Cloud configuration file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h8m5fxnfnp59xjc/Clouds.cfg?dl=0 Here's the code for the node where the clouds are applied: EVE_CLOUDS { OBJECT { name = Gaia-MainClouds body = Gaia altitude = 8000 detailSpeed = 0,6,0 settings { _DetailScale = 30 _UVNoiseStrength = 0.0008 _UVNoiseScale = 0.0075 _UVNoiseAnimation = 2,0 _MainTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/niebos1 } _UVNoiseTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/uvnoise1 } _DetailTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Detail2 } } layer2D { shadowMaterial { _ShadowFactor = 0.2 } macroCloudMaterial { _DetailDist = 2E-06 _MinLight = 0.1 } } layerVolume { maxTranslation = 100,200,100 size = 2000,2.2 area = 18000,4 noiseScale = 1.2,1.3,90 particleMaterial { _BumpMap = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/particle_NRM _LightScatter = 0.6 _Tex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/rgb } } } } OBJECT { name = Gaia-Cirrus body = Gaia altitude = 8100 speed = 0,90,0 detailSpeed = 0,6,0 settings { _Color = 255,255,255,255 _DetailScale = 30 _UVNoiseStrength = 0.0008 _UVNoiseScale = 0.0075 _UVNoiseAnimation = 2,0 _MainTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Cirrus_tertiary } _DetailTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/Detail2 } } layer2D { shadowMaterial { _ShadowFactor = 0.1 } macroCloudMaterial { _DetailDist = 2E-06 _MinLight = 0.05 } } layerVolume { maxTranslation = 100,200,100 size = 2000,2.2 area = 18000,4 noiseScale = 1.2,1.3,90 particleMaterial { _BumpMap = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/particle_NRM _LightScatter = 0.6 _Tex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/rgb } } } } OBJECT { name = Gaia-glow body = Gaia altitude = 30000 speed = 0,0,0 detailSpeed = 0,0,0 settings { _Color = 100,100,255,80 _MainTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/blank } _DetailTex { value = Olei/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/clear } } layer2D { macroCloudMaterial { _RimDistSub = 2E-5 _FalloffScale = 4 } } } } NOTE: This occurs on 1.2.2 and 1.3, however my log file is from 1.3. Any help would be nice
  12. Depends if you use the preview build of TR or not. On the 1.2.2 build it crashed on EVA.
  13. Yeah there's a few. Doing an EVA with TextureReplacer visor reflections causes the game to crash 100% of the time. Upon vessel destruction, there is still the annoying flickering. Patched conics fails if there are too many gravity assists with one or more leaving the local body's SOI (happens with Jool and Olu'um). Scatterer: Terrain problems in 1.3. There are a lot
  14. Debatable, as this is a known bug. Known bug, cannot be fixed.
  15. Also, doing this jiggers the planet order around internally for Kopernicus, so everyone will yell at me because their Olei base moved to Telos, or something like that. There's a while before scatterer is 1.3 ready, there for a while until 1.3 comes about for us here, so I have a good week or so to experiment with stuff
  16. Nah it's alright. They help a lot. I'll fix the spelling error I have 0 control over contracts unfortunately, so there's nothing I can do about them
  17. Found an issue with Sonus' moon, Sojos. Could you open Olei > Configs > Sojos.cfg. scroll down to were it says PQS, then 'Mods'. Find "VertexColorMap". Inside that node, increase its order by 500 or so. That should fix it!
  18. I don't think it's popping up on the wrong planet (Olu'um instead of, say, Olei), I think it's just offering that contract too early. Still been experimenting through the day, no breakthrough
  19. If that's the case, I would have been pointed to 4 other planets first. the FGI value just helps Kopernicus/KSP keep track of which planet is which.
  20. I just moved Olu'um into the Configs folder with all the other planets, and moved its colourmap into PluginData as with every other planet. Unfortunately, after the third flight, I received a contract to Explore Olu'um as per usual here. I'm not sure whether contracts can be altered, and I'm not sure why the game is picking Olu'um so early.
  21. Unfortunately not. I reworked Teloslate early on, or did something to it. I really liked the old version Thanks, though!
  22. @Raptor22 @eloquentJane @NISSKEPCSIM Do any of you three still have "Olei Planet Mod 0.4" downloaded anywhere? I'm planning on bringing back the old Teloslate, but I don't have its original config files. Thanks Are you sure Olemut wouldn't interact with the ship, flinging it out of the system? I just put 8 crafts in different orbits around Olei and timewarped for a few years. One was thrown out by Olemut and nothing else happened
  23. Uhmm... I'm gonna stick some vessels in orbit of Olei at various altitudes and take a look. This could be KSP from what I think... I'll take a look
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