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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. Wait a minute. I may have figured it out on my own. Someone please tell me if this is correct. I took my two Apsis and added them. 703 (to round). Divided by two. 351.5. Now I add 351 to the radius of Kerbin. 351.5 + 600 = 951.5KM is my SMa. MechJeb says that\'s correct, but I\'m not sure if it\'s just a crazy coincidence.
  2. There is literally not one single page on the internet that explains how to calculate SMA. I am in an orbit with an AP of 403 and a PE of 303. How do I calculate the SMa of that. Please explain in detail. This is the most annoying moment of my life.
  3. Yeah, but you posted a thread saying you wanted a 'simple mechjeb' because the regular one was too confusing. Someone told you about pro-grade and you said, 'SMART A.S.S.? Prograde? WTF is that?!'
  4. I think you should learn how to play the game before making parts. Judging by the post where you were totally confused about basic terms, you have a lot to do before you should worry about modeling... And try not to be so rude to mods and tell them to 'show themselves'.
  5. Just used your calculations. They worked perfectly the first flight when I went to put my calculations for an SMa orbit of 7.11645KM. Everyone ignore my OP. I\'ll be updating it to show good calculations.
  6. I rounded a lot of the decimal points. So my calculations might be off by a few minutes or so.
  7. Sweet! I\'m doing a lot of editing right now. I just added the VAB to the wikia. If you have anything to add on it, I could use help. My page is just basically a place holder.
  8. Kosmo\'s right. To be slingshotted, you have to actually utilize its gravity to shoot you around the body and accelerate towards Minmus. How did you exit its SOI seconds after entering it, anyway? Something fishy is going on around here...
  9. Since the KSP official wiki is down, I think it would be a good idea to set up a community .wikia for KSP. However, I think we should remain vigilant for vandals. As they were the cause of the official wiki being shut down. In fact, maybe we could limit the people that are allowed to edit by making sure that their intentions are good. I really believe that all of the information that we could put on a wiki is very important for player use. Tell me what you guys think.
  10. Have you ever been in orbit around Kerbin, Mun or Minmus and thought, I wonder how long this orbit takes? This may be useful to knowing how much time you have until a certain burn or transfer must be made, or even when or where to splash back down in the ocean. Let\'s find Semi Major Axis First: My own little KSP formula is the following: A=AP+PE+Pd/2 A: Semi Major Axis AP: Apoapsis PE: Periapsis Pd: Planet diameter /: divided by (of course!) So, we can now easily calculate a semi-Major axis. Let’s hypothetically have an orbit of 160x83KM around Kerbin. The SMA of this orbit is 160+83+1200 divided by 2. Or: 721.5 kilometers. Easy enough. Finding the Period is just as simple. You’ll need two things: 1.) A scientific calculator 2.)The gravitational parameter of the desired body to orbit. Kerbin’s gravitational parameter is 3530.461km^3/s^2. Ignore the unit, for these calculations, we won’t need it. The formula is simply ?(2)?(A^3/U) ?: Pi A: SMa U: Gravitational Parameter I’ll calculate the period of this orbit manually and show you. First off, our SMa is 721.5Km Now, we cube that. =375585663.375 Now we dived by the gravitational parameter (3530.461) of Kerbin. =106384.3116734613 Now, we do the part of the equation that you’ll need a scientific calculator to complete. ?(2)= 6.283185307 6.283185307?106384.3116734613 In seconds, our orbital period is: 2,049.351406 EXACTLY. To find this in minutes, simply divide by sixty. At the altitude I mentioned above, it will take exactly 34.15585677 minutes to complete an orbit.
  11. Do you guys have your KSP source folder as a WinRar archive on your desktop? If that happens, saving can become an issue. Paste all of your KSP files into an uncompressed folder. That should save automatically.
  12. You\'re welcome. The atmosphere ends at 70KM, so you won\'t have to work against aerobraking. Good luck with the satellite.
  13. Zephram, I really like your signature! haha. Tell your VCR he\'s go on that alarm. Same for the 1201. Same type. You\'re go.
  14. So much for your username... lol. But seriously. We\'ll need more information to diagnose the problem.
  15. If one leg broke off, you obviously landed with lateral velocity. You should be landing while coming straight down at a velocity of under 6m/s. Also, the stock landing legs suck ass. I recommend you use really strong ones.
  16. I think it\'s a NovaPunch part. I\'m not exactly sure though. I have so many parts downloaded I can\'t keep track of which ones are which.
  17. After the first full test flight of the Orion launching on the Ares entered my list of priorities today, I decided to film it. Needless to say, the launch went nominally on the first try and ended up as a great little KSP demo and cinematic. Obviously it has been chopped up and cut very much, as getting into orbit without warp or video editing takes about 12 minutes. This video is more short and sweet at under two minutes. And of course, as all of my KSP videos are, it is in High-Definition. The best KSP videos are the ones where you can see what\'s happening. The C/SM will orbit Kerbin for the next twelve days to test its reliability for long term stays in space during later missions to Minmus in this spacecraft. After which, it will retrofire and return home. I believe I will film that and upload it! Kerbal Space Program: Orion Launch into Orbit with Ares I-X Demo Flight (HD!)
  18. I think I will. I even have an Apollo LM I can land. Maybe I\'ll even film it.
  19. I have a lunar probe called Surveyor on the far side of the Mun that is taking all sorts of pictures and gathering data on the far side of the highlands regions. Because it is on the far side, it had no way to relay the data to Kerbin. I decided to launch a satellite into orbit around the Mun. It orbits at 30KM. As the craft swings around the far side (as it is about to), it will send a signal for the probe to beam its data to the satellite. As MRO crosses into the near side, it will then send the info to Kerbin. Here is a photo of the Munar Recon Orbiter as it is about to go into the darkness above the Mun. -EDIT- Surveyor Probe sees the indicator that MRO has passed above! (Terrain allows me to view this from below. LOL)
  20. It\'s not Kearth, it\'s Kerbin... Why do people keep saying Kearth???
  21. It IS a glitch. I have downloaded people\'s crafts that are some very stable designs that other people can fly perfectly fine. They often also DO have delta-wings. Kosmo-Not was having a problem where trim controls weren\'t working. Unfortunately, there\'s just a LOT of glitches with the planes it this game.
  22. I also need to mention that for some reason, the LM landed on its contact probes. After going back to it in the tracking station, though, it has settled on the pads. This must be some kind of Lunar Surface glitch.
  23. The KSP space planes are practically completely physically unrealistic. There\'s a glitch with them in mine, though. No matter how stable the design, at exactly 6,000 meters, my plane pitches up to 90 degrees and oscillates back and forth.
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