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Everything posted by VincentMcConnell

  1. How is the LES going to work? You\'ll have a hard time working around KSP\'s staging quadrant. Because you want the tower to jettison if you don\'t need it, but you also want it to fire and rip you away earlier if you DO need it. Is that possible?
  2. Pretty much. I wrote up my own flight plan and checklists, so I\'m basing the instrument panel off of that. If I was able to build it inside my house, I would incorporate Orbiter 2010 into it so I could actually visualize me changing orbits and stuff. But it\'s too big and my house is too small.
  3. Well probably not. The seat is set 32 inches below the top of the heatshield and my legs had to be extended for me to even have a hope of fitting. I think you could get one Kerbal in there. MAYBE two.
  4. My Grandma and I (with some help from a friend and my dad) have been working on putting together a capsule similar to a Mercury style thing. There\'s a lot more work to do, but for now, it\'s starting to shape up. We just installed a chair and seating system. It will eventually be able to run full scale space flight simulations. Here\'s some pictures. This is what we have so far: In case it looks a little small, here\'s a picture of me actually sitting in it: The heat shield (capsule base) is 4\' in diameter.
  5. Oh jeez. You saw that LunaCognita video, huh? There was no 'covert S-EVA.' LunaCognita believes we hid Aliens on the moon. Apollo 12 did no such thing.
  6. You tricked me. I thought this was a real thing and wanted it.
  7. I will also gladly help with the testing of this spacecraft if you have room for testers. Thanks! --EDIT-- Will this be a 1m pack?
  8. I want to make the dark side of Celestial bodies even darker. Can I tweak and ambient light setting in the game for this to happen?
  9. Those math problems are so annoying when they\'re complicated...
  10. I believe it\'s on the edge of a larger Maria region, which could account for the mound on which it sits. But who knows? Maybe there is something under there.
  11. Kerbal Space Program: Apollo/Saturn Launch... Kerbal Style! (HD!) I used the Apollo 11 launch audio here. I simply chopped it up to try to get it to fit the KSP launch and then raised the pitch to make it sound like Kerbals talking. It\'s a funny effect, actually.
  12. On the subject of easter eggs near KSC, where the hell is KSC2??????? Can someone plot it on the map so I can go there?
  13. This huge valley on Minmus is a planned landing site of one of my first missions to EVA on the planet. Anyway, I was doing to location picking, mapping etc. with an orbiter (Kerpollo CSM) and I used the surface information radar to map the height of the mountains here... They are as much as 4 kilometers above Minmus sea level. That means more than 3 times the depth of the Grand Canyon!
  14. That\'s the best approach. Leave a very minimal amount of debris that actually orbits.
  15. Yeah, it\'s always nice to have MechJebs there. You can\'t control your attitude, though, you can only control throttle. So wait until your ship actually drifts around to the correct attitude for your burn. When it\'s prograde, you\'ll want to wait half an orbit to deorbit something.
  16. I really don\'t think this needed all of the bold text and show boating.
  17. Average parking orbit for my missions is 14KM. Nice and safe up there. But for the DOI prior to descent, I drop it to an altitude of about 5.5KM. I did a mission a while ago to establish that 7KM was also very safe. It just depends at which altitude you feel comfortable.
  18. First, the planet is called 'Kerbin', not 'Kerbal'. I know how to do a Lunar Free Return. It\'s simple. Set up your TLI so that your final Apokee is 14,000KM. You\'ll make a really distant pass from the Mun\'s far side, but it should drop you right back into the atmosphere.
  19. Generally you will want to think of these things before your mission leaves the ground. The best way to ensure this is to attach a Mech Jeb to every stage that -- according to your flight approach -- will be left in a situation where it won\'t normally reenter. After the flight, you can then simply take control of the debris and burn it retrograde back into the atmosphere.
  20. I generally write up a checklist for my mission. It is specific to each objective on my flight plan so there\'s no foul ups. When I take this approach, I usually have a 100% nominal mission. Any problems can sometimes be related to MechJeb bombing out and then I have to take manual control of the flight. I can still do it, though. --EDIT-- But the lamest mistake ever is usually forgetting to bring ASAS. You find out real soon during launch ascent...
  21. So. I typed a comment and got this Captcha. Of what does it remind you?
  22. Just kidding... Why do you care so much about RP?
  23. Here\'s a bunch of photos we took at the Air and Space Museum when I went with my cousins. My favorite part of the day was the simulator. My little cousin, Jon, and I flew the thing twice. It had great handling. He was very apprehensive to take the controls of the ship for some reason. I handed over the controls, he rolled us upside down, then let go of the stick and told me to right the craft again... I had to switch control back to my ACS and then null out the shit-storm he had put us in. . It was a lot of fun. Here\'s some pictures. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151019073343830.453384.571363829&type=1&l=13aea083e1
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