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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. XB-70A


    Équateur, a province of the DRC.
  2. XB-70A


  3. And a second rescheduling in 48 hours.
  4. XB-70A


    Which is why I chose Atlas, the name of a mountain range in North Africa.
  5. Even worse, he decided to take over one of my t-shirts yesterday. This is not a trick, he has literally chosen to make this clothing his new dressing! #MadRocketCat
  6. XB-70A


    Well, Atlas... the Maghreb's mountain range.
  7. Hmm, nothing's better than the good, old lines...
  8. And you are right. I would also find it interesting to note that a large number of contributors do not even seek to get any penny from their achievements. Some do it for the unique pleasure of creating, others use YouTube as a backup base while leaving the possibility to visitors to access it. Coupled with: I just looked at my results under Chrome, 508 848 ads blocked in almost two years, which means 697 at an average daily rate, or one every 2 minutes. I understand that it may bother, but the lack of relationship between what interests me and the categories of advertising make me use this plugin. Some websites use more complex and powerful analyzers, and are then able to offer potentially interesting ads, clearly related to what I enjoy. I then disable ABP for these sites. However, in the case of YouTube, it's not nearly happening.
  9. I would add that for 99.9% of YouTube users, the roulette has to be played with semi-automatic pistols.
  10. Was about to give a -1 too... until I realized you were the Solid-Snake-user-who-changed-its-profile-pic'; 09/10.
  11. Error 140: hides interesting stuff from tech tree and part list.
  12. Longer video of the hatch opening: Perhaps it is me, but it seems that the hatch takes a certain volume and could be an obstacle to the crew movements.
  13. Kerbal Konstruct is giving you the possibility to create your own spaceport at any location, and is compatible with RSS
  14. Joining the club, introducing Space Exploration Adept #1. Highly dedicated to the cause: Serious supporter of nuclear propulsion. Slightly active, however: Expert in camouflage, and professional bothering fellow: But almost human, and the best mate ever:
  15. Enter the Dragon! (Falcon 9, providing short-termed but powerful artificial light since 2010) B1051.1 reentry burn. All pictures taken from the Saturn V Center; distance was equivalent to 6.3 km (approx 4 mi) Small note: Two hours of traffic jam and in a waiting line before boarding the bus to the spotting location, a rather... "tense" atmosphere between poorly educated/aggressive people, and three hours more on the way back. However, it was so exceptional and intense that no one could have regretted having attended.
  16. (BTW, would anyone know which movie this .gif is coming from?)
  17. There was a pretty intense (but well localized, hopefully) cell, about 300 km WNW of the coast:
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