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Everything posted by XB-70A

  1. Most of the time, I'm listening to it while driving (people seated in the car are always asking me to switch to another track... no way!) (One of the best, if not the best sub' movie ever, BTW) For my part, here is the one trapped in my head for 48 hours: Also, I never realized that the off-voice samples in the track were from Stephen Hawking!
  2. I would be interested to know if they finally found a deal about the caliber deciding between. About cannons, it could seems like it's starting at 15 mm (this pretty unusual caliber having been developed for the MG 151... before being replaced by its 2 cm variant) as some systems, such as the Soviet KPV (14.5 mm), or the German MG 131 (1.3 cm) were designated as "heavy machine guns". Still, there are some "exceptions" around, such as the ".950" JDJ cartridge (which is equivalent to 20x110 mm), but the few firearms able to accept it are still designated as "rifles".
  3. Here are some (terrible) shots of the SLC-39A taken today: 21 km away (awful) From the Saturn V hangar, 6.3 km away. Somewhat a bit better but the viewing angle is really bad from there. Then the only one with an average view of it: Drivers are always slowing down to show alligators, or a nest of bald eagles to the tourists, I wish they could do it for big Falcons too...
  4. I'm not going to lie... but it was the first occasion for me to observe a total lunar eclipse. I don't have words to describes the emotions, but I took some shots of it:
  5. She's 45 minutes away from the place I'm living! (I'm almost dropping a tear every time the curtain rises and Atlantis appears to us) Kitty Hawk is also standing there... As well as some samples: ---------- Also, one of my relatives used to work for the CNES, and he got a small collection of debris and pieces he collected during many years at the CSG (some of them are from VA-501).
  6. Banned for hard intransigence.
  7. Banned for being a member of the Positive Forum Movement, also known as the P.F.M., an obscure and discrete organization, and unknown to so many, but which, according to anonymous testimonies, would aim at the domination of the forum by means that are still unknown to us!
  8. If you are still in FL, the sky should be pretty clear tonight:
  9. Banned for omitting the capital letters of Misty Mountains.
  10. Having studied cinema during four years, I had to attend the theater at least three times a week. At the end, I endured many low cost (and multi millions) atrocities, but it allowed me to notice a common point to a good amount of films that I would describe as "boring": their title is nothing but the subject treated. Imagine the whole team looking to name their next artwork... - "Dang guys, I don't have any ideas..." - "Me neither, boss." - "Hey! Wait a minute! In this realization, we will focus on Io?" -"Yup... you read the scenario too, do why are you asking?!" -"That's the point, the story will happen on Io! So let's call it Io!" Well... about boredom I award the golden pill of sleepiness to Sissako's Bamako (2006). The scenario was good, the whole message behind the idea was good, but the atmosphere was awful.
  11. Gee Harass (ok, it's phonic, but still!).
  12. Lul! I'll be honest... I've been quietly doing nothing on my computer for two hours, and the old book I bought years ago for the Commercial Pilot License was at hand
  13. Theoretically, it is not only that they can, but the pilot(s) MUST refuse to this passenger to board. The consumption of alcoholic beverage by passengers can be allowed on carriers and private flights, as long as it does not call into question the safety of the occupants. The danger is not only due to the excessive violence that the subject could show, but also to the "in-cabin" altitude, whether your plane is pressurized or not: the effect of alcohol will always be more intense than at the surface level, whether you're a drinking record-man or not. In the case of G.A. in the U.S., the 14 CFR 91.17 is clear about it (it's also the same rule for the EASA): Alcohol or Drugs (b) Except in an emergency, no pilot of a civil aircraft may allow a person who appears to be intoxicated or who demonstrates by manner or physical indications that the individual is under the influence of drugs (except a medical patient under proper care) to be carried in that aircraft. Good luck to find the aforementioned "emergency", since the transport of an intoxicated subject will only aggravate its condition.
  14. Banned for omitting the ban of the AIM-9 and its rider.
  15. Banned for banning a banner who was banished by a banished.
  16. Banned for not having understood that the user above had understood.
  17. I hope you are not in full digestion, because it is going to spin your stomach (and to burn your eyes): Some (or several?) hours later that's what it gave:
  18. --- Ok, banned for being at an unstabilized location.
  19. To be honest, you beat me to revive it (well, it's about 72 hours now that I'm thinking about posting here or not...) Are you sure that there would not be an option that you would prefer...
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