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Posts posted by Speadge

  1. Hey @Galileo ,


    any idea how to avoid this error:

    [EXC 17:22:17.156] TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'System.Func`2' from assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'.
        PlayYourWay.PlayYourWayScenarioInjector.Start ()


    Happens on every scene change to SpaceCenter

  2. 1 hour ago, Vorg said:

    File viewer alpha sorts so when you look in the GameData folder, those will always be the first ones.

    that doesnt even come close to an answer to the basic question about additional add-on-checks from the mini-AVC plugin located in those folders.

    I get multiple pop-ups about one and the same outdated mods as long as the named add-ons have a mini-AVC dll in their folder - or i rename those folders to Z_~

  3. @Alexoff

    On 12.4.2015 at 10:37 AM, blackrack said:

    Try to read at least 10 pages back and check the known issues section in the OP before posting

    srsly, u dont deserve more than that as an answer

    edit: funfact: u dont even have to go ONE page back... its on THIS very page -.-

  4. 17 hours ago, TechRon said:

    For those having trouble getting this installed.  I collected all the updated files and finally figured out how to install them so that they work with KSP 1.3.  I havn't tested every part or every situation but it seems to be working fine on every part I've used.  I have no issues with game crashing on startup or while using the parts.  So it seems stable.  I zipped my "GameData" folder with the Infernal Robotics files compatible with KSP 1.3.  So its a simple unzip process then drag and drop to your main KSP folder just like you would install most mods.  It will then put everything where it needs to be.  However.  I can't figure out how to post a file here for you to download.  If anyone can help me with that I dont mind sharing this zip.


  5. 13 hours ago, Nozyspy said:

    Ok, this is getting deeply infuriating now, ive been at this for hours and still cant get the textures to work. Installed all the latest versions of all the mods via .zip, put the KSPRC folder in there, also put any textures and such into the texture replacer folder (which i hadn't done before) and managed to get the zoomed out planet textures working (i.e the ones you see in the tracking station) but the 'on the ground textures' do not work at all, and neither do the clouds which just appear as large white blocks.


    Can someone please tell me exactly what they did to get this working on 1.2? Please? :'(




    Finally got it to work (mostly). Installed All the latest versions of all the mods via CKAN, then copied the whole contents of the KSPRC .zip over, merging any folders that needed merging but NOT 'mobing and replacing' any files that were already from the new versions. In other words just adding any KSPRC files that werent already there. However the clouds still do not work, they just display as big white squares and blobs, so i just used the clouds from SVE, and they seem to work fine.

    sounds for me like a mess u have in ur /gamedata folder.

    do the following:

    - download the ksprc zipped file
    - delete all folders in your gamedata that are also in the KSPRC zip
    - copy ONLY the KSPRC folder from the zipped file over to your gamedata (no other add-ons)
    - download all the other mods from that folders u didnt just copy (scatterer, eve, kopernicus) and place them in your gamedata

    That should work.


    Did this a dozen times - if its not working, u missed something :D

  6. 13 hours ago, Nozyspy said:


    Can someone tell me precisely what combination of mods are being used for the above screenshots and point me towards instructions to install them. Ive sort of managed to get SVE atmospheres working with KSPRC, but it seems a bit jenky.


    **EDIT** The KSPRC textures do not work, gah, cant figure out what i am doing wrong.

    KSPRC textures need Kopernicus AddOn and the KSPRC Config-File and the subfolders it is referring to


    I made an How-To back then for KSPRC + SVE.
    Might be a little outdated but it should work for the basics.


  7. 2 hours ago, JuusoMut said:

    I have been having some issues with the clouds and can't seem to figure out how to fix it. The cloud layer doesn't seem smooth as seen in the screenshot. I appreciate all the help in advance.



    If you need anything else just ask.

    isnt that the way clouds are display at a certain hight for default? i am used to this since i know eve.

    I think to remember it is cause of distant clouds are not "pseudo-3d" rendered, as the near ones are. So when u are at a certain altitude (just above them) and look at distant ones, they just seem to be flat.

    something like this?!

  8. On 14.11.2016 at 10:36 PM, tomgle said:

    I downloaded the mod, and while everything looks stunning, even without GemFX, I get very low FPS while launching even something like the Kerbal X, with a low of 14 fps (although that was in clouds). Is this normal? I found it quite surprising, considering I'm using a GTX 970 and an i7-4790K @ 4.00 GHz. My worry is that the game will become unplayable during larger launches, especially with GemFX (assuming that affects framerates).

    Also, does this work with Revamped Stock Kerbol System?

    Thanks for help

    i think that the way proot has set up his mod makes it very hard to be handled for "mid-class" vga adapters.

    I have a 970 as well, and its not much different here. so i think from this point on its not longer the physic-calculation slowing u down, but really the amount of eyecandy he has packed in here.

    My 970 is at 100% load all the time playing - so u might consider a little upgrade?

  9. 4 hours ago, ZooNamedGames said:

    I don't wanna use 1.2... :( 

    *sigh* I guess I will... for SCIENCE... But I need Vesselmover, HyperEdit and KER, any of these updated to 1.2?

    u report bugs in an old version, expect them to get fixed - but u dont want to use the latest version available / another version than 1.1.3 on the other hand.
    How do u expect them to be fixed then?

    thats... confusing...

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