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Everything posted by Nich

  1. hhmmm... I think I am going to have to disagree my obsession with the perfect gravity turn has wasted so many hours of my life when I could have just added 200 dv and done a bad gravity turn.
  2. I am going to have to say station don't return once you cross that line it is a mothership or a lander.
  3. Yes as long as you turn SAS off batteries should last forever right? Any burn greater then 10 dv should fully recharge them. I have been playing TAC for a while
  4. When I first started playing I thought tweak scale should be stock. You are right you can never optimize a design (which drives me crazy) however in KSP there is rarely a need to. As the parts are over powered for the universe anyways. Now if you went and hacked 50 isp off every engine you would definitely need to play a lot cleaner.
  5. please define a space plane. Ya nor nay on rappiers and lifting surfaces. A lot of gray area here.
  6. The reason Hitchhiker is so heavy is because it is a living space not a seat. Comparing it to airline seating is not a good comparison. Most countries would consider 24 hours in an airline seat torture. Everything else looks good but I prefer adding more life support to overweight pods
  7. My eve assender did not have enough stability and would tip sideways just enough to start blowing off pieces. Even though the com was very low and it never flipped any deviation from retrograde was fatal on eve. Spinning in the roll access kept the craft pointing directly retrograde or at least keep heating low enough part didn't explode
  8. hhhmmmm... any thoughts on station keeping? I had everything withing .01 seconds of each other and they are already starting to bunch up. Cant wait until I get ants and oscars for station keeping
  9. Wouldn't transfer windows be the worst time to use the warp drive? For a duna transfer behind I think the best time to warp would be when your prograde at kerbal is parallel but opposite with duna's prograde however you really need to do some vector math to figure it out. Really if you have the warp dive isn't 1000's of dv trivial?
  10. You guys need more bulk. Has enough fuel that I should never need to visit minimus again.
  11. I do wonder if 9:1 is too high as if someone was to make an ion ship that is 80% zenon the dv might be too disproportionate
  12. So I should have unlimited contracts now however I have 13 going and I seem to have stopped receiving new contracts until I finish old contracts. What is the point of unlimited contracts if the systems only offers you 15 contracts at a time?
  13. Oh and FYI oberth is less and less important the more and more dv a burn takes. If you want to get .5c and have infinite TWR your gravity losses out of the gravity well would be nearly 0.000000 dv. If you spent 1000 years accelerating your gravity losses would be escape velocity (about 1000 m/s for kerbin) However this is only .000000000000001% of your total burn and becomes insignificant
  14. Got a pic of my fuel tanker on minimus up to 1,500 tons. It should refuel in less then a year.
  15. Can you link your channel? I can give some constructive criticisms. I made 2 episodes however the production quality was not there. I think if i wanted to do it I would have to spend 60ish on software to get the production values that are acceptable to me. In addition to that I just don't think I am that interesting, gameplay might be interesting for 30 minutes but I find it hard to imagine holding anyones interest. At least there where lots of explostions why oh why are tiny nose cones and .625 adaptors so far down in the tech tree :/ Missions so far have been pretty quick with a lot of explosions in between 3 missions rolling around KSA to get science to unlock probes 1 Mission into the air to get antenna that doesn't snap right away in air. -lots or explosions as anything faster then 100m/s would snap the antenna) 1 Mission suborbital -Was attempting orbital came up about 80 dv short 1 Mission to set up com sat relays around kerbin - Extremely challenging missing all of the .625 tech and aerodynamic stuff needed to get to orbit and I had 157 dv to place all 4 satellites in a square. Satellites are unpowered 1 Mission attempting the Mun, but got high science at least -Very challenging as on reentry science and parachutes did not want to follow the heat shield into the atmosphere. After many many explostions, dead satellites, failed launches, antennas forgotten I finally got it which was very satisfying and unlocked the terrior 1 Mission Mun Flyby high and low science -Extremely easy, just replaced the swivel with a terrier on the previous design 1 Mission Mun com sats -Extremely easy as I used the Kerbin com sat launcher replacing the swivel with a terrier
  16. Wow I have been attempting this and I have to say it is quite difficult. I have not had to farm funds or science yet but getting a probe to deep space and return is pretty challenging without a terrier or level 2 launch pad
  17. I sent an empty 900t fuel tanker to minimus. It is now only about 5 percent full and already over 1200 tons
  18. My best was a max dv challange. it had 19.5km in LKO with only 2 hours burn time
  19. or even a week of leeway is fine. A long time ago someone made a spreadsheet of all the moons transfer is cheaper from and cheaper to burn retro grade to the central gravity well and then burn transfer from there. Mun is always cheaper to burn out directly, Minimus is always cheaper to burn to kerbin then burn out. Because ike is so large and low in Dunas gravity well I suspect it is cheaper to burn out from ike. This is exacerbated by the fact the duna doesn't have much of a gravity well to take advantage of.
  20. I love my current save but it is getting a bit laggy. I was considering doing an RSS or near future tech play through but I wanted to wait for 1.1 and the mods to be updated. So I was thinking of doing a "For the Love of Probes" with remote tech I was also considering setting up a youtube channel if anyone was interested.
  21. I believe I have heard someone say the level 1 runway is the most uneven surface in the know universe
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