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Everything posted by Nich

  1. Think of it this way. How much is one orange tank worth on kerbin? How much is it worth in LKO? Depending on your lifter about 5-100 times more. At minimus probably doubles in value. By Moho or joul it probably doubles again the only time you want to return fuel to kerbin is when a challenge is cost based and dividing by 0 gives you infinity points
  2. h, n, j, k, l, i from staging mode. I use docking mode all the time.
  3. just saw this I will be installing it for now on
  4. My shuttle main tank had a PE of 68 km. It would have deorbited its self but I didn't feel like making 100 aerobraking passes
  5. Bah didn't see Jhawk DId a shuttle mission to add a emergency return capsule. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0iPRE-stt2CeVQwWmhZMEZIbkE
  6. I don't know how the code works but in my mind the best case scenario a rewrite of the entire physics logic on Squads side. Worst case it is part of the Unity engine and is not modifiable by squad. @NathanKell knows a lot about the aero so he might know about collisions or can point in the right direction. I do have to agree a lot of the parts have crazy impact tolerance but I suspect this is a cause of model constraints.
  7. hhhmmm.... Well while flying out my relay and lander for Minimus my slingshot bugged out around the Mun. Lander was sent correctly buy my relay went back into its old orbit (like it never even flew by the Mun) To make things even better the lander is going to be flung into Solar orbit because it does not have a signal. Is there anyways to temporarily disable the relay requirements in remote tech or should I just hyperedit the relay network into orbit?
  8. You may want to implement a 1-2 hour lock rule. So a poster would Lock a file by posting "I have locked the file" they then have 2 hours to return the new file or the lock automatically releases and the next person can lock the file. There is a small chance some one else will lock the file at the exact same time so make sure you refresh to confirm no one else has locked before you do your stuff. First to post has right of way and lock is invalidated for the second poster. And to those who don't think this is a challenge getting people to work together is harder then anything I have done in KSP lol
  9. I remember when tanks and engines had better impact tolerance then landing gear. I think there may be a problem with how the physics works. If you set tank tolerance to 1 m/s. Then land at 5 m/s the gear will absorb 3 m/s and transfer 2 m/s to the tank and make it explode. I am pretty sure the physics transfers the impact through the entire structure with no absorption by higher impact tolerance parts other then gear and wheels.
  10. Well I guess to be fair I have never played a flight sim that didn't feel video gamey except for the trainers at Northwest airlines but these were millions of dollars. Landed a 747 with a 45 knot crosswind Even the Sim we had at Gulfstream was not very good as I landed a G650 equivalent on a 2500 ft runway. Usually you want 5000 or more.
  11. Yes mid point separation. Aerobrake and bring PE down for Ike encounter. Scan Wait until polar orbit lines up with pro/retrograde Burn for Duna Aerobrake Scan Your biggest dv investments are Ike capture and exit
  12. My biggest pet peeve about remote tech so far it that omni range antennas can not communicate with long range antennas.
  13. Make sure all surfaces were put on using mirror symmetry and not radial symmetry. Been bitten by that one before. Also if you want stability and balance.
  14. Actually you do use thrust to control your descent rate while landing and planes that are flying faster then they are supposed to have a tendency to climb and require trim to keep them from pulling up. You need to use a different trim settings for pattern work, climbing, cruising and descent. I have only flown a cherokee and a bonanza and neither plane recovered like your expecting. If you were diving they would self correct but it was VERY VERY slow about 5 degrees a minute. Roll was actually very neutral maybe 1 degree every 5 minutes and just shifting your body left or right could cause the plane to bank assuming your perfectly trimmed. The reason you use thrust to control climb is because once you pass L/D max pulling back on the stick actually makes you come up shorter and makes your decent rate increase (other then flaring)
  15. Are you using FAR? Planes in stock are not even close to real. OP dihedral and COL COM both work for roll stability. Swept wings do not help with roll stability. Negative tail fins create pitch stability my guess is you don't know how to make a decent plane. Here is my Eve plane that flys really well without SAS and minimal trimming. It could use a little dihedral and removal of the drill as it causes COM to be off center. I compensated with a little built in trimming. If you have ever flown a real plane there is a good deal of trimming to do depending if 1 or 2 people are flying you will have to adjust roll and yaw and every time you change speeds you have to readjust the pitch trim. Luckily all of your fuel is at COM in real life so COM doesn't move as you burn fuel. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0iPRE-stt2CcWJZUXd2S1A3T00/view?usp=sharing
  16. Well I came up with what I think is a pretty good solution. I had to remove a heat shield I wanted as it blocked fuel flow from the top to bottom. Made it to a 150 x 50 km orbit before ditching the last tank on top. Made it back with 250 science and 400 dv left. I think I am over the hump but it will be interesting to see if I can complete the tree with 1 visit to each body.
  17. I honestly don't think there is a single mod that would make me quite KSP
  18. So it looks like the video is 2 years old. All I can think is if this is so good is it snake oil like cold fusion? Is it actually real and has anyone made any progress with it. I am probably going to have nightmares tonight about the 00.5% usage rate tonight :/
  19. hhhmmmm... Any advice? I would like to do a Mun landing and return however with an 18t limit I am kind of stuck. I don't have enough dv and without fuel lines I can't really do drop tanks, lander is too tall, Don't have any of the .625m parts unlocked yet. I have upgraded the VAB so I can do 256 parts.
  20. Let it be known if you get mysterious rotating forces on your rocket you may want to try double strutting to keep things perfectly straight.
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