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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Exploration day ! Mission "Skull Island"
  2. There should be a "buzzing the tower" challenge; closest to tower screenshot wins.
  3. Our sat found Skull Island, the hunt for King Kirbon is on...
  4. I remember, guess I am a slow learner.
  5. Lol, I saw it too, but was decent enough not to respond...... Glad you did doh.
  6. Today I told the Kraken how fat his mama was...He was not amused...
  7. Docking barge with bridge section: Next up : more engines, top speed 1.0 gets us nowhere... No Kraken yet... Sorry bout the night pictures, we need lights. The only mod I'm using for now is Vesselmover to save me time testing.
  8. The goal : I know the Kraken is going to come for me, but I'm gonna give him one Hell of a fight. I'm going to take him on as a tribute to all your hard work. Wish me luck, I'll need it. Luck, and a whoooole lota struts...
  9. Over Engineering...Again... Now I want to make a bridge like @Castille7 did...
  10. After many encounters with the Kraken I've decided to get back to the stock sandbox for a while... TJI-Fighter (Twin Juno Engine)
  11. Listening to some unknown pleasures all night... While scanning Kerbin.
  12. Can't you lower the solar panels ? Edit: I realise now that when they would turn to the sun they would clip indeed, a no go then, to bad. Still a awesome station.
  13. Looks compact, nice. I like the "internal" solar panels, maybe angle them 45 degrees to get them pointing to opening centre ?
  14. To much work, if you want to take a look on the inside of the maze, download link is above your post. - Love your bridge work btw.
  15. They are all little alcoholics, caught Jedsy last week, he replaced all his equipment with 6 packs...
  16. Even more weird, they also have a beach... Building bigger better boats 4 Bob. (stock) Next up : Noah's Ark
  17. It's not on KerbalX yet, but you can find it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ecz120yltk4ty1i/Maze.craft?dl=0 Remember to use the KerbalJointReinforcement mod ! Goodluck.
  18. For now 11.6 m/s... I'm going to give it a bigger engine.
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