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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Dear Doctor, Testing ailerons, but the wings pointed out in the picture won't move...need help please.
  2. Still building ore rigs....can't help myself.
  3. Balls where blue before landing, they must be purple by now...
  4. Yes, I just installed it and I'm now working on a full duct tape mun mission.
  5. Edit: I hate how the seam of the small fuel tank does not line up...It's a KSP bug that bugs me... Can be solved in the game, but it's a pain..
  6. So the invasion started and we already have a casualty, a tank flipped while unplugging...(the pilot survived) Amazing, not a singly enemy and already lost a tank. EDIT: Managed to save the tank, minor damage !
  7. The refining is fine, it's just that going down and up takes 10 minutes (1.0 m/s). Drilling takes time to, it can drill 100 ore on it's batteries before they reload. the drill unit can hold 300 ore = 60 LF. I have to test this in career mode to see how much spacebucks the Kerbals will pay for my LF.
  8. Preparing an invasion, the tanks have no weapons because well, the planet is empty... VICTORY WILL BE OURS !
  9. Converting our first ore to LF. Stats: Time - 1 hour 10 minutes for 300 ore = 60 LF. That stuff is gonna be expensive....
  10. First tests are going well... No more boats to bring the drills, the drill is attached and released by a seperator (after a kerbal has connected the winch (undocked mode)) This must be done this way to create a "lander", otherwise it is impossible to follow the drill to the bottom in camera view and we do need to see the bottom ! Believe me, this looks easier than it is....
  11. Sowwwww, my investors didn't like the 4 drill oil rig, too expensive they said... So we start working on a smaller and cheaper design. TBC
  12. More ore scanning, this time under water.
  13. In search for ore... Hidden the band scanner in the nose, I like how it spins inside.
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