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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Hold my beer ? No way, I'll drink it first before going on a suicide mission...
  2. I need that mod, sails and cannons, harrrrrr !
  3. Sowww, The Kraken came by, pulling my drills underground some how... Restarted the operation and messed up hooking up the first drill.... Not giving up I now have 4 new drills ready for action. Is it worth it ? No. Is it fun ? Hell yeah !
  4. Invasion of the ore snatchers... "All your ore are belong to us"
  5. Hooked up drill #4, all drills are working fine. Next test will be getting them up all 4 at once to see if the rig can hold the load.
  6. Upgrading the ore business... hooked up the first drill.
  7. Working on some indication lights for my ore rig, press 1 to start converting ore to LF (red light off,green light on starting converting). Press 2 to stop (red light on, green light off, stop converting). I like how the lights reflect on the ring of the converter. TBC
  8. @Rune It works ! Thanks, didn't know that. Kinda glad I did not know it before, had a lot of fun using the boat to move the drill. It will save me a lot of time in the future, so thanks again for some education.
  9. Today, drilling for ore on Kerbin 591.8 meters under the sea from a floating rig. Pretty proud of this one, now where is my badge ?
  10. Test succesful, the rig and the drill works. Going to work on a new prototype. I need the rig to have converters, lights, tanks,more lights etc etc. Some final pics: There you have it, drilling ore on Kerbin 591.8 meters under the sea from a floating rig. Pretty proud of this one, now where is my badge ?
  11. Thanks, will check it later, descending as we speak, it goes very slow, so I have time to post some pics: tbc..
  12. How? When I connect stuff to it in the VAB it's stuck to the winch, not the cable, tried it , didn't work. But please if you know how to do it, please share it. Allthough it would take out the fun off using a thugboat to deliver the drill or other stuff (submarines, probes underwater bases)
  13. I was thinking about that too, but I stay away from the black stuff, but if anyone will do it, it will be awesome. Next up: drill tests. I have to connect a new drill because I forgot to ad "compressed water" so the drill won't sink.
  14. Congratz on your succes, I know how you feel, just had my moment...VICTORY IS OURS ! Cable is only 50 meters long, can't have that, changed the cfg file. Cable is now 1600 meters. Edit: Very interesting side effect, lowered the cable hitting the bottom at 591.87 meters. Usefull info for lowering the drill. " I can science me. "
  15. Now there is a result I did not expect...After plugging the drill the thugboat reversed automatically towing the whole rig back to shore....
  16. Continuing the ore rig project, made a test platform. Think I'll need to bring the drill by boat, sounds fun. tbc....
  17. I love the F-5, the silhouette of your model is spot on !
  18. I can see why, making a proper rig is going to be a lot of work.
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