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Everything posted by Triop

  1. It's an interesting subject, the oil rig, watching a docu now to learn more.
  2. Thanks, that is awesome. I'm gonna leave Azi in his wonderlamp for this, there is always another way.
  3. Do I look like Alladin ? Anyway, working on a drill as we speak, thing is radioactive OP but I don't care, 30 ore in 5 minutes, I'll take it. Tested it on dry land, forgot it had to sink, so added some "compressed water" This will hunt you in your sleep: Going to need more struts... Edit: And lights...
  4. And where can I find the thread for such a fascinating contraption ?
  5. Yep, I have KAS but I'haven't used the crane thingies yet, Azimech does great things, but I'm not going to stick thermometers in holes just to make things spin. As for my project, overenginering as always..."Triop Industries, making solutions into a problem"
  6. Nice, maybe you can launch it from my new to be rig that has just got new lights that we are testing right now so we can see what we are doing when we make very long sentences.
  7. Trying to make an oil rig, not sure where this is going... Would be cool if I can make it work, lowering drills and stuff....Tips would be welcome. Edit, well, it floats, looks like a thing from Star Wars.....I guess I'll keep playing with this some more.
  8. Airplane Plus: https://spacedock.info/mod/716/Airplane Plus It's my "Part of the month" . I love those small cargo bays, lot's of fun and possibilities.
  9. Designed a small science probe; I think it's cute.
  10. Made a flying submarine. That Maritime mod engine is amazing !
  11. Airplane Plus: https://spacedock.info/mod/716/Airplane Plus
  12. Dropped some bombs for freedom and democratie, now I can sleep peacefully.
  13. Today I build a flying submarine . . . . .
  14. I'm planning a mission to go explore the deep abyss on Kerbin. The plan is to drop a mini sub from a plane above the destinations coordinates. * I rescaled the electric sub engine in the cfg file. Edit: surface speed test: The design for now: Battery bank: Pumps and GPS:
  15. OMG, great pictures, welcome to the forum mate !
  16. This game keeps calling me back for 2 years now, did some space stuff, but designing jets,cars,boats and submarines kept me on this mighty planet called Kerbin.
  17. Combining cargo space and maneuverability. It can hold lots of cold beers.
  18. If it helps, - Max 2 engines: Juno,ion rockets, you may even use jets,I don't care. you send me a plane having 11 engines. O kod, you must be old, like me...
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