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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Pm me if you are selling. But I can controle it, it is not my first time...
  2. I have a new friend. Thank you mate, you understand what this is all about.
  3. So i've been tweaking the cfg file for the RoveMax model M1 wheel, not to much. but it pulls up faster and top speed is set to 40 m/s. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xg3ol1gjmz0m6t0/roverWheelM1.cfg?dl=0 Replace this file with the original here: your game location/Gamedata/Squad/Parts/Wheel/RoverwheelM1/roverWheelM1.cfg. Or do it yourself, changed code: torqueCurve { key = 0 1.0 0 0 key = 10 0.99 0//20 0.99 0 key = 30 0.7 0 0//40 0.7 0 0 key = 34 0 0 0//44 0 0 0 }
  4. I know everybody wants to set the fastest time, getting all their gadgets out to do so, but don't underestimate the driving concept, you still have to do that yourself.
  5. You realy have no idea what you are signing up for...
  6. The smile on his face says it all. Edit: o wait, the car is still stuck...
  7. Designing an electric engine for the KD2017, like the looks so far but it needs to be tested.
  8. I see it like this, if I was a car designer I would like to have my 4 wheels on the ground all the time, priority would be safety. But since we are all guilty of killing Kerbals in our deadly contraptions I suppose it's all fine.
  9. I pressed like before even realising it's a video... Why so sad ?
  10. It's DrunkenKerbalnauts design, kudos to him. He made this for this event so yes, please use it. Thanks again DK !
  11. Then don't go faster then 90 m/s before a jump. Formula 1 cars use spoilers for downforce, if they didn't they would fly to. I don't think even Max Verstappen would go faster then 90 m/s before a jump in your car...
  12. Welcome, sorry for the mess on this thread, I would have swepped the floor but I'm not a moderator. 1. You race from flag to flag, the route you choose is free. A rest can be taken between stages. 2. Well, if you have the feeling you are flying you probably are...
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