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Everything posted by Triop

  1. 24/7 Jacke, 24/7 . . . I need a @DoctorDavinci
  2. Today, I made a thingy. It's pretty useless, I aprove.
  3. To be honest at first I hated the look of this car, but then I saw this: https://kerbalx.com/ohutchie/Tesla-CYBERTRUCK This guy actualy made it look cool. By now lots of people made the truck in KSP, it's not interesting to me anymore. Lots of moarrrr cars to make and replicate.
  4. Stealth . . . No TweakScale, all stock parts and settings
  5. Relax, I just went to the Mun and didn't even bother to get back. Took me 10 minutes, nothing serious. Trying some stuff for my new 240Z :
  6. Taking a break, I need some space. Cheated the fuel, ain't got no time fo that Need for speed...
  7. It was Pokemon for me, but no way I'm gonna name my craft after a Pokemon.
  8. Another project comes to an end, cleaning up the floor getting ready for the next.
  9. I've "finished" the Mini Cooper (my cars are never ready...). I'm gonna park it for now, working on 1 car can get boring and that leads to sloppy work so I have to set my mind on something else. Like the 240Z: What do you think ? Can I do it ?
  10. Today's visitor: Bean Kerman EDIT: Sorry UK people, I forgot you drive on the wrong side of the road... Fixed it:
  11. *AUCH ! WuT ? MEDIIIIC !!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1eleven111!!!!!11
  12. More bodywork, it's getting into shape. If I scale it up by 1 or 2 % and make it a bit longer, it would look more like a real Mini. But I'm starting to like this caricature shape. Working on the headlights, looks mean... You may notice the battery sits sideways, just like the real engine on a classic Mini. I just realized that mr Bean also had a Mini, I might just replicate that. *reminder for myself: take out the fuel of those fueltanks...You don't want to drive around in a bomb . . .
  13. I love how it sits next to a Lambo. I closed the lid on this can, a chopped roof is out of the question with those big Kerbal heads but hey, I'm making cars for Kerbals so I will adapt. I was thinking about scaling it a bit up, but nah, it's a Mini... As you can see lots more has to be done, but I couldn't wait to try some paintjobs. I like the rusted green version.
  14. Update: It's starting to look like a Mini. And of course all doors open. I think it looks cute.
  15. Are you kidding me ? We disabled all the cameras first, we are professionals....
  16. Ain't got no time for that, allready pulling a airport heist without finishing the body. (*not my 707)
  17. Update: Firewall, wheels, engine (yeah, yeah, it's just a battery... ), door and hood hinges installed. Scale comparison: *not my 707 (I wish...), find it on kerbalX * I actualy landed this plane succesfully 'I CAN DO DONUTS ON THIS THING !'
  18. Today, the Fab 4 tested fitting my new car chassis. Good job, lads. *(m/f/x)
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