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Everything posted by AG5BPilot

  1. That works. The JX2 has the necessary range to work from Grannus. You don't happen to have a patch that gives me the time to actually play?
  2. All of the problems I was having earlier with mods were either due to pilot error, or the single problem with that extra file from the mod StockPlanetTexReplace.zip. I did observe that solar panels in the vicinity of Grannus received the exact same amount of power as they would around Ciro, exactly as you described. As for Antennas, the JX2 (1 TM range) Antenna is a little underpowered, but it can be combined. (They actually look fairly good when you stack 3 of them, rotated by 60 degrees each. They form one really large antenna if viewed head-on.) If you're using DMagic orbital science, the oversized signals intelligence antenna can function as a relay antenna with 10 TM range, which is more than enough to act as a relay! However, Kerbalism's antenna handling reduces the antenna range of the JX2 antenna, the DMagic experiments lose their antenna abilities, and antennas can't be combined anymore, resulting in no options that let you communicate all the way out to Grannus. Turning off Kerbalism's Signal module (in the config file) reverts to stock antenna behavior, which works.
  3. I'll reinstall later (without that problematic memory saving mod) and see what happens. Don't worry about it until I get a chance to play with it some more. Update: Removing that file does indeed fix the loading animation, so I'm not going to go any further until I flush that mod out completely, or reinstall. And I've got a really good suspicion that the Mechjob problem is entirely PEBKAC, so don't worry about it.
  4. I have an idea: Someone created a mod (StockPlanetTexReplace.zip) that replaces all of the stock planet textures with empty textures in order to reduce the memory footprint. This file is in that "mod", but is not in the GPP install.
  5. Indeed, the little rotating "solar system" in the lower right corner of the loading screen is a magenta square. I vaguely recall reading about that symptom a while ago, but I haven't had a chance to investigate it yet. The Mechjeb and [x] science mods are completely inoperative. There may well be other mods that aren't working but I've hardly had a chance to play with it. Undoubtedly the logs may shed some light on this, but I haven't gotten there yet. I only mentioned the problem as a caveat in the unlikely event it might be causing some of the things I observed about Grannus. ModuleMananger.2.7.5.dll is in the Gamedata directory, and it's the only copy of ModuleManager.dll anywhere in Gamedata. With multiple mods not working, MM seemed like a likely culprit but it seems to be correct,
  6. I had decided to start a new career with 1.2.2, playing a different type of game this time. I'm adding life support (Kerbalism), Outpost building (Kerbal Planetary Base Systems), and since you recommend it so highly, Karbonite. Not sure if I'm adding fun or tedium here. All those features sound like fun, but which do I want to do, explore new worlds, or simulate real space flight challenges? Decisions, decisions... First let me say that there's something broken in my install. It worked fine with the basics (Kopernicus, GPP 1.2.0, and the bundled eye candy mods), but once I added my ~100 normal mods plus the new ones mentioned above, something broke. Not sure what yet, but a few clearly aren't working and there's some magenta showing, so something broke. Therefore, take the following with a grain of salt. Some of it could be due to whatever is broken, although I don't think so. First of all, solar panels work as expected near Grannus. Very cool. Nice job. Kerbalism seems to have a problem with Grannus, in that if you let it use its own antenna processing, there appears to be no signal strength combining, so none of the antennas can reach Grannus. I tried turning of Kerbalism signal processing in the config, but it's unclear exactly what that did as at least some of the stock behavior isn't working as intended. So just a warning to everyone: as is, Kerbalism has an antenna problem with regards to Grannus. I can't help but think that Grannus needs some natural satellites around it. It looks so lonely way out there, all by itself. Word of caution: Don't accidently leave off a zero or three when you Hyperedit into orbit around Grannus. With a little bit of adjusting to its selection criteria, TWP claims you can get from a 1000 km Gael orbit to a very high Grannus orbit with about a 3 or 4 km/s departure burn and 300-400 dv for orbital insertion. That's for a Grannus orbit several times higher than Gael is from Cirus. So transfer dv isn't unreasonable. It's the 700 year transit time that may be problematic.
  7. Two things: 1) To the developers: THANKS!!! GPP is simply amazing. It brings new life to KSP. I can't even imagine playing with the stock planets anymore. 2) If you're going to play with all the visual effects, and a ton of mods, the memory requirements are huge. 8 GB doesn't really cut it -- this is the bare minimum. I bought more memory, increasing this computer from 8 to 24 GB. It needs it. And that brings me to the real point: there's a world-wide shortage of memory, which is leading to increasing RAM (and SSD) prices. This also affects system prices. Prices are expected to continue to increase through Q3 of 2017. So if you're thinking of buying more RAM, or a new computer, it's probably a good idea to do it now. Prices likely will only continue to increase over the next 6 months.
  8. This is in no way a complaint. Merely an observation based on my experience. On a somewhat related note, thanks for simplifying the installation process by using MM configs.
  9. Putting my remarks in a spoiler for those who want to find out for themselves.
  10. How much memory does your computer have? I have a "very good" computer too, but KSP running GPP with all the recommended visual mods takes a LOT of memory. I upgraded my system from 8GB to 24 GB, and honestly it needs all of it. I'm usually around 10GB by the loading screen, and when actually playing (with about 65 active missions) I've hit 20 GB from time to time. At least on Windows, KSP will still run if you have less memory than is needed for KSP, the OS, and everything else, by swapping unused memory pages out. This is common, but if enough pages are swapped out, the system will really bog down. And that's when you're using an SSD as your swap space. If you're swapping to a hard disk it doesn't take a lot of swapping to bring a system to a crawl. How much memory does your computer have? KSP/GPP is barely playable with 8 GB, and isn't that great with 16 GB either.
  11. Based on the vast majority of responses (everyone not named Galileo as far as I can tell), the only way that RB works with GPP is if you're using the unofficial (and disavowed) version of the dll that we've been asked not to use. That's certainly been my experience. I have no explanation as to why it might work for Galileo, unless it has something to do with his development environment somehow enabling the old RB dll to work. Nobody other than Galileo has reported here that RB works unless they're using the dll that was recompiled for 1.2.2.
  12. Personally, I think the conspiracy theory rule has the potential to cause the moderators a lot of grief. I run a website which amongst other things has some pretty lively forums. I don't think I'd ever try to actually have a written rule forbidding conspiracy theories. Don't get me wrong: I'm 100% for keeping conspiracy theories off both my forums and yours. The problem is that LOTS of people actually believe in this stuff. And they really, really believe it's true, too. You're not going to be able to get people to avoid saying the sky is blue when they know it's blue. You also won't get people to stop saying the sky is green when they know it's green, because they think everyone who believes it's blue is absolutely crazy. Just like we think they are nuts. I know a few people in real life (like my next door neighbors), who believe in some of this stuff. They're very nice people. Very interesting. Great neighbors. But they have some decidedly oddball beliefs and they are true believers. They're not Internet trolls. They don't say these things to get a rise out of people. They truly believe. We quickly learn simply not to talk to them about that stuff. The same applies online. If you shut down a conversation because it's a "conspiracy theory". You are essentially telling someone that they're crazy and/or they're not smart enough to distinguish fact from fiction. There's no way that's not going to result in hurt feelings, anger, and lots of unpleasantness. Also, behind the one person posting about the conspiracy theory will be 100 more believers reading the thread who haven't said anything, and you're going to offend tham as well. On the other hand, calling it "off-topic" has the same effect of shutting down the conversation without all the drama. This approach has worked well for me in the past. Anyway, good luck with the new rules. I think they're really good. They make me want to rewrite my forum's rules.
  13. It's a problem either with github or with AWS. They'll probably correct it quickly enough; It's likely affecting a whole lot of people.
  14. A quick question: The pictures that appear in the wiki (e.g., https://github.com/Galileo88/Galileos-Planet-Pack/wiki/Gael) look like they're intended to be part of the in-game KSPedia. However, they don't seem to exist in the GPP zip file at all, and they're certainly not showing up in my install. Is something broken on my end? Is this a WIP? Or should I just be thankful for the Wiki? Aside from the question, I really must commend everyone who worked on this mod. It's fantastic. It's like playing KSP 2.0. It was definitely worth having to triple the memory in this computer!
  15. There's a really good visual aid to help you get the exact time and orbit position to start the burn. Assuming you also have Kerbal Alarm Clock installed, in the Transfer Window Planner there's a button to create a KAC alarm. Create the KAC alarm, then open up the transfer window alarm in KAC. At the bottom of the alarm info window there is a button to show the transfer angles when you're in map mode. This will show you EXACTLY where the transfer node should be. Just align the node with the arrow and you should get perfect transfers. Note, however, that you need to do this when you're really close to launch time. Kerbin is orbiting around the sun and that arrow moves around Kerbin as time goes by. If you set the departure point too far in advance, it will be off a little when it's really time to depart. I always make sure to adjust the departure time when on the final orbit before departure. That's usually good enough to get an encounter at the destination without a mid-course correction, at least for the shorter journeys.
  16. Actually, it's a bug in the toolbar code that used in every mod that uses toolbar. Contract Configurator merely exposes the bug. Mods (LOTS of mods -- probably every mod that can use toolbar) need to be updated to include the fixed toolbar code. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/150719-contract-configurator-broke-my-mod/ for more information. In the meantime, you may need to avoid Contract Configurator until the mods that you use get updated.
  17. 231E and 128W are essentially the same longitude. They're just counting in opposite directions. Maybe if you set the terrain detail to high you'll see the ship?
  18. Another way to do this is to have a "Set" button. Changing the number doesn't do anything until you hit the button. Real avionics work this way: Many radios display an "active" and a "working" frequency. You dial (or type) in changes into the "working" number, then hit "swap" to make the number you just entered active. (It also swaps the old active frequency back into the working register because often you're only temporarily changing frequencies and will go back to the original. That's helpful for radios, but not so much for autopilot commands.)
  19. That will work. I really enjoy this mod -- as well as your other mods. Thanks so much for everything you do!
  20. Unfortunately, 1.3 breaks part of my existing career save game. I have a few "long term orbital reconnaissance survey" contracts in progress, and the last item in the contract now says "Return or transmit data from at least 2 of the following experiments" but no longer actually lists any experiments. It looks like the contracts can no longer be completed. These are "little brother" contracts. It looks like the experiment name must have changed, so the contract is now referencing experiments that don't exist. (I doubt you need the log, but just in case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/10j62ive0atjc74/KSP.log?dl=0 ). An existing SigInt contract seems to properly list the experiments.
  21. I think that the science multiplier is actually 50%, so you'll be getting half the science once you install OPM. I disable that feature since I figure I need the tech nodes (and therefore science) just to reach the outer planets. By the time I'm gathering science from the extra planets and moons, I'll have to have already filled out most of the tech tree just to get there. Another consideration is that Eeloo is moved in OPM, so if you've got any ships enroute to Eeloo they'll be on a long trip to nowhere once OPM is installed. I'm not certain but I suspect that ships already at Eeloo will stay at Eeloo once OPM is installed. Finally, I found that uninstalling OPM was impossible. Any saves from when OPM was installed would not load without OPM. Unlike other mods, once I installed OPM it was there forever.
  22. I hope so too -- but I'm preparing myself for a long wait. Wheels in 1.1 are a new beast altogether and this may be one of the most difficult mods to update. I'll be pleasantly surprised whenever it gets updated. As an aside, I just had *stock* landing gear on a base blow up from the stress of coming out of time warp, and that's with KJR installed. Wheels are tricky.
  23. I read your post and thought, "Yes, I'm seeing the same problem." And then realized I'm using the STOCK fairings. Maybe the problem's in KER and/or the game itself?
  24. I have seen this happen also. It *seems* to be related to using KAC to jump to a ship while in the mission control building. Possibly while in other buildings. Since I've started avoiding using KAC to jump to ships from KSC the problem has not occurred again. Jumping to ships while in flight doesn't seem to cause the problem.
  25. One way to make the orbital configuration permanent is to edit the save file so that the SMA (semi-major axis) is identical in all of the satellites. SMA is a field in the save file, so all you need to do is copy and paste the SMA value from one of the satellites in a constellation to the other satellites. If you have HyperEdit installed, it actually has an option to do this for you -- you just select all the satellites you want to align, and click the "Execute" button (I think it's actually called "Align SMA", or something like that. I don't have KSP open right now.) As long as nothing perturbs the satellite's orbit, they should stay in the correct configuration. (In the 1.1 pre-release I was seeing some orbital shenanigans that I couldn't explain which was moving some of the ships around. I haven't tried the real release yet.)
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