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Everything posted by HvP

  1. Kerbal Engineer does have an option that will make this easier. In the Flight Engineer box that's open in your screenshot click edit and find the Orbital subsection. You will find a list of available statistics that you can add to your information readouts. Among the info you can add are the ones for "Time to Equ. AN" and "Time to Equ. DN". Click the "INSTALL" button next to the appropriate selections. These will show a counter for how long until you reach your equatorial ascending node or descending node along your current orbit. When the timer ticks down to near 00 then just burn Normal (towards the north pole, the purple triangle on the navball) if you are at your descending node, or burn Anti-Normal (South, the purple triangle with dashes around it) if you are at your ascending node. Note, those selections are specifically for your inclination relative to the planetary body you are orbiting. If you want to find your inclination relative to another spacecraft that you want to rendezvous with then you need to go into the RENDEZVOUS subsection where it says "Selected Category" in the KER edit menu. From there choose "Time to Rel. AN" or "Time to Rel. DN" to show when you need to burn to match planes with another craft you have targeted. You can also add this information to your HUD displays by clicking the KER toolbar icon and clicking the EDIT button next to the various items listed as "Orbital", "Vessel", "Delta V", etc... There is a treasure trove of other options too that you can add which you may find quite helpful. I hope this made sense.
  2. If you right-click maneuver nodes it will give you two buttons (- +) on the underside of the icon. One advances the maneuver forward in time one orbit, and the other brings it backwards again a full orbit. Placing one maneuver node down in front of you and pushing the + orbit button after right-clicking on the node will show you the effect on your orbital intercepts if that burn happened one orbit later, adding another orbit every time you press it. HOWEVER Place a maneuver node ahead like normal, and don't advance the orbit buttons, but instead create your rendezvous burn node to show the predicted orbit after the burn just like always. Then place a second maneuver node on the predicted new orbit and you can see what future intercepts look like several orbits after your first burn by simply advancing the + from the node right-click buttons on the second (otherwise un-adjusted) node. You can now adjust your first node to fine tune to see if you get a close approach after three or four or five revolutions of your new orbit (rather than so many revolutions of your current orbit.) The orbit buttons on the first node shows you what your intercepts look like if you burned on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd + revolution of your CURRENT orbit. The buttons on the second node can show you what your intercepts look like after 1,2,3 + revolutions of your NEW orbit after the burn.
  3. As far as I can tell, if you have a Kerbal in a command chair and any ship part is above that Kerbal's head then KSP will spawn the Kerbal on top of the structure above you when you leave the chair - no matter how far away that part is. I found this very frustrating when I was trying to build command chair operated craft that I wanted to dock inside of cargo bays. If the bay is open they will exit the chair just fine. If the bay is closed they will spawn on top of it outside. The same happens with any ship part over the head of the Kerbal no matter how small or far away.
  4. I don't know who made this suggestion a while back, but I remember someone mentioning that the 4435 Narrow-Band Scanner has similar mass and dimensions as a Kerbal. So if you have the mod RCS Build Aid installed you can put the scanner in about the same place as your Kerbal will be and then tweak the weight distribution to balance the craft appropriately. RCS Build Aid can then show you in the VAB what the torque effect on your craft would be in flight (just remove the scanner when you're ready to fly.) As you might imagine it's also helps enormously with RCS balancing. For your "throne" with the Kerbal seated on the top center; I've found that you need to very slightly move the command seat forward to center the Kerbal's head more over the vehicle's center of mass.
  5. Are you using the rick-click option to close the doors on the materials bay before reentry? The doors on the Science Jr. stick out outside the protection of the heat shield so Squad added the option to close them and make it streamlined again.
  6. But why is your personal invented backstory more important than whatever Squad's may be? Maybe the Squad developers have a secret backstory that says the discovery of the monolith near the KSC is what drove the Kerbals to try and explore their solar system to begin with.
  7. Well, would you look at that! Yes, double-clicking the middle button centers the camera again. So apparently it's Death, Famine, War, Pestilence and Tech Support. Actually, that sounds about right for the Apocalypse. Thank you!
  8. Which is not what should happen in photography in real life. Only physically moving closer or further from the object will cause the angles and surfaces to appear to distort in real life due to shifting the perspective. Widening your field of view while staying in the same position will do nothing more than allow you to see beyond the "edges" of the frame from what you saw before. Everything that was in your field of view before should look nearly identical (not accounting for particular lens artifacts) in the new wide-field picture, only now you can see what you might call the "sides" of the picture spreading out from the center. Those "sides" were always there and would have looked just as curvy and distorted if they hadn't been cropped out by the narrow field of vision of your close lens.
  9. I dunno. I think it's an interesting exercise. I find it very easy to get confused by the camera in KSP anyway I don't know how many times I've been annoyed because I middle clicked somewhere and accidentally drug the focus of the camera off center and there's no way to perfectly center it again without changing scenes (at least as far as I've found). It always annoys me that the camera doesn't zoom or adjust the FOV in relation to the axis of where the camera is pointing, but along a line connecting the camera to the center of your craft/Kerbal. This effect alone could be part of what is giving @thereaverofdarkness2 some annoyance.
  10. @thereaverofdarkness2 Ok, let's consider the environment of KSP compared to those other games that seem different to you. Maybe the effect is minimized in KSP because you are not usually standing in a position between multiple horizontal/vertical walls. Take a Kerbal EVA into the middle of the R&D complex standing close to some walls and adjust the zoom/FOV and see how it compares. I would try it but I don't exactly know what differences you are looking for, and I don't have the other games to compare to anyway. I would like to make a quick tangential point about fish-eye lenses. The "distortion" we perceive when looking at a photograph taken with a fish-eye lens is purely a side effect of 1. being subject to perspective like every other photo 2. having a much wider field of view than we are used to, and 3. us being able to look directly at areas of the picture far from the center of focus. If you take any wide-angle photograph and crop down to just a small portion in the very center of the picture it will look just like any other normal "un-distorted" photo, albeit at a very low resolution now. For example: here are crops of the center portions of the pictures in the first post of this thread. Is it possible that your field of view simply isn't wide enough in KSP?
  11. If your problem is like this post HERE then it is certainly Scatterer. You can try the fixed the developer mentions HERE and hopefully he will have a fix in for the 1.1.3 update release of Scatterer. Any other difficulties you might bring up in the add-on thread there instead. Hope it helps.
  12. That sounds like a bug that often happens with the Scatterer mod.
  13. In the startup settings menu there is a slider to set the number of persistent debris in the game. You can reduce this to zero to clean out all of the debris. But be careful, double check that there's nothing you want to keep that is tagged as debris such as uncontrolled base modules that haven't been hooked up yet or something.
  14. Continuing the love for service bays, the larger one makes excellent light crew compartments for multiple rescue missions. Once I've sufficiently upgraded Mission Control to allow me enough contracts I'll spam 6 or 8 LKO rescue contracts and then send up one rescue ship with 8 command chairs around a small probe core and batteries inside of the large service bay. You can even mount some radial parachutes to the ceiling of it since they will deploy fine even from inside the bay. It may be a bit tedious to rendezvous with so many craft in one mission but once you are up there most of the orbits are so similar that fuel use is minimal. It just takes some patience but is worth the payoff. Oh, and don't forget to "control from probe core" after putting each rescued Kerbal into a command seat or you're going to be burning 90 degrees from your pro-grade, boo.
  15. Galaxy Quest The Foundation Red Shirts Space Program
  16. Keep in mind that this is different from having the reaction wheels enabled/disabled. There are now two buttons to control how reaction wheels work. The indicator that says "Normal" will show you its state when you toggle reaction wheel controls between Normal/Pilot/SAS which allows you to have them working for only pilot input, only SAS stability, or both. The other button turns them on or off (the indicator will say "Idle" or "disabled".)
  17. Are you sure you're not a Cardassian? I was going to be mean and confirm that I only see four dots, but... it's a Star Trek reference, that is also a 1984 novel reference.
  18. Well, Freedom 7 did use a drogue chute before the main chute so that's realistic. It also traveled three times farther downrange than its vertical height with a 25-35 degree reentry angle. Of course, the atmosphere in Kerbal is significantly different than real life so you just have to work with what you've got. Also consider saving weight wherever you can. Drain the monoprop from your capsule before launch as you won't need it. You can also reduce the ablator on the heat shield to around 60 or less units for suborbital flights. If you can rotate your capsule sideways after the shock heating stops you can induce a great deal more drag and eject your heat shield as well.
  19. Hah! Unfortunately, Jeb snuck off with the machine before it was time to properly test it. I guess I'm going to have to put morlocks on the VAB in the future.
  20. Nothing much. Just made a time machine.
  21. Since I seem to be hanging around here tonight here's my latest attempt at scratching a nagging itch in the back of my brain. Kerok Nor station. parts = 327 : LF = 7,020 : OX = 8,580 : Ore = 18,000 : Mono = 485 : Kerbal capacity = Lots and lots... And as you can see from the above stats it has massive storage for ORE. With its small ISRU converter in the lower reactor core powered by 12 fuel cells and 24 RTGs that makes it a working ore refinery, just like its Kardassian twin. I would like to assure you that certainly no Kajorans were harmed in the operation of this station. The Kerbin occupation is but a necessary step in the bringing our two peoples together in a productive and harmonious relationship for the betterment of all... once that pesky resistance is dealt with. It's still a bit of a work in progress as I really should balance the ore/fuel storage. I can't really do much with it due to lag until I have access to the part count advantages of 1.1 however.
  22. @davidy12 I think you may be referring to @Sippyfrog there. Although I agree, it is a very impressive station. And @castille7 thank you very much. I thought it was somewhat elegant myself if a bit simple.
  23. Other than those you mentioned I have a few to add if you'd like to check them out. Roninpawn is one of my favorite YouTubers period. He has a modest humor that I find very endearing and puts a lot of heart into his videos. It's been a little while since he's played KSP but it's worth finding those playlists as well as his XCOM and Subnautica series. OfficialNerdCubed and Jacksepticeye for those who like the bigger channels with large followings and goofy humor that appeals to a wide audience. Also been awhile since they've played KSP but there's a decent backlog of vids that are entertaining. Don't expect to learn much about skilled maneuvers or building techniques, but their wide-eyed enthusiasm for the game makes up for it in my opinion. NerdCubed will put a smile on your face and Jack will make you cringe but it's a lot of fun. Billy Winn Jr, I just found recently thanks to his experiments with the 1.1 release and has been twitching as well. Again, very enthusiastic and has some really creative ideas for testing the game and likes to build both huge and tiny creations. KottabosGames is a guy who really knows what he's doing and should be well known around here, of course. If you want to see demonstrations of all the best mods you should check him out. I've left out plenty of good ones, but it's a start.
  24. KAL 9000: "I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal."
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