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Everything posted by DDE

  1. *whistles innocently while watching Western press get into a tizzy over Russians allegedly finding foreign biologial contamination on the ISS exterior... again*
  2. Yet the first stage is SSTO-capable, albeit with meagre payload. I’m not sure the same can be said about a booster-less Shuttle.
  3. Well, eventually they'll just say that it already exists and has been around since forever. And then they'll try to monetize it somehow. I still think they should raid SDI's warehouses for Yenisei. Beryllium oxide isn't that innovative, it's being in use in weapons for quite a while. But heat pipes might cost them a lot of efficiency whereas fuel-integrated thermionics will not.
  4. I actually thought whether it’d be possible to base that on whatever module the Rapier uses for its own resource switching. The weirdness... if you played with Nertea’s hydrolox motors, you’d probably understand. Hydrogen tankage sizes are no joke.
  5. Apparently Energomash and KBKhA did a lot of work on other triprops. I even saw reference to an RD-0120 not-SSME being converted for triprop use - the 0120TD and the later the 0750.
  6. Pretty sure the SLS isn’t the kind of LV Boeing counts on for space solar deployment.
  7. Right now we have both versions up and running. Anatoly Zak claims bug, Russian media claims configuration error. Commission's to work 'till Dec 15. What's worse, Dmitry sloped shoulders Medvedev is on a high horse and demands someone to assign blame to, which isn't doing a good service to objectivity.
  8. The one on the right looks way, WAY too much like an LK. ...Ultimately, I can only infer that the one on the left is actually the Mars lander/ascent vehicle package. Last time I saw a lander that big it was a Direct Ascent Moon-Earth vehicle with a hydrolox landing stage. You're not going to put your long-duration habit into your ascent vehicle.
  9. A few years ago (August 2015) the Russian PopMech ran an article on reusable rockets which pitched a Makeeyev design, which featured a 3D model...made in stock KSP. Get your excrements together, Boeing!
  10. Why should it? It’s achieving the primary objective, nobody whose requests they have to honour is asking for more. Boeing doesn’t even have Powerpoint slides. Roscosmos has largely confirmed its interest.
  11. Genesis. The one when they went full Corona and tried to catch it in mid-air.
  12. Some people seem to have a major reentry scare.
  13. Halfway point for robotic recovery of lunar samples seems to be a theme, too. Roscosmos’s proposed node module features two unmanned-only docking ports.
  14. Ouch. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ru&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://m.lenta.ru/news/2015/12/29/noga/&usg=ALkJrhj8TVZRmUkRAqosfwPe_e5aa_pPlw
  15. But not enough to handle entry in the market, likely. NASA’s Commercial Crew provided a valuable cash infusion and an achievable goal.
  16. Actually, NRO has none, but whatever-that-name-Office from USAF has arranged for an X-37 flight.
  17. @kerbiloid, a Makeyeev-style “dry SLBM” certainly complicates things, although I’m not sure we can make conclusions with just a few photographs and some expert guesstimates - after all, why would NK go through the trouble of fully emulating an SLBM for land service? I was talking about the general idea of clustering entire ICBMs to produce a bootstrap launch vehicle, which this thread is about.
  18. This makes me wonder: for the purposes of this thread, can they do an UR-500?
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