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Everything posted by RaendyLeBeau

  1. hi all, just working on Mod Localisation and some Agency Manufacturer part description.. a lot of work. https://imgur.com/gallery/PNB7F ps. if someone is interested to help us in a Chinese or Russian translations, he can contact us. - many thanks in advance
  2. Hello together, am currently at the mod part-adjustment to the new ksp version 1.3.0. in addition, the new unity developer tools (part tools) had to be integrated. but unfortunately still partially partial errors. maybe it is because of the fact that I have also installed the new version2017 version.
  3. yes of course help is always good. yes, let's see what happens. - Project status: now some of data have been restored. it looks quite nice. i lose a little percentual of it. we continue as described on the first project homepage. in the next days follow updates & pictures again. thnx all for support this project
  4. hello together, last week is unfortunately my ssd smoked up! now I still have 95% of that in other word's a backup about 3 months ago - i'm hope now I can restore the data of the ssd back again. Well no tragedy ... but annoying .. ok ok .. there is only one thing to make .."don't worry Be Happy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU
  5. hi all, I'm currently doing a little summer break, it's just too nice outside. Thank you for understanding and see you soon. cheers
  6. Hello together, have a lot to do privately, I hope this weekend to make the final fines.. cheers!
  7. Have briefly created with Blender this 'part' (radius 40m) - In relation to the spacex interstellar ship, it should create 350 kw of power. I have to think about the expansion mechanism ..
  8. Hello together, took me a small break. In the meantime I have asked myself for the STS AVALON a few 'interstellar' solar panels are missing. So I wonder how solar panels would look like. maybe like this . . or this .. others interesting concepts So I look, I'm not quite sure yet .. when it makes sense I create a few cool soolar-panels concepts.
  9. hi mate, Back to your question; 'Mu' files are compiled by the game engine UNITY. First you have to install the KSP tools in UNITY. This implies that you have installed the game engine (UNITY) An 'mu' file is generated with UNITY AFTER a 3d model was imported into unity. That means you must first create a 3-d model, and then import it into UNITY. This implies that you have correxctly installed the KSP-Part Tools in UNITY. The 'mu' object (or the 3-d model) must be 'textured' with a corresponding graphics tool. (eg.'Gimp' or what ever) So that your 'mu' file (part) works correctly in KSP you must be attached a config file 'cfg' to your PART - there is described what your 'part' in KSP has to fulfill for tasks. eg. - an engine has a 'thrust' and type of fuel parameter .. etc.. - a fuel tank has a 'fuel tank fill' and type of fuel. etc. .. - Study the config-parts of Squad and other mods to learn - begin with modifying existing parts to see what effects these have in the game You find a lot in the forum .. here some left - maybe study this link if you want seriously beginning to make mod's for KSP. I know every beginning is hard - I always say "at the beginning is not perfektion desiert, but progress.." cheers!
  10. dear all, has just finished the descriptions of the stages. I hope I have not forgotten anything. - there may be additional details later. cheers
  11. Yes maybe you are right Maybe my approach is wrong. I always try to do it all well, and put myself under pressure. Yes I think you are right I must correct my view, no idea why I think everything must be finished immediately next week. I should tackle the whole relaxed. Thank you very much! cheers
  12. Dear people, 'almost' does not mean quite yet .. as on the main page to be seen there are still some implementations which have to be made like. : RealPlume, Interstellar (hyperdrive) version / compatibility. ASET props for all IVAS .. (the IVAS are still in development ..) - At this point again many many thanks to the co-operation with @Nansuchao it will make the 'RealPlume' imlemenation and testing some parts. In addition, he is conultant in topics like rocket-engines and other astropysical topics of which I somtimes really dont have idea. I'm more of a creative art director with 'blender' yes we have reached a milestone. But we still have to do a small piece of work. Please be patient. Finally, we do everything in our leisure time. By the way, many of us modder have a job or study to do. Family and other things to do. And sometimes a modder now I speak of myself, simply missing his motivation.
  13. Dear people we are almost at the end of the development cycle. The most important is ready to test. Here and there textures still have to be made. But the biggest is almost done. For reasons of time I could still not at all the prices of the parts and the techtree. So I have the AVALON architecture blocks schematically represented. - later they are still labeled. The rest of the Avalon-mod file structure has been reworked. Logically related parts are now in the same directory. So I tried to make bigger textures which are however shared by several sharing. This has the advantage that these textures only need to be loaded once and are used by several parts. This saves memory. Interesting to see in this picture : I have tried to represent the size relation by means of existing space ships like the SpaceShuttle.
  14. dear all, just finished the upperstage Payload adapter - here few pictures of testflight
  15. Hello, yes I admit you have lost at the project beginning a little time with the name finding. the film 'passengers' came a lot later .. I knew nothing of it. (Really am innocent ) I find the film really good, I was also amused about the spaceship name 'Avalon'. The space ship name was first planned on "Excelsior", later unnamed in "AVALON" .. - i find really great this concept Pictures, the Ship design is fabulous ! (sorry for my google translate english) https://blog.pond5.com/11952-how-guy-hendrix-dyas-created-a-new-kind-of-spaceship-for-passengers/
  16. hello all, just finished to make first run with addon Adapter and Engines for Stage1 here some pictures
  17. dear Kertech, here some pictures about the Upperstage-block values (actual state - there are not definitve Which means they could be adapted later )
  18. Hello Kertech, the thrust values of the upperstage-block engine will approximate that of a Vulcain 2. For more values I can say nothing definite. We have pretty much adapted all engine stages, so you have to be patient until the next release comes out.
  19. very nice idea ! go ahead. Unfortunately, I currently have no experience with plugins development, otherwise I would like to help out.
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