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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Wait. Is it nessecary to have photoshop? because ive been looking into making my own turrets. - - - Updated - - - YES looks like someone else is asking for the same thing as me. Also its on the Arleigh Burke Class destroyers as well
  2. oh. i thought the parts were bigger than that
  3. Baha. I'm still having problems with my guards not shooting. I have a radar on my craft, and an M230 chain gun. It is set to fire at 2.5km range. When the plane comes in range it switches to the gun but doesnt move or fire it, i have a picture of the craft earlier on this thread EDIT: Didn't notice you replied! lol
  4. This wont engage planes. It will only switch to the gun when the plane comes into range and will switch back to none when the plane leaves range. The gun will not move or fire in guard mode. please fix. I even tried locking onto it with the radar and it still did the same thing
  5. I have has the same problem. When an enemy plane comes into range the guard switches to the weapon, but doesnt move or fire it. Then it switches back to none when the enemy plane leaves its range
  6. I voted for something different. I would like to see grey boat parts so i can build a more militaristic ship t go with BD armory. I would also like a central hull section with a 5 by 5 meter hole to put cruise missiles for A vertical launch system
  7. Baha. Because you have the oto melara 76mm can you make the oto melara 127mm that is on the arleigh burke class destroyers?
  8. I deleted my old install and all addons for BDarmory and installed 0.9.0 and my BD armory tab isnt working. I can open it up but clicking on buttons wont do anything and the modules button isn't there EDIT: Nvm i made a whole new install. but i lost my craft D:
  9. baha you also need to update the AI so my CIWS can target the sub sonic cruise missles as ive been having that problem since 8.3.
  10. BahamutoD can you make a video tutorial showing us how to use the jammer, radar, and GPS, as well as how the new guidance system works? it would be greatly appreaciated
  11. Omg its EE. I have a question for you EE. Are you having problems with your guns not shooting at cruise missles? I have a small gunboat making use of the APC miniguns from one of the BDarmory addons. They will shoot at any other missile that comes within range but wont shoot at cruise missles. Ive only tested it with the subsonic cruise missles from my anti ship plane.
  12. Whats the status on making B9 aerospace KSP 1.04 compatible. I miss it dearly.
  13. I think squad rushed 1.0 ive noticed more bugs in 1.0 than in any other version. They only spent 1 update in beta, and seemed to rush it to slap more money on the price tag and get front on the steam page. The most annoying bug which has completely halted my career mode is rover wheels and brakes on them being 1/10 as powerful as they should be which they still havent fixed.
  14. yes teams and everything were correct. It would engage any other missile. But wouldnt engage cruise missles
  15. Im having a problem with my CIWS. I tested it with hellfires and it worked fine, then i went to test it against cruise missles and i made sure all the settings were correct. The cruise missles were coming in on it. 4000 meters. 3000 meters. 2000 meters. and it still wasn't firing at the incoming cruise missle. The firing distance was set to 3000 meters. Then BAM! The CIWS blew up without even firing a shot. I tested this multiple times. Every time i got the same result. But the CIWS would target any other missle, hellfire, maverick, sidewinder..... Please fix
  16. Can you make the 127mm gun that is on the Arleigh Burke class destroyers? and maybe Phalanx AA that takes 20mm?
  17. Well if its 3000 and divide 3000 by 10 you get 300 which is what its supposed to be right?
  18. If it is 1/10 of what it is supposed to be. couldn't i go in to the game files and make it 3000 to get 30 brake force like its supposed to be?
  19. I just landed my exploration rover on the mun. And the brakes arent working. torque is set all the way up. im using RoveMax Model M1's
  20. but i didnt touch anything. I guess 1.0 is more buggy than .90. I think they rushed it out because they wanted to up the price tag by 5 bucks. EDIT: ive been around for a LOOONG time. but only this update have a needed a forum account to ask questions lol. 2 buggy 4 me
  21. I have a rover that uses rovemax model 1's and when i click the brake button it doesnt even slow down. Brake torque set to 30 for all wheels.
  22. I dont think re-entry is deadly enough imo. I just re-entered my spacestation from a 100km orbit at over 2000 meters per second and nothing broke or even got to the red zone.
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