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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. No it isnt Number 7, it is number 8 which isnt out yet, it will be in about 20 mins though, the song is a bit loud, movie maker decided to raise the volume of the song to full when i had it set very low. There is nothing i could do to fix it - - - Updated - - - Im having the problem with the brimstone not locking on, and if it does lock on it over shoots the target
  2. LOL, i litteraly made a youtube video with the BF4 theme, at the end when a drop a B-83 Nuclear bomb i have the theme. Its not on youtube yet, but it will be soon! Here is the link to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDOmAfTGF_gybHk6SImmc-Q
  3. thanks it fixed my problem! i had the folder copied right into the BD directory like the rest of my addons
  4. oh i didnt know that had a 1.5km blast radius. I tried every bomb, none of them work for me. I dont see how B9 could conflict because its just a parts mod and the craft i used has no B9 parts
  5. hmmm i was dropping my bombs from 500 meters to 1500 meters and they werent detonating, maybe i need to go higher? - - - Updated - - - List of Installed mods B9 BD armory Burn Together Distant object enhancement JSI KAS KAX Kerbal foundries Kerbinside Infernal Robotics Maritime pack Mechjeb 2 Tweakscale Vanguard parachutes. My BD armory addons besides your's are NAS and PEW Also Just tested the FOAB from 5000 meters, no mushroom cloud or explosion or anything
  6. I re-installed the addon to see if that fixed the problem of your bombs not exploding. didnt fix it.... still just breaks when it hits the ground. Just tested all your bombs, they all break when they hit the ground and dont make an explosion
  7. Um. I just dropped a MOAB on the KSC, it just hit the ground and broke. No giant explosion or anything. Also tried directly releasing the bomb by right clicking and pressing "fire missile"
  8. The caliber isnt different 5 inches= 127mm Also he should get some real audio because it has no boom, it also needs a shell eject effect and a muzzle flash
  9. I would love to see a 127mm Oto Melara EDIT: NVM just installed and i saw that you have it lol EDIT 2: Would be nice if you got some real audio of the gun take this for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGkOLFIfoag
  10. Wait so in 9.5 is it possible to have a scout plane mark an enemy boat so your other boat from 15km away can cruise missile it? Also what determines how stealthy your craft is to radar?
  11. Hi, ive been having the problem of my planes doing rolls when i pull up, its been happening since 1.0.4 Did squad add engine torque or something??
  12. Baha can you give the targeting pod more zoom. Because its really hard to mark a GPD coordinate on a tiny little ship from another ship from 5km away just to launch a cruise missile that does a weird oscillation thing while in flight and misses. Also if you select a target by double clicking the purple marker it should give you a GPS coordinate. Because its impossible to launch cruise missles from a plane if you are farther than 2km because the object doesnt render in and you have to try to mark super precisely, all that yet again for a cruise missile that does some weird oscillation while in flight and misses its target. I dont think 0.9.0 was in testing phase long enough lol
  13. yeaahhhhh!!!! AI fixes! thanks baha!! can you work on a surface launched harpoon missile? because PEW doesnt have a surface launched harpoon AFAIK
  14. My guards are not behaving right and wont fire at missles. It keeps trying to use the goalkeeper but it keeps switching back and forth. Im using legacy targeting. Also for guard mode have it so it automatically locks onto the incoming vessel on the radar so you dont have to manually lock to fire. I don't think 0.9.0 was ready because alot of things with the guards are broken
  15. It happened to me too. guards are broken with new targeting so use legacy targeting. - - - Updated - - - I think he should just keep the weapon manager so we can assign action groups for it as we find most comfortable and what works for our design.
  16. I would love to have independant guard modes for different weapons, so lets say i can have my laser begin to engage missles at 5km and then have a goalkeeper come in alongside it at 3.5km and then 20mm vulcans alongside those at 2km. Also have it so all guards dont target 1 missle or plane
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