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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Me 262 A-1a/U4Bomber destroyer version, two prototypes with an adapted 50 mm (1.969 in) MK 214 (intended armament) or BK 5 (test ordnance only) anti-tank gun in the nose. Don't question my WW2 Knowledge. BOW DOWN TO ME!
  2. Introducing the P-3 Biplane! A very very basic biplane. Sadly it cant compete because it was built without FAR installed and needs the Aerosport at 100% so it can actually fly and not stall Height: 4 meters Width: 15.2 meters Length:8.9 meters Weight: 4 Tons Part Count: 65 parts Fuel capacity: 36 units Max speed: 57.3 M/s Armament: 1x M2 Browning pod from aviator arsenal Engine: Aerosport A7 at 100% thrust Takeoff speed: 30 M/s It has a well armored open cockpit that can withstand a crash and have the kerbal live. I pretty much just threw it up here to show you guys lol. EDIT: Might switch out the M2 browning for 2 7.7mm machine guns because the slow firerate and only having 1 of them makes it hard for them to hit each other and even when they do it isnt enough hits to cause damage - - - Updated - - - no no no no no! The 50mm was used only on a few Me262's that were used to snipe B-17's from long ranges. Normally the 262 had 20mm and/or 30mm cannons! READ IT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Me_262#Variants
  3. YES! for the longest time i was using Hyperedit and guessing coordinates. And it will help with tweakscaled maritime parts for ships! because moving a ship with hyper edit would tweak the size of a hull section back to its original size and therefor ruining the ship. We need an option to freeze vessels in the air and have them start engines and stuff when im within 10km or so. That way i can easily set up dog fights without having to fly the enemy planes into the air then switch back to my plane on the ground and take off. So then i could do dogfights easier.
  4. I have noticed with crafts larger than 150 parts i start to get a rather large performance dip to around 20-25 FPS which is not normal. Granted I am running a lot of mods but it shouldn't really be an issue. I have had to turn down some of my settings because of it. I have a good PC that can run Arma 3 king of the hill on standard settings at 30 FPS with 30 players and that is a VERY intensive gamemode. I have been playing this game for 1 1/2 years on this PC and longer on my old one but haven't really had any performance issues until 1.0.4 came about. The big mods I am running are: BD Armory, B9, KAS, the Maritime boat parts pack, Kerbinside, KAX, and various BD armory addons. EDIT: PC specs can be found at this link: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7990139190446126498/specs?q=Asus+M51BC&oq=Asus+M51BC&ie=UTF-8&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2732j0j7&sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.105841590,d.dmo&biw=1920&bih=940&dpr=1&tch=1&ech=1ψ=M5gqVoWHKIS1etLHmuAD.1445632048357.3&sa=X&ved=0CIcBELgvahUKEwiTxZuIt9nIAhUDJB4KHaWCB_s
  5. Can you make a video explaining the MGM tubes? Because if i put an MGM cap over the MGM tube the missile explodes when i fire it instead of breaking out like a real missile would
  6. I would also love to assign certain weapons to certain duties. I don't like it when i have a Oerlikon millenium and my goalkeepers engage the missiles automatically instead of that. maybe have it like you said. Set the engagement distance for each individual weapon, have the oerlikon open up at 3500 and then the goalkeepers open up alongside the oerlikon at like 2000 meters. It would be cool if they could use multiple weapons at once. For example i have a plane coming in, the plane launches missiles at my ship and there is an enemy surface contact, my ship would launch an AMMRAM to kill the plane and open up on the missiles with goalkeepers while simultaneously firing the mk45 5 inch at the enemy surface contact.
  7. Post screenshots of your naval vessels here and what they are armed with! For example here is the "Kerman Class Destroyer Mod. 2" "It is armed with 1 mk45 5 inch, 8 RGM-84 Harpoons, 4 vulcan turrets, 8 AMMRAM missiles, 8 ESSM missiles, 2 goalkeepers, and a light recon helicopter with 5 hydra rocket pods and a vulcan." The ship must contain at least 1 BD armory weapon, any other mods you want can be used.
  8. The Kerman Class Cruiser Mod. 2 is complete. Armed with 1 Mk45 5 inch, 4 vulcan turrets, 2 goalkeepers, 8 AMMRAMS, 8 RGM-84 Harpoons, 8 RIM-162-ESSM Missiles mounted in a rotatable SAM launcher and 1 light recon helicopter for marking GPS coordinates and light ground attack with a 20mm vulcan and 5 Hydra missile pods. This ship can tackle any foe. It will be featured in Kerbal War Program Season 2!
  9. Can you make the rate of fire more like this? EDIT: i just went into the settings and made the rate of fire 20 RPM and yaw traverse to 30 DPS. It matches the real gun that way . EDIT 2: Actually, changing the config didnt seem to make a difference in traverse speed or fire rate.
  10. I installed the mod. I took the Diazo folder and dropped it into my gamedata folder, and unbound Z from set throttle to max and when i press Z in game it does NOTHING, its not even on the stock toolbar or blizzy's toolbar. EDIT: i think i got it to work
  11. Where can i download that rocketpod. What are the guns on the plane as well. And BD armory isnt recognizing the special challenge pack weapons in the weapon manager so i cant use them and when i right click on them i dont even have the option to toggle them.
  12. The triple bazooka wouldnt be hard. Re-texture the hydra. And make rocket count max of 3, and adjust the damage and blast radius higher. 1 problem with the s-5 is the lack of aiming reticle.
  13. Any chance you will make the 5 inch HVAR rockets and the M10 triple bazooka underwing rocket launchers?
  14. Ok so i had a change of plans. im not making the N-37 im making the 75mm gunpod that is on the HS129
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