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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. When will the next update for BD armory come out? When 1.1 releases? If so, what are you working on, I would love to see
  2. sorry man lol. the finals are really really close. my plane is doing really well for me throwing it together in 20 minutes and testing for about 10
  3. Episode 5 will be up in about and hour or so!
  4. @DMSP Episode 4 should be up in an hour! I tried my best to cut down its length by speeding up parts. It still turned out long!
  5. It doesnt seem to be the case though. ive noticed that when using 2 blades on my prop or 12, the thrust doesn't change and the acceleration doesnt change.
  6. Thanks man! If you can subsribe to me on youtube that would be great
  7. Episode 3 of Season 3 is now up! Give it a little to come up to 1080p!
  8. If you liked leave a like, subscribe, comment! Anything! Season 1 was pretty meh and was more of a learning process for me, season 2 was a lot better, and season 3 is a lot higher quality in terms of editing etc. Enjoy! [Season 1] [Season 2] [Season 3]
  9. Thanks for the encouragement. I have yet to find a way to trim down the episodes to respectable lengths without having short episodes. I would do it in kind of a Scott Manley style with his "old me" and "new me" thing, but that takes a lot more effort and time which I don't have. My only editing tool is windows movie maker so stuff like that is pretty hard to do.
  10. Nobody is going to take a look at this? How sad.
  11. This is a video series featuring KSP career mode and many mods! If you guys were to check it out it would be greatly appreciated as I need to grow my channel! P.S. Here, have a DeHaviliand Vampire as well https://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/DeHaviland-Vampire
  12. Here. Have a DeHavilland Vampire https://kerbalx.com/Combatsmithen/DeHaviland-Vampire
  13. Dang. I cant beleive i won my first KSP forum challenge! I guess its on to the semi-finals for me!
  14. I like the ammo box idea. But the thing is a 20mm ammo box isnt the same size as a 30mm ammo box.
  15. @BahamutoD Could you make it so that when you lock a radar contact it gives you its GPS coordinates so you can target and fire upon those coordinates with GPS guided weapons like tomahawks? Also could you make it that if the target is moving and you have it locked on radar it will update the coordinates as it moves so GPS guided weapons can hit moving targets? It would be useful for ship battles so I can use tomahawks in my VLS to hit moving ships. The tomahawk is in PEW along with the RGM-84 harpoon which both use GPS guidance but which are useless agaisnt targets that are moving even at the slightest speed. The tomahawk and harpoon are both anti-ship missiles and thus they should be able to hit moving ships. Then I also wouldnt need a scout drone to fly up to 500 meters or more to see over the horizon with a FLIR camera just to mark some GPS coordinates for an anti ship missile which would be inaccurate anyway if the ship moved a little bit. And long distance GPS marking as in 15km or more is pretty hard unless its a huge ship.
  16. the smallest most basic 2 inch gun doesnt fire for me as well as the middle tier 2 inch. Only the highest tier one does
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