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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. I want to make a fixed forward firing gun. But i don't know how. I know how to make an engine from this tutorial http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/3232-Part-Modding-Tutorial-1-5-Modeling But i don't know how I would configure a model in unity to make it fire bullets.
  2. ah man. im crying. That song that guy used in that video was the song used the the original Kerbals at War. The first time i was introduced to weapons mods....... the nostalgia is real
  3. True. I find ground strike with guns super hard in KSP. Simply because getting the plane on target and holding it there is really hard. especially with the aerodynamics wobbling it around and SAS trying to stabilize after manuvering. Its probably easier in real life lol. Maybe I should try configuring my joystick
  4. i think you should try using boresight with radar. i think it auto locks whatever is in it
  5. Nice! im learning Wings 3d and im making an engine first. then i will make weapons. first weapon on the list is a fixed 37mm from the mig-15bis. it will be like the M2 browning so you can clip it into the nose of the plane. It might come in a gunpod version in the future. After that i will probably make the Mk45 5 inch or some turreted 30mm autocannon for those of you who dont just want an M230 on top of an IFV.
  6. i was looking for those properties on the hellfire. I couldn't find them
  7. But then how are other people making turrets like acea at NAS and the heavy ordanance pack and all sorts of stuff.
  8. Where can i find the .50 cal turret model to put into unity and blender so i can begin working on my own gun
  9. Where do i get Unity 4.2.2 because it isn't listed anymore EDIT: NVM im an IDIOT
  10. Hmmm. when i went to look at blender it said i had to pay to get it. Must have not been blender lol. EDIT: Dang thats complicated. Looks like i got my work cut out for me.
  11. Can someone PLEASE make a tutorial on making guns! I'm sick and tired of waiting for certain weapons that I just want to make them myself! I know Prometheus has a missile tutorial but its not the same. Also. Do you NEED blender to make models? Because I dont want to buy blender. So is there any free modeling programs out there?
  12. ok. maybe i used the wrong symmetry for the wings. thanks
  13. Ok so im building a plane, and im trying to place 2 ECM jammers from BD armory on the bottom. Symmetrical on the wings. Radial nor Mirror symmetry is working and 1 will go on the bottom of the left wing but then on the top of the right...... Just watch. Make sure to read the description on the video.
  14. The problem is that there is nowhere to launch my carrier because all the parts are tweakscaled up 4 times because the regular carrier is too small. So if i spawn it on the KSC runway it instantly explodes. So i have to spawn it on the KSS Kerminsov in position 1. and then hyperedit it to where i want to to be which puts it in a weird angle and then it falls and explodes. Also it doesnt float. Not even with a ton of buoyancy blisters which i also tweakscaled 4 times larger. Could you make your own water launch addon to kerbinside? Because the Ben bay buoy just puts me underwater and i go BOOM
  15. thats why you link a large radar to the TWS radar. So you have a longer detection range
  16. Wait..... There are stealth parts and i didnt know about it and havent seen them in the parts list!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  17. It might just be that SAM truck because my cruiser shot down a stearwing with 8 AMMRAMS that launched 4 mavericks that the ship also successfully shot down
  18. Actually, my Kerman Class Cruiser engaged 4 incoming mavericks and shot them down with 2 goalkeepers, then engaged the stearwing that launched them with 8 AMMRAMs. - - - Updated - - - when my plane went over it wasnt Mach, it only become Mach after the fact
  19. im having problems with missiles overshooting in general, i cant even get my guard to fire AMMRAM's. when i switch to the guard it shows it locked and everything but it wont fire.
  20. Baha, im having a problem with SAM sites not engaging. here is a video EDIT: I tried the AMMRAM, it did the same thing.
  21. Im having a problem with HARM missiles, they lock on to the radar and seem to be going fine, then they lose lock and overshoot. I have also had the problem with hellfires and the brimstone missles from the heavy ordinance pack. I haven't tested any other missles yet. its late, cant test, need to sleep.... *yawn*
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