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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Oh yeah I tried harpoons on a turret. But the guard would fire them right away before turning the jernas toward the enemy. Probably due to them being GPS guided. Sadly GPS guided missiles can't hit moving targets
  2. the 116 is infared. and its anti air only. the 67 being radar means it should be surface to surface and anti air at the same time
  3. @XOC2008 I wanted them to fire missiles at each other. They were in loading range. Visual range is the range is just the range they spot each other without radar. In the video you can see every 3 seconds they select no weapon, they want to switch to a weapon but the just switch to none. they dont even lock on eachother
  4. @BahamutoD Take a look at this please. I set up 2 guards out of visual range. Both sea vessels. Set scanning radar on and tracking radar on. Turned guard mode on. They refuse to lock on and fire at each other though
  5. yeah, you should balance the parts accordingly. Smaller parts can take less damage while larger parts can take more damage. Even on a large ship the parts shouldn't take 50 cruise missiles to kill. Maybe 10 max. On the small ships they should die in 2-3 cruise missiles
  6. Yep these parts defiantly need a nerf. They are WAYYYYYYY too tough. Surviving multiple hits from cruise missiles
  7. Im having the same problem. the gimbal isnt working with yaw. but works amazingly with pitch
  8. Is there any download for kerbinside skyways for 1.05? I want kerbinside but it seems that it generates alot of lag
  9. One complaint i have is the parts are TOO tough! I hit my small corvette with 12 HARM missiles and they didn't do anything to the ship.
  10. Yeah competition mode seems a bit broken, it was working fine except for the not being able to cancel bug. Now it seems they fly apart a little bit, then start turning and just circle around and either slowly getting closer or slowly getting farther apart
  11. Thanks. Also BTW the videos uploaded are fine. Its just youtube being youtube.
  12. @BahamutoD Could you model an Aim-7 Sparrow please? I'm dying to have it and PEW doesn't have it. It would go great with my F-4 Phantom that I built. Also because it is a semi-active guidance meaning you have to maintain lock until it hits you could program in semi-active radar as a new type of guidance which opens up alot of possibilities for other semi-active guidance missiles to be made by the community.
  13. @CreativeCombat Since the competitions are starting I want to know if my raptor I submitted is in the challenge.
  14. Yeah. Building ships in stock KSP is horrible because it requires tons of parts to make a carrier llarge enough to lland a VTOL on. What is the point of water in KSP if you cant make large useage of it...... Squad used too support modders. Now they are pretty much on their own and squad doesnt give a damn and they just want more money.
  15. At this point i am assuming he is waiting for 1.1
  16. A short little fight between a USK K-4 Phantom and a Krussian KiG-29 Excuse the lag, i figured out how to delete kerbinside air races and that was what was eating up all my FPS
  17. @BahamutoD Could you model an Aim-7 Sparrow please? I'm dying to have it and PEW doesn't have it. It would go great with my F-4 Phantom that I built. Also because it is a semi-active guidance meaning you have to maintain lock until it hits you could program in semi-active radar as a new type of guidance which opens up alot of possibilities for other semi-active guidance missiles to be made by the community.
  18. I was told the B9 Pwings have too much drag and lift when you dont use FAR. It also says you MUST use FAR
  19. @Crzyrndm Could you make a separate install that is balanced for stock aerodynamics? Without FAR these have too much drag and too much lift, a version balanced for stock aerodynamics would be greatly appreciated because I suck at building aircraft with FAR.
  20. How many parts is that arleigh burke. And what mod did you use to make it
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