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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. I posted this on your plugin thread, but. I installed your plugin through CKAN, but sadly I can't find the wings in game. they are nowhere to be found. Do I have to install your plugin manually?
  2. Stop your bickering guys. Now. To the point. I installed this through CKAN and it says its up to date and at version 3.0. But the wings are not showing up in the parts tabs.
  3. yeeee. I THOUGHT I WAS FIRST! I was a second too late!
  4. Yeah, i cant even use his sweet FJ105-D2 in 1.1 due to this not being updated yet. I assume it will be updated either today or tomorrow because he updated mods like vesselmover and vesselswitcher already
  5. Ok I'm having another problem, i just put the folder that was in the gamedata folder into the gamedata folder in the KSP directory, the UI shows up when i press P and i can move the circle around with the crosshair type thing in front of my plane, yet my plane will not steer wherever i move my cursor. Ive tried using chase cam but that doesn't fix it EDIT: I HAD SAS ON! WHAT AN NOOB!
  6. I copied the entire "mouse aim flight- master" folder into gamedata. I go into the game and I press P to activate it, and it makes my cursor disappear but no other UI pops up and I can't steer. I don't use FAR, could that be the problem?
  7. Lol, I got done playing from the depths, and I see steam downloading something, so i take a look and its KSP! And im like "welp, know what that is! ITS 1.1!!!!!"
  9. @CreativeCombat So you are just gona leave this like that? Not gona declare a winner? Why dont you just say who won?
  10. i just realized what your name is pronounced like "A-S-S Train"
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