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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. @TrooperCooper awww. I just had my first satellite come down after almost 7 years in orbit. It was in orbit for 6 years, 364 days and 1 hour and 18 minutes just 1 day shy of its 7th year anniversary, when it was struck with the orbit bug and caused it to go on a sub-orbital trajectory and re-enter the atmosphere. I launched it in March 1956 and it came down in March 1963
  2. The mod is called engine ignitor. It comes default with RO. Also the most relights I see for the agena is 15. Engine ignitor is a fun mod to play with. It makes it harder by making you use lower thrust unlimited ignite engines for upper stages. I put 4 Aj-10s behind 2 meter payloads and it works pretty well. only 1 for really light payloads or 1 meter payloads
  3. LOL! Manned lander to the sun! And Venus! Crushed, suffocated, corroded, broiled all at the same time!
  4. My goal is to land a manned lander on mars before the turn of the millennia. Its going to require building a giant orbital craft unmanned, then giving it loads and loads of fuel and life support. And then just before the launch, transporting the crew up to the ship and setting sail for mars
  5. That is the largest rocket I have ever seen....... Also when you were landing on the moon, is that 4 Agena engines propelling the CSM? Do you have versions with lots of or unlimited relights? At the point I am in my career the Agena only gets 1 light,
  6. I know, but I don't see why so many people are having really bad problems. It maybe just could be your system causing it. I have 1 crash on a good day. On a bad day I have like 5 crashes, on a medium day Ill have like 2 or 3. Mostly medium days.
  7. I play realism overhaul with loads of mods. I rarely have a crash (well about as rare as it gets with 70+ mods). I haven't had a crash since yesterday
  8. barely used them. Forgot they were even there...
  9. Well IRL the Apollo missions docked to the Lander after completing their burn to the moon @TrooperCooper What mod do you use to show the actual year and day. Because for me its just the elapsed time since I've started my world. By judging that I started in 1945 I can say im sometime in 1957 because 12 years have passed. But I don't know exactly what year it would be unless I wen't through and counted all the days EDIT: NVM found the mod
  10. Episode 2 is up. Give it a moment to pop up to 1080p
  11. You guys should add some sort of inflatable greenhouse where you can grow food. 1 Greenhouse in the sun 24/7 would be enough to support 1 Kerbal's food and oxygen demands, but would take water and electric charge.
  12. Way back in .21 before science or money was a thing, I had my most successful world. I had a station in LKO with escape pods and everything, not a huge station, but a station nonetheless. I had a base on the mun complemented with a super small compact 2 man rover that weighed like .5 tons. Then I had a pretty big station around minmus and a minmus base. The station was designed to travel all the way to duna and orbit there, then send down a lander to land where my rover I sent previously landed. Minmus was simply a fueling up area for the station. I finnaly got the lander out to the minmus station after it launched from kerbin, and everything was ready to go, the miner was docked, the lander was docked, solar panels out, tanks full of fuel, and I plan my transfer to begin my epic voyage to duna and beyond. And as I was a newb I didn't know that docking ports flexed so much. So when I applied the accelerator the lander and miner both ripped themselves off and I got so sad. And there was no way to fix it because KAS was barely a thing, and you weren't able to place struts from EVA yet. So I would basically have to relaunch the ENTIRE station with quantum struts on it....... So I gave up. The last time I ever have been to another planet was when I sent that rover to duna. I haven't been to another planet since..... Now most of my time has been spent inside of the Kerbin SOI and now that im playing with realism overhaul I guess I will eventually leave the Earth's SOI and send a manned mission to Mars, close enough right?
  13. And then the thread falls silent *crickets*
  14. WELP! GOOD JOB SPACEX! Too bad the stream is over, I wanted to nerd out a little bit more, oh well, guess im back to playing KSP :3
  15. Yeah i saw that wasp lol that wasp just got killed by the sound probably
  16. WOOT THEY MADE IT! i know im a bit late posting this
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